Yet another great week in Year 3 has come to an end! The children have been working very hard to listen and be good role models this week. That means they had the opportunity to spin the wheel of fortune this morning and have earned themselves a treat for Monday. Well done Year 3! I can’t believe we have now been back to school for 4 weeks - time really does fly when you’re having fun. The children are working so hard and have settled in to life in the juniors much better than I could have ever expected. I am a very proud teacher!
Our learning this week…
-English: we have started a new topic based on the book ‘how to wash a woolly mammoth’. The children will be learning how to write a set of instructions.
-Maths: we have focused on number lines up to 1000.
-Science: the children have been enjoying learning about animals including humans with Mrs Ormerod on a Friday afternoon. They have now officially become personal trainers and have been looking at the diets of their clients.
-R.E.: we sequenced the story of the Paralysed Man and acted this parable out in groups.
-Computing: we learnt about the internet and a website’s journey.
-Art: the children created some leaf rubbings using oil pastels.
-Spanish: we learnt how to ask somebody how they are feeling and what we could say in response.
-History :we became hunter gatherers and explored the school grounds to see what we could find that would either have been an asset or a threat if we would have been alive during the Stone Age.
Award winners:
-Maths: Hallie for excellent work on number lines.
-Writing: Corben for an excellent informal letter and for his focus whilst completing it.
-Golden: Olivia W for being a shining light in Year 3 who always does the right thing.
Well done everybody! It is extremely hard to pick the award winners each week as the children are all working so hard!
PE - will be on Mondays and Thursdays so please send the children into class in their PE kits on those days. No earrings can be worn for PE so please ensure that they are taken out at home.
Class photographs are on Monday 27th September. Even though this is usually a PE day for us, the children can attend school in their school uniform if you wish.
Water Bottle - we have provided the children with a school water bottle. The children need to bring their water bottle in daily, already filled with water. They will take their water bottle home at the end of each day to be cleaned.
Homework - your child has now come home with a homework folder which contains their homework for this week (due in on Tuesday). The folders must come back in to school on Tuesdays where I will then collect them in and mark the children’s work. Homework will be sent home on a Friday.
Home Learning-if your child is having to isolate for any reason and needs to access home learning, this will be accessible from the Year 3 Home Learning page. On the day we are informed of any child needing to isolate, it may mean that it will not be until the end of the day that a full timetable of home learning will be available on the Home Learning tab.
If you need to contact me, please send me an e-mail to: or contact me via Class Dojo.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Heim-Sarac