The eyes of the world are on us this year as Britain hosts world leaders for the United Nations' climate change talks in November – COP26. They will make important decisions that will shape the future of our global family. Our Lady’s is joining the campaign to call on the Prime Minister to support the world's poorest communities affected by the climate crisis. In class we have been designing our own ‘Eyes of the World’ art, and we have been thinking about how else we can ‘go green’. As a class, we have decided that from next half term we are going to do an event each term to raise money for CAFOD.
Our learning this week…
The past couple of weeks have flown by! I do apologise for the lack of a weekly blog last week, I was moving house and the weekend was very hectic! I will therefore let you know in this blog what we have been up to over the past two weeks…
-English: we have continued with our work on How to wash a woolly mammoth, by learning about prepositions and imperative verbs. The children have created posters on the features of instruction texts and acted out the text. We are now ready to start our instruction writing next week!
-Maths: we have been comparing two 3 digit numbers and finding 1 more or less than a number.
-R.E: last week we visited church so that I could take the children through a mock Baptism. This week we looked at the signs and symbols of Baptism and explained what they meant.
-Computing: the children have learnt about routers and how we can connect two schools who live far away from one another.
-Art: we have focused on the artist Julian Opie and we have been practicing drawing in his artistic style using black felt tip pens.
-Spanish: we have learnt how to say goodbye and how to count to 10.
-History: we have been learning about cave art and why the Stone Age people did this. We then created our own cave art on clay tiles.
-P.E: we have been continuing learning how to play Handball, as well as developing our teamwork and communication skills. This week we also did some yoga.
Award winners:
The children below are our award winners from this week and last week:
Maths: Grace & Isaac. Both of these children have worked extremely hard on comparing numbers and finding 1 more or less than a number.
Writing: Lola Mae & Olivia W. Both girls have done some beautiful pieces of writing recently - their presentation is always great!
Golden: Elsie & Yan. Elsie received the golden award last week as she is a ray of sunshine in our class, and her smile brightens my day! Yan received the award this week for settling so well in to our school.
Parent/Teacher meetings will be held virtually on FRIDAY 22ND OCTOBER 8.30am -4.10pm. Miss Haggerty will be sending out a text regarding this and how you can book your appointment through Teachers2Parents (Please note you must book these, they cannot be booked through the office.) If we have your email you will also receive an email about this too. The appointments last for 10 minutes - and I would like to see the parent/s of every child to discuss how they have settled and the progress they have made since September so please make sure you book a slot! Be warned though - as they are virtual the meeting will cut out after 10 minutes - so if you have any questions please ask these first! On the plus side, this does mean the day will run to time! I look forward to meeting you all properly and having a chance to talk to you about your child.
Here are some photos of our recent learning…
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Heim-Sarac