Our learning this week…
In English the children have been exploring the story of the Shakespeare play ‘Twelfth Night’, They particularly enjoyed acting out some to the main characters in role play. It was great to see how much they have understood the plot of the story and they were able to express their own opinions about the actions of the characters in the play. We have also started to develop our ideas about describing the storm at the beginning of the play, we will continue to build on this next week.
In Maths the children have been developing their understanding of adding and subtracting multiples of 10 to 3-digit numbers, they were able to apply this knowledge to a range of word problems.
In Science, the children have been exploring the different types of skeletons of a variety of animals, discussing and explaining their own ideas about some of the advantages and disadvantages of each skeleton types.
In PE, the children have been creating their own dance sequences based on the Greek myth ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’ , they have been developing their skills in using a variety of travelling, steps and levels. They have enjoyed performing their sequences to the class.
On Wednesday afternoon the children had an amazing opportunity to watch a performance of the ‘Twelfth Night’ in the school hall, by the professional RSC actors who are performing at the Grand Theatre this week. It was lovely to see some of the Year 6 children as actors in the play, the children in Year 3 sat so beautifully during the play and they all enjoyed the afternoon. We were particularly proud to see the bunting we had made in class as part of the set! Watching the play will definitely inspire the children in our writing topic this half term.
PE days are Tuesday and Thursday, children need to come to school in full school uniform and earrings need to be removed at home before coming to school. Thank you for your support of this.
Award winners
Golden: Matilda
Maths: Callum
Writing: Willow
And finally, wishing you all a peaceful and enjoyable weekend
Mrs Parker, Miss Collins and Mrs Hodgekiss
Class email address: year3@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk