Half-term is now upon us and what a wonderful start to the year the children have made! Thank you all for your support this term, it is much appreciated. It was lovely to meet you all yesterday and discuss your child’s progress so far. I have no doubt that the children are going to have a wonderful year and I am looking forward to the rest of our time together. Our classroom is a lovely, happy environment and it is a privilege to spend each day with your children.

Our learning this week…

-English: we wrote a second set of instructions and the children completed their star reading tests.

-Maths: we have been ordering numbers this week.

-Science: we recapped the eatwell plate and compared two meals to decide which was the most nutritious.

-History: we learnt all about Skara Brae and did some research on this ancient Stone Age dwelling.

Award winners:

-Maths: Olivia S. I am so impressed with how hard Olivia has worked this week in Maths, ordering numbers and finding 100 more or less.

-Writing: Lily. Lily has produced some beautiful writing this term, and her writing is always correctly punctuated.

-Golden: Mia. For being a little bundle of positivity in our classroom. Mia always has a smile on her face!

I hope you all have a wonderful half-term and I will see you soon!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Yet another great week in Year 3 has come to an end! The children have been working very hard to listen and be good role models this week. That means they had the opportunity to spin the wheel of fortune this morning and have earned themselves a treat for Monday. Well done Year 3! I can’t believe we have now been back to school for 4 weeks - time really does fly when you’re having fun. The children are working so hard and have settled in to life in the juniors much better than I could have ever expected. I am a very proud teacher!

Our learning this week…

-English: we have started a new topic based on the book ‘how to wash a woolly mammoth’. The children will be learning how to write a set of instructions.

-Maths: we have focused on number lines up to 1000.

-Science: the children have been enjoying learning about animals including humans with Mrs Ormerod on a Friday afternoon. They have now officially become personal trainers and have been looking at the diets of their clients.

-R.E.: we sequenced the story of the Paralysed Man and acted this parable out in groups.

-Computing: we learnt about the internet and a website’s journey.

-Art: the children created some leaf rubbings using oil pastels.

-Spanish: we learnt how to ask somebody how they are feeling and what we could say in response.

-History :we became hunter gatherers and explored the school grounds to see what we could find that would either have been an asset or a threat if we would have been alive during the Stone Age.

Award winners:

-Maths: Hallie for excellent work on number lines.

-Writing: Corben for an excellent informal letter and for his focus whilst completing it.

-Golden: Olivia W for being a shining light in Year 3 who always does the right thing.

Well done everybody! It is extremely hard to pick the award winners each week as the children are all working so hard!


  • PE - will be on Mondays and Thursdays so please send the children into class in their PE kits on those days. No earrings can be worn for PE so please ensure that they are taken out at home.

  • Class photographs are on Monday 27th September. Even though this is usually a PE day for us, the children can attend school in their school uniform if you wish.

  • Water Bottle - we have provided the children with a school water bottle. The children need to bring their water bottle in daily, already filled with water. They will take their water bottle home at the end of each day to be cleaned.

  • Homework - your child has now come home with a homework folder which contains their homework for this week (due in on Tuesday). The folders must come back in to school on Tuesdays where I will then collect them in and mark the children’s work. Homework will be sent home on a Friday.

  • Home Learning-if your child is having to isolate for any reason and needs to access home learning, this will be accessible from the Year 3 Home Learning page. On the day we are informed of any child needing to isolate, it may mean that it will not be until the end of the day that a full timetable of home learning will be available on the Home Learning tab.

  • If you need to contact me, please send me an e-mail to: year3@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk or contact me via Class Dojo.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

This week we have been talking about using our growth mindset to face any challenges that come our way. Having a growth mindset is about understanding that it is through our mistakes that we learn and that we need to face any challenges head on and not give up! This takes practice and we will work on this as the year progresses…however I can already see that lots of the children are trying to adopt this mindset which is wonderful to see. Even as an adult it can be hard to stay positive and be resilient, but hopefully by teaching the children these qualities at a young age they will be able to take these in to their adult lives.

It has been another lovely week in Year 3 and I am loving every moment that we are spending together! Here’s what we have been up to…

English - the children have written an informal letter to me based on the book ‘Dear Teacher’.

Maths - we have learnt about place value in a 3 digit number.

History - the children created a pre historic timeline.

Computing - we learnt about a file’s journey in a network.

Art - the children drew peppers using charcoal. They look fantastic!

R.E. - we thought about an occasion when we have visited church as well as learning about the parable of The Paralysed Man.

