Next Thursday, the children finish school for half term (normal finishing time). I have been reflecting today on their time in Year 3 so far and I am so proud of them all for how well they have settled in to life in the juniors. It is not an easy step, made more difficult this year by the fact that the children had been out of school for so long because of Covid. The children have adapted to being back in to school very well and it has been lovely to see them interacting with their friends again and doing some wonderful learning. We have managed to achieve a lot this half term, and the children have produced some fantastic work. Well done Year 3 - I am really looking forward to the rest of the year with you all.

Each week in Year 3, depending on the overall behaviour of the class, we spin the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ and the children receive a reward. This week their reward is juice and biscuits which they will have on Monday. The children get so excited when it is time to spin the wheel and it is lovely that I can reward them for their hard work. We are also very lucky because next Thursday the PTA have organised a quiz that the whole school will be taking part in. The children will receive some treats as they are taking part in the quiz; and the winner of each key stage will win a movie and goodies after half term. It should be lots of fun!

Here is what we have been up to this week…

-Maths: we have had a big focus on addition and subtraction of 1s and 10s from 3 digit numbers. This has involved ‘exchanging’ which the children have been fabulous at! I’m extremely impressed!

-English: we have finished our story boards on Stone Age Boy and acted out the story in groups. The children have also described a scene from the book.

-R.E: we have looked at the signs and symbols of Baptism and described why they are used and what they mean.

-Science: the children have helped to plan and evaluate an experiment on healthy eating and whether eating unhealthily affects our weight. The children then had to put the results of the experiment in to a bar chart.

-History: this week the children deduced information from different sources from the Stone Age. Deducing is a very tricky skill but I was very pleased with how quickly the children picked this up.

Here are our award winners this week:

Golden: Amelia - for being kind, helpful and hard working.

Writing: Poppy - for some lovely sentences and word choices in her writing.

Maths: Emelia - for some fantastic independent work this week.

Well done to all - I am very proud.

I just wanted to remind you that next Friday I will be e-mailing to you your child’s first half-term report. Unfortunately, due to Covid, this will be replacing the usual Parent’s Day we would hold at this time of year. I will be available all day on Friday by e-mail/phone/Dojo if you have any queries about your child’s report.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac