I would like to begin by saying a massive well done to all the children in Year 3 this week, they have settled in well to being upstairs in their new classroom and it has been a pleasure getting to know them. On Thursday we went over to church to share a special mass for Our Lady’s birthday, this was a lovely whole school celebration and a great way to start our new school year.

Our learning this week…

In English the children have started to explore the story of The Stone Age Boy, they were able to develop their use of vocabulary to describe the main characters.

In Maths we have learnt started to learn about place value in numbers up to 1000, the children were able to use base 10 equipment to support their understanding.

In RE the children began their new topic by reflecting on the importance of family and shared examples of the times they have spent with their own families.

In Computing, the children enjoyed role playing the journey of a file through a network, considering the use of the server, network switch and wireless connector.

Spellings, times tables and homework

The children will be coming home with their spellings and homework on Monday 12th, this needs to be returned by the following Monday. So the first spellings and times tables tests will be on Monday 19th September.

Award winners

Golden: Eleena

Maths: Zachary

Writing: Emily

And finally, wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Mrs Parker, Miss Collins and Mrs Hodgekiss

Authorfiona ormerod

This week I met with Miss Whitehead to discuss the children’s transition in to Year 4. This coming Monday, Miss Whitehead will be spending the afternoon in Year 3 so that she can get to know the children a little bit more before September. During our discussions it really hit home for me just how much the children have progressed this year and just how much I am going to miss them! With just under two weeks to go until the end of the academic year, I am going to put all my energy in to cherishing each moment we have left together. Time has flown this year and that is because we have had such a wonderful time - your children really are amazing and I have had the best year with them.

Our learning this week…

In English the children have been learning about word families.

In Maths we have learnt started to learn about unit and non unit fractions.

In RE the children wrote a letter to God to say thank you for all of the blessings they have.

In History we looked at the Roman legacy.

We also all took part in a class spelling bee - well done to all of the children for taking part. Well done to Isaac, Lily and Oscar who took the top three spots - Isaac 1st, Oscar 2nd and Lily 3rd.

Spellings, times tables and homework

There will be no more spellings or times tables tests this term. There will also be no more homework!

Award winners

Golden: Dominic

No other awards were handed out this week.

Work coming home for the Summer…

In preparation for the end of term, please send in a strong bag (e.g. a bag for life) so that all work can be sent home on the last day of term before the summer holiday. Please label the bag with your child’s name. Thank you!

Summer Story Fair

A huge thank you to you all for your support at our summer fair on Friday. We raised just over £650 which is an amazing amount! We were blown away with the support we received. The PTA look forward to planning more events for the next academic year.

Dates for your diary

20th July

This is our last day in school - school closes at 2pm on this day.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

What a busy week we have had in Year 3! On Monday, we had our KS2 Sport’s Day and it was fantastic! The sun was shining, the children were beautifully behaved and we all had lots of fun. Thank you to you all for your support and for coming along to watch the children. After two years of restrictions, it was so lovely to welcome you all back in to the school grounds. All of the scores from across the KS2 classes have now been added up and we can now announce the KS2 winners:

1st place - Layton (500)

2nd place - Marton (473)

3rd place - Clifton (470)

4th place - Newton (469)

Well done to all four teams, there was not much in it at all!

On Wednesday, the children attended Mass for the feast of St Peter and St Paul. I am told the children behaved wonderfully and that they participated well. I couldn’t ask for more! Well done Year 3.

Our learning this week…

In English the children have been learning how to use adverbs effectively in their writing.

In Maths we have learnt about bar charts and how to interpret them.

In RE the children learnt about Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

In History we looked at Roman roads.

In Science we continued our learning on pollination and fertilisation.

Spellings and times tables

The spellings for next week’s test are: MATERIAL, MEDICINE, MENTION, MINUTE, NATURAL, NAUGHTY and NOTICE.

Your child will be tested on a mixture of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables next Friday.

Award winners

Golden: Teddy

Maths: James

Writing: No award this week.

