This week I met with Miss Whitehead to discuss the children’s transition in to Year 4. This coming Monday, Miss Whitehead will be spending the afternoon in Year 3 so that she can get to know the children a little bit more before September. During our discussions it really hit home for me just how much the children have progressed this year and just how much I am going to miss them! With just under two weeks to go until the end of the academic year, I am going to put all my energy in to cherishing each moment we have left together. Time has flown this year and that is because we have had such a wonderful time - your children really are amazing and I have had the best year with them.

Our learning this week…

In English the children have been learning about word families.

In Maths we have learnt started to learn about unit and non unit fractions.

In RE the children wrote a letter to God to say thank you for all of the blessings they have.

In History we looked at the Roman legacy.

We also all took part in a class spelling bee - well done to all of the children for taking part. Well done to Isaac, Lily and Oscar who took the top three spots - Isaac 1st, Oscar 2nd and Lily 3rd.

Spellings, times tables and homework

There will be no more spellings or times tables tests this term. There will also be no more homework!

Award winners

Golden: Dominic

No other awards were handed out this week.

Work coming home for the Summer…

In preparation for the end of term, please send in a strong bag (e.g. a bag for life) so that all work can be sent home on the last day of term before the summer holiday. Please label the bag with your child’s name. Thank you!

Summer Story Fair

A huge thank you to you all for your support at our summer fair on Friday. We raised just over £650 which is an amazing amount! We were blown away with the support we received. The PTA look forward to planning more events for the next academic year.

Dates for your diary

20th July

This is our last day in school - school closes at 2pm on this day.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac