I would like to begin by wishing you all and your families a Happy New Year and many thanks for all your kind Christmas gifts and cards We have made a busy start to our first week back and it has been lovely to hear all the children’s news from the Christmas holiday.
The Feast Day of the Epiphany (6th January 2023)
On Friday we celebrated the feast day of the Epiphany by a whole school Mass held in Church…
The Epiphany, or Three Kings’ Day, is a Christian holiday that is observed on January 6. It is one of the three most important days, along with Christmas and Easter, in the Christian church. Epiphany celebrates three events: (1) the arrival of the Magi, or Three Wise Men, in Bethlehem to see the baby Jesus, (2) the baptism of Jesus, (3) Jesus’ first miracle.
Our learning this week…
In RE, we have begun our new topic ‘The Sacrament of Reconciliation’, we reflected on what it means to make right and wrong choices, and how choices can affect us and other people.
In English the children have been completing editing on their ‘Iron Man’ narratives, making improvements linked with their writing targets and producing their final draft.
In Maths the children have started a new topic on multiplication and division. This week we have been making comparisons between multiplication and division, producing statements including the less than, greater than and equals symbols.
In PE Year 3 have been developing their throwing and catching skills within our new topic on handball. This week we have focused particularly on the correct technique for bounce pass.
In Science, we have started our new topic ‘Rocks’ We begun this week by using small hand held microscopes to look carefully at a range of rocks. The children sketched their own copies of the rocks, labelling them to show features of each type.
WEDNESDAY WORD Please follow this link below to access the Gospel Readings for the forthcoming week, there are also some fun activities to complete, this is a fantastic family resource to share and celebrate with your child at home.
PE days are Tuesday and Thursday
The children will have a spelling and times tables test on Monday 9th January
Reading books and Reading Records to be brought in daily, Reading books changed when needed.
TTRS login to be used to access Times Tables activities
Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend
Mrs Parker