Work coming home for the Summer…

In preparation for the end of term, please send in a strong bag (e.g. a bag for life) so that all work can be sent home on the last day of term before the summer holiday. Please label the bag with your child’s name. Thank you!

Dates for your diary

Summer Story Fair - Friday 8th July

The PTA have arranged a summer story fair on the 8th July, 3.30 - 5.30. Please come along and support - there will be lots of stalls and games. The PTA are raising funds to enable them to continue to support the children with resources, equipment and contributions to school trips. It promises to be a fun evening!

Have a great weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

This week during our daily worships we have been taking part in meditations to practise being in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. The children were invited to practise responding to the miracle of Jesus by adoring, loving, thanking, asking and respecting Him. At our class Mass last week, we discussed the importance of showing our respect to Him through genuflecting towards the tabernacle. We have practiced doing this in class in preparation for the next time we visit church.

We have had a lovely week in Year 3 - the addition of the beautiful sunshine has put a big smile on all of our faces. I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to you all for your contributions today of chocolates and books for our Storytelling Fair on the 8th July. You are all very kind and we appreciate your generosity!

Our learning this week…

In English the children have been learning how to write sentences in the present perfect tense.

In Maths we have learnt about pictograms and how to create and interpret them.

In RE the children have started to create a booklet about our parish church.

In History we have started a project on Roman chariots.

In Art the children created a piece of Art in the style of Andy Warhol.

In Science we have started to learn about pollination and fertilisation.

In P.E. we have continued our Sport’s Day practice.

Spellings and times tables

The spellings for next week’s test are: EARLY, EARTH, EIGHT, EIGHTH, ENOUGH, EXERCISE and EXPERIENCE.

Your child will be tested on a mixture of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables next Friday.

Award winners

Golden: Olivia S

Maths: Henry

Writing: Peter

Dates for your diary

KS2 Sports Day - Monday 27th June

KS2 Sports Day will be held on the afternoon of Monday 27th June 1.30pm - 3pm. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather.

Storytelling Fair - Friday 8th July

This will take place after school (3.30pm - 5.30pm) - more details to follow nearer the time.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

It was lovely to be back with the class last week after my trip away with the Year 6 children. I had missed them very much! I received a glowing report off Mr Brisk who taught the children in my absence - he was very impressed with the children’s behaviour and their attitude to their learning. Well done everyone!

Last week we attended church for our Year 3 class Mass. Father Frank popped in to school a few days before to ask the children to consider a very important question before our Mass: what is prayer? On the day of our Mass the children gave Father some beautiful answers to this question including ‘a way of communicating with God’. Father Frank was very impressed; as was I. The class were impeccably behaved and I was very proud of them all.

Our learning last week…

In English the children wrote a non-chronological report on Boudicca.

In Maths the children took part in some times tables challenges.

In RE the children learnt about our parish church and what the special objects inside symbolise.

In History we have learnt about Roman entertainment including gladiators.

In PE the children have been practicing for Sports Day.

Spellings and times tables

The spellings for next week’s test are: INTEREST, ISLAND, KNOWLEDGE, LEARN, LENGTH and LIBRARY.

Your child will be tested on a mixture of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables next Friday.

Award winners

Golden: Elsie

Maths: Corben

Writing: Darcy

Dates for your diary

KS2 Sports Day - Monday 27th June

KS2 Sports Day will be held on the afternoon of Monday 27th June 1.30pm - 3pm Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather.

Own clothes day - Friday 24th June

To take part in this own clothes day, the PTFA ask that the children contribute a used book (for a stall at the Storytelling fair) and some chocolates (for a chocolate tombola at the Storytelling fair) .

Storytelling Fair - Friday 8th July

This will take place after school (3.30pm - 5.30pm) - more details to follow nearer the time.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

We have had a fantastic week in Year 3. I can’t believe that we break up for half term next Friday. Where does time go? These final weeks of this academic year are really flying by and I want to make sure that we cherish and enjoy every moment we can. I am so proud of all the children for the progress they have made this year - both academically and emotionally - and they continue to surprise me each day with their maturity and resilience.

