Our learning this week…

In RE, we have been thinking about the Baptismal promises and considering ways in which these are important for Christians. We have linked our understanding to some of the symbols used during the sacrament of Baptism and how these symbols are a clear sign for Christians that they are being called into God’s family,

In English the children have been continuing to explore the story of the Shakespeare play ‘Twelfth Night’, They have worked hard to develop their ideas about describing the storm at the beginning of the play, using a range of adjectives and expanded noun phrases to improve their writing.

In Maths the children have been developing their understanding of adding a 2-digit to a 3-digit numbers and have started to use the column method, exploring how we might cross the tens and hundreds boundary.

In Science, the children have been continuing to learn about the different types of skeletons of a variety of animals, this week we have been exploring vertebrates and invertebrates, looking at a range of x-ray images to sort animals skeletons into each category.

In History, Year 3 have been continuing to develop their knowledge of Stone Age Britain, using skills of historical enquiry, the children have been exploring the changes made to Stone Age houses up to the Iron Age. They have considered the types of materials early humans would have been able to use and have talked about some of the things we can learn about their way of life, making contrasts to our lives today.

Upcoming PTA Events…

  • On Thursday 20th October there will be an own clothes day to raise funds for the work of our PTA, this will be a £1 per child donation, we thank you for your support of this

  • On 4th November 6-7pm: The PTA are organising a KS2 Bonfire Night Disco. This will be £3 a ticket. More information will follow soon on how to purchase and collect tickets.

Award winners

Golden: Beaux

Maths: Olivia

Writing: Nevaeh

Well done to our award winners this week.

Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend,

Mrs Parker, Miss Collins and Mrs Hodgekiss

Class email address: year3@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk

Authorfiona ormerod