In our daily worships this week we have spoken about counting our blessings and we have been saying thank you to God for the blessings he has given us such as our families, friends, teachers and His love. We have spoken about how lucky we all are to have received these gifts and have discussed how we can show how grateful we are. Our daily worships help to strengthen our relationship with God and they keep us mindful of our choices and behaviour. I am always so proud of the children for how they conduct themselves during this time in our day, they are always respectful and play an active part in prayer. They are true disciples of Jesus!
As I mentioned last week, we received the special edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in to school last Friday. We spent some time this week decorating and annotating our dedicated section of the book. The children created some beautiful illustrations, 3D images and poems to go inside. This book will now pass on to the next school out of the 25 chosen in the UK for them to annotate their section. I am excited to hear about where it will eventually be displayed.
Here is our learning for this week…
Maths: we have been working on related multiplication and division facts.
English: the children have innovated a story ready for an independent write next week, and they have also been learning about determiners (a and an).
History: we have started to learn about the Iceni queen Boudicca and her rebellion against the Romans. The children acted out a conversation between Boudicca and her daughters to enable them to understand how they might have felt after the death of King Prasutagus.
Science: the children have created a playscript that they will then create shadow puppets for.
Spanish: we have continued our learning on masculine and feminine objects.
Spelling and times tables tests
As you know, each week the children have a spelling and times tables test on a Friday. Each week I have a fair few children telling me that they haven’t practised due to other commitments and activities. Whilst I understand how busy you all are, it is so important that the children find time to look at their spellings and tables ready for the test each week. I have explained to the children that they are old enough to take responsibility for this themselves and that they don’t necessarily need you to oversee this revision but they may just need some prompting. Thank you for your support on this.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - Friday 20th May
Key Stage 2 will be holding a ‘Street Party’, on the KS2 Yard, on FRIDAY 20TH MAY 2022 to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. On this day the children will be asked to wear red, white and blue clothes for the day. We are asking parents for a contribution to PTFA funds of £1 for each child. The rest of the afternoon will be spent engaged in playground games, craft and fun activities all relating to the Platinum Jubilee. Please keep your fingers crossed for lovely weather and keep an eye out for the PTFA letter which will be sent home soon with further details! Many thanks.
KS2 Sports Day-Monday 27th June
KS2 Sports Day will be held on the AFTERNOON of MONDAY 27th JUNE. Further details to follow. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather - but again look our for further details. Just wanted to give you advanced notice!
Blackpool Beating Bullying Bronze award
Further to the appointment of 8 new anti-bullying ambassadors in school, we are now working hard to achieve the Bronze award for Blackpool Beating Bullying. In order to achieve the relevant threshold, school needs to carry out surveys on different groups of people in school. There will be 4 surveys/questionnaires aimed at the following groups:
children - Year 3’s will complete theirs in class.
parents - below is a link and we invite you to complete the survey.
All questionnaires are on line and only live for 2 weeks from the 3rd May.
Here is the survey link for parents, we would very much appreciate it if you could complete the survey to enable us to make steps forward to receiving the Bronze award for school. Thank you for your support.
PE days this half term are on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS.
Times tables to be learnt for the test next Friday are the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. I will be testing the children on a mixture of these tables.
Spellings to be learnt for next Friday are: SPECIAL, STRAIGHT, STRANGE, STRENGTH, SUPPOSE and SURPRISE.
Award winners:
Golden Award: Hallie
Maths Award: Henry
Writing Award: Dominic
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Miss Heim-Sarac