In our daily worships this week we have spoken about the importance of listening to God. We discussed how we could do this - mainly through prayer and listening to the word of God through the Bible. However, we also discussed (and practiced!) the importance of being still and silent. It is during these moments that we can really tune in to our faith and what God is communicating with us.

As always, the children have done some brilliant learning this week. Here is some more information as to what they have been up to…

Maths: the children have learnt the written method of multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.

English: we have finished innovating our story maps and completed an independent piece of writing based on this.

P.E: we have immersed ourselves in our new topic (dance) on the Iron Man. The children created two sequences this week around this and they were amazing! The children enjoyed performing these on the school field.

HRSE: the children learnt about the importance of respecting our bodies.

History: Boudicca was our focus this week - the children wrote some brilliant rallying speeches for Boudicca that she may have said to the Iceni tribe to persuade them to fight the Romans with her.

Science: we have started a new topic this week - Plants. The children learnt and labelled the different parts of a plant.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - Friday 20th May

On Friday 20th May Key Stage 2 will be holding a ‘Street Party’ on the KS2 Yard to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. On this day the children will be asked to wear red, white and blue clothes. We are asking parents for a contribution to PTFA funds of £1 for each child - please see the letter that came home yesterday from our PTFA. The rest of the afternoon will be spent engaged in playground games, craft and fun activities all relating to the Platinum Jubilee. Please keep your fingers crossed for lovely weather! Many thanks.

KS2 Sports Day - Monday 27th June

KS2 Sports Day will be held on the afternoon of Monday 27th June. Further details to follow. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather - but again look our for further details. Just wanted to give you advanced notice!

Spellings and times tables

The spellings for next week’s test are: THEREFORE, THOUGH, ALTHOUGH, THOUGHT, THROUGH and VARIOUS.

Your child will be tested on a mixture of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables next Friday.

Award winners

Golden - Harriet

Writing - Hallie

Maths - Ronnie

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

In our daily worships this week we have spoken about counting our blessings and we have been saying thank you to God for the blessings he has given us such as our families, friends, teachers and His love. We have spoken about how lucky we all are to have received these gifts and have discussed how we can show how grateful we are. Our daily worships help to strengthen our relationship with God and they keep us mindful of our choices and behaviour. I am always so proud of the children for how they conduct themselves during this time in our day, they are always respectful and play an active part in prayer. They are true disciples of Jesus!

As I mentioned last week, we received the special edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in to school last Friday. We spent some time this week decorating and annotating our dedicated section of the book. The children created some beautiful illustrations, 3D images and poems to go inside. This book will now pass on to the next school out of the 25 chosen in the UK for them to annotate their section. I am excited to hear about where it will eventually be displayed.

Here is our learning for this week…

Maths: we have been working on related multiplication and division facts.

English: the children have innovated a story ready for an independent write next week, and they have also been learning about determiners (a and an).

History: we have started to learn about the Iceni queen Boudicca and her rebellion against the Romans. The children acted out a conversation between Boudicca and her daughters to enable them to understand how they might have felt after the death of King Prasutagus.

Science: the children have created a playscript that they will then create shadow puppets for.

Spanish: we have continued our learning on masculine and feminine objects.

Spelling and times tables tests

As you know, each week the children have a spelling and times tables test on a Friday. Each week I have a fair few children telling me that they haven’t practised due to other commitments and activities. Whilst I understand how busy you all are, it is so important that the children find time to look at their spellings and tables ready for the test each week. I have explained to the children that they are old enough to take responsibility for this themselves and that they don’t necessarily need you to oversee this revision but they may just need some prompting. Thank you for your support on this.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - Friday 20th May

Key Stage 2 will be holding a ‘Street Party’, on the KS2 Yard, on FRIDAY 20TH MAY 2022 to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. On this day the children will be asked to wear red, white and blue clothes for the day. We are asking parents for a contribution to PTFA funds of £1 for each child. The rest of the afternoon will be spent engaged in playground games, craft and fun activities all relating to the Platinum Jubilee. Please keep your fingers crossed for lovely weather and keep an eye out for the PTFA letter which will be sent home soon with further details! Many thanks.