Music - the children had their first lesson with Miss Benson where they had the opportunity to sing and appraise a song.

Award winners

Maths - Lily - for wonderful work on place value.

Writing - Connie - for a wonderful informal letter that made me laugh!

Golden - Zahra - for her perseverance and for starting to have faith in her abilities.

Well done all!


  • PE - will be on Mondays and Thursdays so please send the children into class in their PE kits on those days. No earrings can be worn for PE so please ensure that they are taken out at home.

  • Water Bottle - we have provided the children with a school water bottle. The children need to bring their water bottle in daily, already filled with water. They will take their water bottle home at the end of each day to be cleaned.

  • Homework - your child has now come home with a homework folder which contains their homework for this week (due in on Tuesday). The folders must come back in to school on Tuesdays where I will then collect them in and mark the children’s work. Homework will be sent home on a Friday.

  • Home Learning-if your child is having to isolate for any reason and needs to access home learning, this will be accessible from the Year 3 Home Learning page. On the day we are informed of any child needing to isolate, it may mean that it will not be until the end of the day that a full timetable of home learning will be available on the Home Learning tab.

  • If you need to contact me, please send me an e-mail to: year3@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk or contact me via Class Dojo.

  • Finally, as part of our Christian family topic in R.E., we will be learning about the sacrament of Baptism. Please could you send your child in with a picture of themselves at their own Baptism? If you can pop their name on the back and I will ensure they are returned to you. Thank you!

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend.

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Our first week together as a class has been so special. I am so proud of all of the children for their perseverance and resilience. The move from Year 2 to Year 3 is a huge change in the children’s school lives, they are now Juniors where the work expectations can sometimes worry them and throw them off balance for a little while. I want to stress to you that this is completely normal - and that is what we are here for - to guide them through this time as they adjust to their new place in school. Each year, the children always mention the stairs as something that has worried them or made them think that the Juniors is a somewhat scary place. It really isn’t…we are still a school and class family and the behaviour expectations are just the same as KS1. I can already see that the children have adjusted so well to their new class, and have taken everything in their stride. This is what I love about children the most, the way they adapt so quickly to new situations. So, please don’t worry…if your child does have any concerns or worries they can always come and chat to me or you can message or contact me to discuss and we can figure out a way forward!

A highlight from our first week together has to be our trip over to church on Wednesday. This was the first time we had been to Mass as a school in such a long time. We were there to celebrate ‘The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary’ which on its own is a special occasion for us as Our Lady is our patron saint. Yet this Mass was special for another reason - this was the final Mass that Father Jim will conduct for us as a school before he takes up his new post in Ulverston. As a school we are devastated to see Father Jim go, however at the Mass we were able to present him with some gifts and special words that we hope will be a reminder of how much he means to us.

Here is what we have been up to this week…

English - we are looking at informal letter writing through a wonderful book called ‘Dear Teacher’.

Maths - we have learnt about counting in 100s up to 1000 - forwards and backwards!

Science - we started our new unit of work on Animals including Humans. The children will become personal trainers this term!

P.E. - we have learnt some netball skills as well as starting to learn how to play handball.

Spanish - we learnt how to say hello, goodbye, good morning, good afternoon and good evening in Spanish.

R.E. - we thought about our families at home as well as our Christian family. The children described a special event they can remember with their families.

IT - we learnt about our school network and what a network means. We went on a network safari around school.

Art - this term we will be looking at fruit and vegetables. This week we looked at different artist representations of fruit and vegetables and evaluated them. Next week, we will be drawing peppers using charcoal.

As you can see, we’ve had a busy week and hit the ground running!

Award winners

Maths - Oscar - for wonderful counting to 1000.

Writing - Tommy - for editing his first piece of writing in Year 3 so well.

Golden - Ronnie - for his beautiful listening skills and willingness to learn.

Well done all!


  • PE - will be on Mondays and Thursdays so please send the children into class in their PE kits on those days. No earrings can be worn for PE so please ensure that they are taken out at home.

  • Water Bottle - we have provided the children with a school water bottle. The children need to bring their water bottle in daily, already filled with water. They will take their water bottle home at the end of each day to be cleaned.

  • Homework - will be set through Class Dojo on a Friday and will be due in the following Tuesday.

  • Home Learning-if your child is having to isolate for any reason and needs to access home learning, this will be accessible from the Year 3 Home Learning page. On the day we are informed of any child needing to isolate, it may mean that it will not be until the end of the day that a full timetable of home learning will be available on the Home Learning tab.

