This week during our daily worships we have been taking part in meditations to practise being in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. The children were invited to practise responding to the miracle of Jesus by adoring, loving, thanking, asking and respecting Him. At our class Mass last week, we discussed the importance of showing our respect to Him through genuflecting towards the tabernacle. We have practiced doing this in class in preparation for the next time we visit church.
We have had a lovely week in Year 3 - the addition of the beautiful sunshine has put a big smile on all of our faces. I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to you all for your contributions today of chocolates and books for our Storytelling Fair on the 8th July. You are all very kind and we appreciate your generosity!
Our learning this week…
In English the children have been learning how to write sentences in the present perfect tense.
In Maths we have learnt about pictograms and how to create and interpret them.
In RE the children have started to create a booklet about our parish church.
In History we have started a project on Roman chariots.
In Art the children created a piece of Art in the style of Andy Warhol.
In Science we have started to learn about pollination and fertilisation.
In P.E. we have continued our Sport’s Day practice.
Spellings and times tables
The spellings for next week’s test are: EARLY, EARTH, EIGHT, EIGHTH, ENOUGH, EXERCISE and EXPERIENCE.
Your child will be tested on a mixture of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables next Friday.
Award winners
Golden: Olivia S
Maths: Henry
Writing: Peter
Dates for your diary
KS2 Sports Day - Monday 27th June
KS2 Sports Day will be held on the afternoon of Monday 27th June 1.30pm - 3pm. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather.
Storytelling Fair - Friday 8th July
This will take place after school (3.30pm - 5.30pm) - more details to follow nearer the time.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Miss Heim-Sarac