KS2 Sports Day-Monday 27th June

KS2 Sports Day will be held on the AFTERNOON of MONDAY 27th JUNE. Further details to follow. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather - but again look our for further details. Just wanted to give you advanced notice!

Blackpool Beating Bullying Bronze award

Further to the appointment of 8 new anti-bullying ambassadors in school, we are now working hard to achieve the Bronze award for Blackpool Beating Bullying. In order to achieve the relevant threshold, school needs to carry out surveys on different groups of people in school. There will be 4 surveys/questionnaires aimed at the following groups: 

  • children - Year 3’s will complete theirs in class.

  • parents - below is a link and we invite you to complete the survey.

  • teachers

  • governors

All questionnaires are on line and only live for 2 weeks from the 3rd May.

Here is the survey link for parents, we would very much appreciate it if you could complete the survey to enable us to make steps forward to receiving the Bronze award for school. Thank you for your support.




  • PE days this half term are on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS.

  • Times tables to be learnt for the test next Friday are the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. I will be testing the children on a mixture of these tables.

  • Spellings to be learnt for next Friday are: SPECIAL, STRAIGHT, STRANGE, STRENGTH, SUPPOSE and SURPRISE.

Award winners:

  • Golden Award: Hallie

  • Maths Award: Henry

  • Writing Award: Dominic

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

We have had another fantastic week in Year 3 ending with the International Day of Dance! The children have yet again blown me away with their wonderful outfits; they all looked amazing. We started our day by learning some country dancing with Mrs Ormerod and then we had a Zumba session with Hazel in the hall. We also had the opportunity to watch a dance show made up of children from KS2 who had a dance to showcase. All of the children in the show were super but I have to give a special mention to Olivia, Darcy, Emilia, Harriet, Lily, Rosie, Lilly, Zahra and Lola Mae from our class who were all so brave and resilient for putting themselves forward to perform. They did a great job and I was a very proud teacher! Thank you to you all for supporting the children and sourcing outfits for the day. Personally, I love dancing and watching people dance. It is a fantastic skill to have and it brings so much joy to others. A big thank you to Mrs Ormerod for organising this special day for us.

On another note, we had a special delivery to class today. As part of our involvement in the Miles of Magic Harry Potter event, a special edition of the book arrived to us today for us to annotate and doodle before sending it on to another one of the 25 schools involved in the event. It has already been to quite a few schools and they have done a great job of making it look amazing. I will upload some pictures of it next week. Very exciting!

Here is our learning for this week…

Maths: we have been comparing multiplication and division statements using the greater than, less than and equal symbols.

English: the children have turned their story maps in to written stories.

R.E: we looked at the signs and symbols of the Mass and what they mean.

PSHE: we looked at our new child friendly anti-bullying policy and discussed what it meant and how we can refer to it if we need to.

History: we learnt about the Roman invasions of Britain and placed these on a timeline.

Our Lady receives prestigious National Award

We are delighted to announce that Our lady of the Assumption has received a prestigious national award for our role in giving young people access to cultural and creative learning as part of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s (RSC) Associate Schools Programme (ASP). To find out more please read this letter.

Blackpool Beating Bullying Bronze award

Further to the appointment of 8 new anti-bullying ambassadors in school, we are now working hard to achieve the Bronze award for Blackpool Beating Bullying. In order to achieve the relevant threshold, school needs to carry out surveys on different groups of people in school. There will be 4 surveys/questionnaires aimed at the following groups: 

  • children - Year 3’s will complete theirs in class.

  • parents - below is a link and we invite you to complete the survey.

  • teachers

  • governors

All questionnaires are on line and only live for 2 weeks from the 3rd May.

