Our learning this week…
In English the children have been busy editing and finishing their own diary entries in role as a character from our class story, The Stone Age Boy. The children enjoyed the opportunity to read their finished pieces to each other. We have also started to explore the story of the Shakespeare play ‘Twelfth Night’, sharing ideas about the main characters and thinking of some interesting descriptions.
In Maths we have continued to learn about place value in numbers up to 1000, the children were able to use symbols to show numbers that are more than, less than or equals to. We have also been looking at counting in 50s and the children were able to apply their knowledge to some word problems.
In RE the children have been exploring the sacrament of Baptism, thinking about what happens during a baptism and why it is an important celebration for Christians.
In PE, the children have been creating their own dance sequences based on the Greek myth ‘King Midas’, they have been developing their skills in travelling using different pathways and including turns, jumps and gestures.
This week on Wednesday, the RSC are visiting school to perform the first encounters version of the Shakespeare play ‘Twelfth Night’. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to experience live theatre and to support them in their understanding of the play. Very exciting!
On Monday the photographer will be in school for school photos
PE days are Tuesday and Thursday, children need to come to school in full school uniform and earrings need to be removed at home before coming to school. Thank you for your support of this.
Award winners
Golden: Elsie
Maths: Charlotte
Writing: Natalia
And finally, wishing you all a peaceful and enjoyable weekend
Mrs Parker, Miss Collins and Mrs Hodgekiss
Class email address: year3@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk