Half-term is now upon us and what a wonderful start to the year the children have made! Thank you all for your support this term, it is much appreciated. It was lovely to meet you all yesterday and discuss your child’s progress so far. I have no doubt that the children are going to have a wonderful year and I am looking forward to the rest of our time together. Our classroom is a lovely, happy environment and it is a privilege to spend each day with your children.
Our learning this week…
-English: we wrote a second set of instructions and the children completed their star reading tests.
-Maths: we have been ordering numbers this week.
-Science: we recapped the eatwell plate and compared two meals to decide which was the most nutritious.
-History: we learnt all about Skara Brae and did some research on this ancient Stone Age dwelling.
Award winners:
-Maths: Olivia S. I am so impressed with how hard Olivia has worked this week in Maths, ordering numbers and finding 100 more or less.
-Writing: Lily. Lily has produced some beautiful writing this term, and her writing is always correctly punctuated.
-Golden: Mia. For being a little bundle of positivity in our classroom. Mia always has a smile on her face!
I hope you all have a wonderful half-term and I will see you soon!
Miss Heim-Sarac