It has been so lovely to welcome the children back to school this week. We had missed them so much. I must say, I am so impressed with how well the children have settled back in to our school routines after so long away. This just proves how resilient they are and what a fantastic job you have done with them at home. It now feels as if we have never been away! The children are all tired now and deserve a good rest this weekend.

We have done lots of work this week on our well being. I thought it was important to focus on this with the children having been away from school for so long and because the Covid situation has been ongoing for such a long time. We created self-esteem wheels where we wrote down our best qualities. The children are going to keep these in their trays for days when they are feeling a little sad so that they can be reminded of how fantastic they are. We also created a bag for our worries and places our worries inside. Finally, we have completed a well being journal each day which the children will be bringing home with them this afternoon.

What we have been up to this week

English - we completed our well being journals.

Maths - we have had a recap of column addition and subtraction followed by a test today.

Science - we recapped the different parts of a plant and completed a booklet to showcase our knowledge.

History - we started our Romans topic and looked at the start of the Roman Empire.

Music - we practiced playing the a and b notes on our recorders and then attempted to play along with a song called ‘Hey You’ on Charanga.

P.E. - we had a handball tournament and completed a daily mile.

R.E. - we created our Lenten promises.

Art - we have started an Art project which will take us up to the Easter break based on daffodils. This week the children learnt how to draw daffodils from different angles.

I am so impressed with everything the children have managed to achieve this week.


Here are our award winners for this week. It was so hard to choose as the children have worked so hard and settled back in to school so well.

Golden - Poppy

Writing - Amy

Maths - Amelia

I also want to say congratulations to Jacob who was our class winner for the bookmark competition.

Reading Folders

Quite a few children came back in to school this week stating that their reading folders had been lost. We have replaced these with a new reading folder and reading record. However, this does mean that a few school reading books have been misplaced. I have told the children that if this happens again there will unfortunately be a charge issued to parents for the misplaced books. We are willing to forego this on this occasion due to the extended period of time that the children have been away and the nature of the absence. It is important that the children learn to take responsibility for their things and I would appreciate your support with this.


Now we are back in school we will revert back to our weekly homework set through Class Dojo. There will be a reading, Maths and English task (I usually include a word search too for the children to have a go at). Homework is due in on a Tuesday.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac