November is the month of remembrance and we started our first day back after the October break with the feast of All Saints, which falls on the 1st November each year. This is where we remember all the saints and the wonderful things they did when they were alive. As a class, we discussed how we can all be saints, just like Pope Francis said in the quote I have used for this week’s blog. We spoke about how we can dedicate our lives to helping others and that we must try to live our lives the way Jesus would have lived his. We discussed how we might do this, and the children came up with some lovely ideas. I am very privileged as I get to see daily how the children go out of their way to care for one another and to show kindness to those around them (including me!).
It was lovely to welcome the children back to school this week, I had missed them.
Our learning this week
-English: we have done a variety of writing this week around the theme of remembrance, including a prayer to St Martin De Porres and a comprehension all about All Saints Day. The children also wrote a recount of the Annunciation.
-Maths: we have been recapping representing numbers to 1,000.
-History: the children have started to learn about Stonehenge and it’s mysteries. Next week, we will be building this famous monument out of biscuits!
-R.E: we have started a new topic for this term - Mary our Mother. The children learnt about the Annunciation and created a role play in partners about this special event.
-Art: it was Diwali on Thursday, so we spent some time learning about this festival and then we created our own Rangoli pattern. The children also made a Rangoli window decoration.
-P.E: we started a new dance topic this week based on the traditional country dance. The children learnt some of the signature country moves and have begun to learn how to keep to a beat.
-Spanish: the children have continued their learning on Spanish counting, and have this week learnt how to count to 15.
Award winners:
-Maths: Lilly. I am always so impressed with how hard Lilly works (in all subjects) but particularly when it comes to Maths. She has a great growth mindset.
-Writing: Alexander. This award has gone to Alexander this week for his fantastic independent writing in all subjects.
-Golden: Emilia. What a ray of sunshine Emilia is! She is so positive, kind, helpful and funny. She puts a smile on all of our faces daily.
We are now in the season of winter colds/bugs etc. I know you are all aware of the current Covid guidelines, but I just wanted to remind you all about our guidelines regarding sickness and diarrhoea. Your child must stay off school for 48 hours from their last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea. This is exceptionally important as they can still be contagious during this time and could therefore easily pass the bug on to other children and staff. I appreciate your support with this matter.
It was lovely to meet you all properly at Parent’s Day before the break. Please do not hesitate to contact me either through Class Dojo, the school office or via e-mail ( if you ever need to speak to me.
Poppies are now on sale in school. They are 50p each. If your child would like a poppy they will need to bring their money in next week.
We still require some more shoe boxes and stationary for our shoe box appeal. We would like to fill as many boxes as possible so please send in some boxes and stationary if you can.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Miss Heim-Sarac