  • If you need to contact me, please send me an e-mail to: year3@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk or contact me via Class Dojo.

  • Finally, as part of our Christian family topic in R.E., we will be learning about the sacrament of Baptism. Please could you send your child in with a picture of themselves at their own Baptism? If you can pop their name on the back and I will ensure they are returned to you. Thank you!

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend.

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

It was so lovely to welcome the children back to school on Tuesday after our isolation period. This is such a lovely time of the year where we get to celebrate the children’s successes and have some fantastic treats together so I was happy to be back in school and I think the children were too! I have been reflecting on the children’s learning journeys this week and I am just so unbelievably proud of how far they have all come. I am going to miss them so much but I am determined to make the most of our final week together. I have planned some lovely treats for the children next week, very kindly funded by our wonderful PTA. I’m keeping the plans secret at the moment and I can’t wait to see the children enjoying themselves after what has been a tricky and challenging year.

We have been lucky this week to welcome Miss Whitehead back in to our class to deliver some lessons to the children and for her to start to get to know the children a little bit more. The children have welcomed her with open arms and I know that Miss Whitehead is excited for the year ahead.

What we have been up to this week

-English - we have learnt about inverted commas and prepositions.

-Maths - we have been doing some further work on dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.

-History - the children learnt about the Roman gods and goddesses.

-P.E. - we had a game of football that ended in a penalty shoot out! We also had a great afternoon at our Sport’s Day.

-R.E - we looked at the order of the Mass.


  • Please remember to bring sun hats and wear sun cream on sunny days as we do spend time outdoors during the school day. Please also ensure your child has a coat in school just in case it rains - not unheard of in Blackpool - so that we may still go outside for play times.

  • Please ensure the children bring their water bottles filled with fresh water daily (no juice please!)

  • Please can each child bring in a ‘bag for life’ (as they will hold more weight) with their name on it, in preparation for sending work home by the end of this term. This bag needs to be in school no later than Tuesday please.

  • On Friday 16th July it is the Teddy Bear’s picnic lunch. Please return the form ASAP if you have not yet done so.

  • Your child’s end of year report has been sent home today. Please feel free to message me on Class Dojo or send me an email if you would like to discuss your child’s report: year3@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk


  • Golden Award - Jacob

  • Writing Award - Isabella

There is no Maths award this week.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the football on Sunday…It’s coming home!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Today we finally managed to have our Sport’s Day! It was a wonderful afternoon topped off with a yummy ice lolly as a reward! Here are some pictures for you all as I know you would have loved to have been here…

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

It has been lovely to have the children back in school this week after the holidays. I hope you all enjoyed the break! I can’t believe we are now in our final half term together - time flies! I have really enjoyed teaching your children this year and I am really proud of the progress they have all made.

Today has been very special as I could announce to the children that they have now met their 10,000 dojo target! What an unbelievable achievement. The children will receive a fantastic prize on the final day of term for all their hard work.

What we have been up to this week

English - we have done some writing on the life of Boudicca, the Iceni Queen.

Maths - we have looked at fact families and multiplication.

History - we learnt all about Boudicca and her life.

Science - we designed our own sunglasses or hat to keep ourselves safe from the sun. We also learnt about UV light.

P.E. - we have been practicing for Sports Day.

Music - we played along to Bob Marley’s ‘Three Little Birds’ on our recorders and learnt another note.

Spanish - we have started to learn Spanish this week! We learnt how to say hello, how to ask people how they feel as well as how to say our names.

Computing - we learnt all about e-mails and how to send one.


Here is our award winner for this week:

Golden - this week’s Golden Award goes to William who started in our class on Monday. He has settled in so well!

The Maths and Writing award will return next Friday.


Please continue to be vigilant and check your child’s hair regularly for any signs of lice.

Litter picking trip

Well done to our eco warriors who took part in a litter picking excursion yesterday. They did a fantastic job and managed to collect lots of litter! Well done! There are some photos of their trip at the end of this blog. Thank you to Mrs Hodgkiss for organising this.


  • Please remember to bring sun hats and wear sun cream on sunny days as we do spend time outdoors during the school day. Please also ensure your child has a coat in school just in case it rains - not unheard of in Blackpool - so that we may still go outside for play times.

  • Please ensure the children bring their water bottles filled with fresh water daily (no juice please!)

  • Own clothes day is on Friday 18th June and we ask for the children to bring £1 for this. The theme is ‘Dress the colour of the rainbow’. We are raising money for some gardening equipment for school.

