Our first week together as a class has been so special. I am so proud of all of the children for their perseverance and resilience. The move from Year 2 to Year 3 is a huge change in the children’s school lives, they are now Juniors where the work expectations can sometimes worry them and throw them off balance for a little while. I want to stress to you that this is completely normal - and that is what we are here for - to guide them through this time as they adjust to their new place in school. Each year, the children always mention the stairs as something that has worried them or made them think that the Juniors is a somewhat scary place. It really isn’t…we are still a school and class family and the behaviour expectations are just the same as KS1. I can already see that the children have adjusted so well to their new class, and have taken everything in their stride. This is what I love about children the most, the way they adapt so quickly to new situations. So, please don’t worry…if your child does have any concerns or worries they can always come and chat to me or you can message or contact me to discuss and we can figure out a way forward!
A highlight from our first week together has to be our trip over to church on Wednesday. This was the first time we had been to Mass as a school in such a long time. We were there to celebrate ‘The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary’ which on its own is a special occasion for us as Our Lady is our patron saint. Yet this Mass was special for another reason - this was the final Mass that Father Jim will conduct for us as a school before he takes up his new post in Ulverston. As a school we are devastated to see Father Jim go, however at the Mass we were able to present him with some gifts and special words that we hope will be a reminder of how much he means to us.
Here is what we have been up to this week…
English - we are looking at informal letter writing through a wonderful book called ‘Dear Teacher’.
Maths - we have learnt about counting in 100s up to 1000 - forwards and backwards!
Science - we started our new unit of work on Animals including Humans. The children will become personal trainers this term!
P.E. - we have learnt some netball skills as well as starting to learn how to play handball.
Spanish - we learnt how to say hello, goodbye, good morning, good afternoon and good evening in Spanish.
R.E. - we thought about our families at home as well as our Christian family. The children described a special event they can remember with their families.
IT - we learnt about our school network and what a network means. We went on a network safari around school.
Art - this term we will be looking at fruit and vegetables. This week we looked at different artist representations of fruit and vegetables and evaluated them. Next week, we will be drawing peppers using charcoal.
As you can see, we’ve had a busy week and hit the ground running!
Award winners
Maths - Oscar - for wonderful counting to 1000.
Writing - Tommy - for editing his first piece of writing in Year 3 so well.
Golden - Ronnie - for his beautiful listening skills and willingness to learn.
Well done all!
PE - will be on Mondays and Thursdays so please send the children into class in their PE kits on those days. No earrings can be worn for PE so please ensure that they are taken out at home.
Water Bottle - we have provided the children with a school water bottle. The children need to bring their water bottle in daily, already filled with water. They will take their water bottle home at the end of each day to be cleaned.
Homework - will be set through Class Dojo on a Friday and will be due in the following Tuesday.
Home Learning-if your child is having to isolate for any reason and needs to access home learning, this will be accessible from the Year 3 Home Learning page. On the day we are informed of any child needing to isolate, it may mean that it will not be until the end of the day that a full timetable of home learning will be available on the Home Learning tab.
If you need to contact me, please send me an e-mail to: year3@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk or contact me via Class Dojo.
Finally, as part of our Christian family topic in R.E., we will be learning about the sacrament of Baptism. Please could you send your child in with a picture of themselves at their own Baptism? If you can pop their name on the back and I will ensure they are returned to you. Thank you!
I hope you are all having a lovely weekend.
Miss Heim-Sarac