Advent Liturgies
Throughout Advent we would like to invite all children and families to join us in the school hall for a short Advent liturgy led by Father Frank.
This will be held every Tuesday morning at 8:20am and will begin from Tuesday 29th November, continuing until Tuesday 20th December 2022.
We do hope you can join us for this opportunity to gather as a faith community to reflect on the true value and meaning of Advent.
Our learning this week…
In RE, we have been learning about the symbolism of the Advent Wreath. We thought about some ways in which each candle supports Christians during the journey of Advent. and we discussed how we can try to show these messages in our own lives.
In English the children have been continuing their work linked to the story ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. This week we have been starting to gather and plan our own ideas for a piece of narrative relating to the approach of the Iron Man.
In Maths the children have been using maths resources to show their understanding of dividing by 3, 4, 5 and finding remainders. We were able to discuss our mathematical thinking and explain some patterns that we noticed.
In PE Year 3 have been using their throwing and catching skills to complete small-sided dodgeball and tag rugby games.
In Science, we have completed an investigation to answer a scientific question based on our previous work of the human skeleton. ‘Can people with longer femurs jump further?’ We used tape measures and metre sticks to make some accurate measurements. The children were able to complete charts to record their results. Some of our results surprised us!
Please follow this link below to access the Gospel Readings for the forthcoming week, there are also some fun activities to complete, this is a fantastic family resource to share and celebrate with your child at home.
On Monday 19th December at 2pm, KS2 will be taking part in an Advent Service in Church. All families are invited to join us as we sing some traditional carols and listen to the Nativity story.
PE days are Tuesday and Thursday
Spelling and Times Table Homework is given out on Monday
Spelling Test and Times Table Test - every Monday
Reading books and Reading Records to be brought in daily, Reading books changed when needed.
TTRS login to be used to access Times Tables activities
Award winners
Golden: Willow
Maths: Emily
Writing: Zachary
Well done to our award winners this week.
Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend,
Mrs Parker, Miss Collins and Mrs Hodgekiss