It has been lovely to have the children back in school this week after the holidays. I hope you all enjoyed the break! I can’t believe we are now in our final half term together - time flies! I have really enjoyed teaching your children this year and I am really proud of the progress they have all made.
Today has been very special as I could announce to the children that they have now met their 10,000 dojo target! What an unbelievable achievement. The children will receive a fantastic prize on the final day of term for all their hard work.
What we have been up to this week
English - we have done some writing on the life of Boudicca, the Iceni Queen.
Maths - we have looked at fact families and multiplication.
History - we learnt all about Boudicca and her life.
Science - we designed our own sunglasses or hat to keep ourselves safe from the sun. We also learnt about UV light.
P.E. - we have been practicing for Sports Day.
Music - we played along to Bob Marley’s ‘Three Little Birds’ on our recorders and learnt another note.
Spanish - we have started to learn Spanish this week! We learnt how to say hello, how to ask people how they feel as well as how to say our names.
Computing - we learnt all about e-mails and how to send one.
Here is our award winner for this week:
Golden - this week’s Golden Award goes to William who started in our class on Monday. He has settled in so well!
The Maths and Writing award will return next Friday.
Please continue to be vigilant and check your child’s hair regularly for any signs of lice.
Litter picking trip
Well done to our eco warriors who took part in a litter picking excursion yesterday. They did a fantastic job and managed to collect lots of litter! Well done! There are some photos of their trip at the end of this blog. Thank you to Mrs Hodgkiss for organising this.
Please remember to bring sun hats and wear sun cream on sunny days as we do spend time outdoors during the school day. Please also ensure your child has a coat in school just in case it rains - not unheard of in Blackpool - so that we may still go outside for play times.
Please ensure the children bring their water bottles filled with fresh water daily (no juice please!)
Own clothes day is on Friday 18th June and we ask for the children to bring £1 for this. The theme is ‘Dress the colour of the rainbow’. We are raising money for some gardening equipment for school.
Within the next couple of weeks, please can each child bring in a ‘bag for life’ (as they will hold more weight) with their name on it, in preparation for sending work home by the end of this term.
We will be holding the Year 3 Sports Day on the 29th June. Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, we are not allowing any spectators for this event. I will, however, take lots of photographs for you to view on my blog that week.
There will be no homework this week.
Yesterday, the school appointed Miss Whitehead as the new Year 4 teacher for next year. Miss Whitehead will be spending some time with the children over the coming weeks to get to know them as much as she can before September.
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Heim-Sarac