On Thursday 13th May, we celebrate the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension. The ascension of Jesus was when he ascended back to heaven to be with His Father, leaving his disciples with an extremely important mission. Unlike when he died, this is a happy goodbye, because the disciples knew that Jesus would be watching over them from heaven, and that he would send the Holy Spirit to help them. It can’t have been easy for them to say goodbye to Jesus for the second time. However, Jesus needed to ascend to heaven so that the Holy Spirit could come to them. He needed to leave so that He could be closer to us through the Spirit.
What we have been up to this week
English - we started to learn all about the Colosseum in Rome ready for us to do some blackout poetry on Monday. More details on this to come on my blog next week!
Maths - we compared multiplication and division statements with our crocodile mouth symbols.
History - we completed our spy booklets on Britain before the Romans invaded.
R.E. - we spoke about how we spend our Sundays and then we learnt about why it is a special day for Christians.
Art - we started to design a stamp for a competition that we are going to be entering based around the heroes during the Covid pandemic such as Sir Tom and our wonderful NHS.
Here is our award winner for this week:
Golden - Charlotte
There was no Writing or Maths award given out this week - they will return next Friday!
Cape of Pride
Well done to Max who had the opportunity to wear the cape of pride this week. There are lots of exciting privileges to be had for those children chosen to wear the cape so I will be keeping my eye out next week for some more children to wear it!
Please continue to be vigilant and check your child’s hair regularly for any signs of lice.
Important notice
Please read this important letter from Miss Haggerty…
I hope you have had a lovely weekend,
Miss Heim-Sarac