Welcome back to everyone in Year 3! We began our week with a whole school mass in church, to celebrate the feast day of ‘All Saints’. This is a day to remember the work of all the saints and to reflect on the ways in which we can aspire to follow their example.
A massive well done to all the children who completed the Half Term Project!
We were really amazed by your efforts, they look great on display in the classroom and have supported the children in their writing of their sea storm descriptions.
Have a look at the completed projects…
Please follow this link below to access the Gospel Readings for the forthcoming weeks, there are also some fun activities to complete, this is a fantastic family resource to share and celebrate with your child at home.
Our learning this week…
In RE, we have been reflecting on our class trip to church at the end of last half term to take part in our own pretend baptism with the help of Father Chris. It was a great way for the children to really understand the different parts of the baptism ceremony and to look at some of the key symbols of baptism, including the font and the paschal candle.
In English the children have been starting a new topic linked to the exciting story ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. This week we have been exploring the illustrations from the book and making our own predictions and questions about the plot, characters and settings.
In Maths the children have been learning to make estimates and approximations before calculating addition and subtraction problems. We have been exploring the use of part whole models as a means to check calculations.
In Science, the children have enjoyed learning more about skeletons, we have been labelling the key parts of a skeleton and we have begun to think about the importance of skeletons for animals, including humans.
In PE Year 3 have started their new topics of rugby and dodgeball.
Award winners
Golden: Stephen
Maths: Oscar-James
Writing: Luna
Well done to our award winners this week.
Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend,
Mrs Parker, Miss Collins and Mrs Hodgekiss
Class email address: year3@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk