We have had a fantastic week in Year 3. I can’t believe that we break up for half term next Friday. Where does time go? These final weeks of this academic year are really flying by and I want to make sure that we cherish and enjoy every moment we can. I am so proud of all the children for the progress they have made this year - both academically and emotionally - and they continue to surprise me each day with their maturity and resilience.
In our daily worships this week we have spoken about the importance of listening to God. We discussed how we could do this - mainly through prayer and listening to the word of God through the Bible. However, we also discussed (and practiced!) the importance of being still and silent. It is during these moments that we can really tune in to our faith and what God is communicating with us.
As always, the children have done some brilliant learning this week. Here is some more information as to what they have been up to…
Maths: the children have learnt the written method of multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.
English: we have finished innovating our story maps and completed an independent piece of writing based on this.
P.E: we have immersed ourselves in our new topic (dance) on the Iron Man. The children created two sequences this week around this and they were amazing! The children enjoyed performing these on the school field.
HRSE: the children learnt about the importance of respecting our bodies.
History: Boudicca was our focus this week - the children wrote some brilliant rallying speeches for Boudicca that she may have said to the Iceni tribe to persuade them to fight the Romans with her.
Science: we have started a new topic this week - Plants. The children learnt and labelled the different parts of a plant.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - Friday 20th May
On Friday 20th May Key Stage 2 will be holding a ‘Street Party’ on the KS2 Yard to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. On this day the children will be asked to wear red, white and blue clothes. We are asking parents for a contribution to PTFA funds of £1 for each child - please see the letter that came home yesterday from our PTFA. The rest of the afternoon will be spent engaged in playground games, craft and fun activities all relating to the Platinum Jubilee. Please keep your fingers crossed for lovely weather! Many thanks.
KS2 Sports Day - Monday 27th June
KS2 Sports Day will be held on the afternoon of Monday 27th June. Further details to follow. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather - but again look our for further details. Just wanted to give you advanced notice!
Spellings and times tables
The spellings for next week’s test are: THEREFORE, THOUGH, ALTHOUGH, THOUGHT, THROUGH and VARIOUS.
Your child will be tested on a mixture of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables next Friday.
Award winners
Golden - Harriet
Writing - Hallie
Maths - Ronnie
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Miss Heim-Sarac