  • Within the next couple of weeks, please can each child bring in a ‘bag for life’ (as they will hold more weight) with their name on it, in preparation for sending work home by the end of this term.

  • We will be holding the Year 3 Sports Day on the 29th June. Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, we are not allowing any spectators for this event. I will, however, take lots of photographs for you to view on my blog that week.

  • There will be no homework this week.

  • Yesterday, the school appointed Miss Whitehead as the new Year 4 teacher for next year. Miss Whitehead will be spending some time with the children over the coming weeks to get to know them as much as she can before September.

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

On Thursday 13th May, we celebrate the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension. The ascension of Jesus was when he ascended back to heaven to be with His Father, leaving his disciples with an extremely important mission. Unlike when he died, this is a happy goodbye, because the disciples knew that Jesus would be watching over them from heaven, and that he would send the Holy Spirit to help them. It can’t have been easy for them to say goodbye to Jesus for the second time. However, Jesus needed to ascend to heaven so that the Holy Spirit could come to them. He needed to leave so that He could be closer to us through the Spirit.

What we have been up to this week

English - we started to learn all about the Colosseum in Rome ready for us to do some blackout poetry on Monday. More details on this to come on my blog next week!

Maths - we compared multiplication and division statements with our crocodile mouth symbols.

History - we completed our spy booklets on Britain before the Romans invaded.

R.E. - we spoke about how we spend our Sundays and then we learnt about why it is a special day for Christians.

Art - we started to design a stamp for a competition that we are going to be entering based around the heroes during the Covid pandemic such as Sir Tom and our wonderful NHS.


Here is our award winner for this week:

Golden - Charlotte

There was no Writing or Maths award given out this week - they will return next Friday!

Cape of Pride

Well done to Max who had the opportunity to wear the cape of pride this week. There are lots of exciting privileges to be had for those children chosen to wear the cape so I will be keeping my eye out next week for some more children to wear it!


Please continue to be vigilant and check your child’s hair regularly for any signs of lice.

Important notice

Please read this important letter from Miss Haggerty…


I hope you have had a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

We have had a busy but lovely week in Year 3! It has been so nice to have the sun shining down upon us…we have managed to get outside lots and enjoy the weather. The children have worked really hard this week and it is nice to see the children maturing as we come closer towards the end of their Year 3 journey. I can’t believe we’re nearly in May! We continue to have lots of discussions together each week around kindness, respectfulness and maturity. In particular, we are focusing on kindness lots at the minute. I am trying to instill in the children how important it is to treat others how we want to be treated. If we can do this, we will not only be happier in ourselves but we will also make the people around us happier too.

What we have been up to this week

English - we have done some super writing this week! The children wrote two letters of application for the job of Chief Roman Investigator. They had some help from me with the first letter; however they completed the second letter independently. I was very impressed as the children remembered where to use conjunctions in their writing.

Maths - we have used our knowledge of multiplication and division facts to solve some problem solving questions.

Science - we carried out an investigation as to how water is transported through a plant. We also completed a Science test to mark the end of our Plants topic.

History - we took our Roman shields outside and created some Roman Army formations (see pictures below!).

R.E. - we started a new topic - The Eucharist. We began by learning about the events of The Last Supper.

Art - we learnt about the artist Romero Britto with Mrs Gibbons and created some artwork based on his style.

Music - we started our Music lessons with Miss Benson again. The children recapped their A and B notes ready to learn G next week!


Here are our award winners for this week:

Golden - Joseph

Writing - Avie

Maths - the whole class!

Well done everyone!

Cape of Pride

Well done to Rion who had the opportunity to wear the cape of pride this week. There are lots of exciting privileges to be had for those children chosen to wear the cape so I will be keeping my eye out next week for some more children to wear it!


Please continue to be vigilant and check your child’s hair regularly for any signs of lice.

Curiosity boxes

Most of the class have today brought home a Curiosity Box which were kindly donated to school. The boxes will either have a theme of ‘Amazing Earth’ or ‘Deadly Creatures’. They are filled with fantastic resources and investigations for your child to complete. I would love to see pictures of anything you do at home so please send these to me on Class Dojo! There were sadly a few children who missed out as we didn’t have a full class set (to make it fair I drew names out of a pot) but what was so lovely was other children in the class then donated their boxes to every one of the children who didn’t receive a box. I was blown away by this act of generosity! I have promised those children that when we next receive anything similar in to school they will be the first ones on the list to receive the treat.

Have a lovely and sunny weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac