Yesterday we celebrated the Ascension of Our Lord. Although we were not able to go over to church, to celebrate this Mass, Fr Jim brought the Mass to us! He live streamed the mass over to school so all classes were able to watch and take part, from our classrooms. It was such a lovely moment, as although we were all still in our classrooms, in our bubbles, it really brought us all together again, through worship. The children were so well behaved and listened to everything that Fr Jim was saying throughout. I was so proud of them.
I felt that it was important to mention in my blog this week that our school community are keeping their thoughts and prayers with Jordan Banks’ family and friends following the devastating event on Tuesday. It is clear to see what an amazing young man he was, we all send our deepest condolences. On Wednesday, Year 3 made a card for Jordan which I went to lay along with some flowers on Wednesday evening at Common Edge playing fields. We will be continuing to pray for Jordan, his family and friends.
What we have been up to this week
English - we created two pieces of blackout poetry! Ask the children to explain to you what this is. The first piece was about the Colosseum in Rome and the second piece was about Roman medicines and healing.
Maths - we have looked at related multiplication and division facts.
History - we have started to learn about the Roman attempts to invade Britain.
Science - we have started to learn about sun safety.
R.E. - we focused on the Ascension this week and sequenced this special event.
Art - we have begun to design our Mosaic art work; starting with the border.
P.E. - we have been learning about ball skills these past few weeks. This week, we focused on controlling the ball with our feet.
Here are our award winners for this week:
Golden - Frankie
Maths - Isabella
Writing - Max
Cape of Pride
Well done to Lexi Rose who had the opportunity to wear the cape of pride this week. There are lots of exciting privileges to be had for those children chosen to wear the cape so I will be keeping my eye out next week for some more children to wear it!
Please continue to be vigilant and check your child’s hair regularly for any signs of lice.
Smart watches
A few children have been coming in to school with the VTech smart watches. Unfortunately these are not allowed to be worn in school for a few reasons - their size, the capability to play games on there and their capability to take and store photos. A regular wristwatch or a small step tracker (like a fitbit) can be worn.
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Heim-Sarac