Here is the survey link for parents, we would very much appreciate it if you could complete the survey to enable us to make steps forward to receiving the Bronze award for school. Thank you for your support.




  • PE days this half term are on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS.

  • Times tables to be learnt for the test next Friday are the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. I will be testing the children on a mixture of these tables.

  • Spellings to be learnt for next Friday are: RECENT, REGULAR, REIGN, REMEMBER, SENTENCE and SEPARATE.

Award winners:

  • Golden Award: Olivia S

  • Maths Award: Kurt

  • Writing Award: Henry & Olivia S

I hope you all have a lovely three day weekend!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

It was lovely to welcome the children back to school after the Easter break. I hope you all had a great Holy Week with your families. We started the new term with an assembly with Miss Haggerty. This was a special moment as it was the first indoor assembly we have had since before Covid. It felt great to be back together again. Miss Haggerty spoke to the children about Eastertide and the meaning of the Alleluia - he is risen!

The children have come back to school with a fantastic attitude and their learning and behaviour this week have been beautiful. Keep it up Year 3! It is hard to believe that we are in our final term together. I have loved every moment of teaching your children so far and I am going to cherish these final weeks together.

Here is our learning for this week…

Maths: we have spent some time on the 8 times tables as well as problem solving using known multiplication and division facts.

English: the children all took their star reading tests. We also learnt about expanded noun phrases and wrote some menus to describe food.

R.E: we looked at the order of the Mass.

Spanish: the children learnt the names of some classroom objects and have also been introduced to the way that in Spanish objects can be masculine or feminine.

History: we learnt about why the Roman army was so powerful. The children then reenacted a battle between the Roman army and barbarians on the school field using their shields they made before half term.


  • It’s International Dance Day next Friday 29th April! On this day we invite the children to dress up to represent their favourite dance style or dance icon and bring in a £1 donation.

  • PE days this half term are on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS.

  • Please take a look at the attached letter about the achievements of the Shakespeare Programme within school and the award we have received! Many congratulations to all those involved. Award Letter

  • Times tables to be learnt for the test next Friday are the 8 TIMES TABLES.

Award winners:

  • Golden Award: Isaac

  • Maths Award: Mia

  • Writing Award: Lilly

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, with hopefully lots of sunshine!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

I am so proud of the Lenten journey the children have undertaken this year. With Holy Week just around the corner, I have been reflecting on all that we have achieved during this time. From the success of Bits and Bobs to our Walk for Hunger pilgrimage, it is clear the children have truly embraced Lent and all that it symbolises. Each week we take part in a Lenten reflection and it is a time when we consider how far we have come on our journey; and how God has helped us along the way. It really has been a special time in Year 3.

Here is what the children have been learning about this week…

-English: the children have continued their learning on expanded noun phrases and have written a menu.

-Maths: we have continued to learn about our 8 times tables.

-R.E: the children have started a new topic on the Eucharist. We started by learning the story of the last supper and how this as the first Mass.

-Spanish: we learnt phrases to describe what colour an object is.

-P.E: we have continued to learn how to play rounders with a focus on batting.

-History: the children learnt about the Roman army and have started to make their own Roman shields.

Harry Potter reading challenge

As part of our involvement in the Miles of Magic Harry Potter event, we were asked to take part in a Harry Potter reading challenge. This entailed the children completing just under 30 hours of reading in school this term. I am so pleased and excited to say that we have nearly hit that target! By Friday we should be there! I have arranged a Harry Potter themed treat for the children to say well done!

Spellings and times tables tests

As you know, each week the children have a spelling and times tables test on a Friday. Each week I have a fair few children telling me that they haven’t practised due to other commitments and activities. Whilst I understand how busy you all are, it is so important that the children find time to look at their spellings and tables ready for the test each week. I have explained to the children that they are old enough to take responsibility for this themselves and that they don’t necessarily need you to oversee this revision but they may just need some prompting. Thank you for your support on this.

Morning drop-off

It has been brought to my attention that when the children are waiting to come in to school in the morning that some children are running up and down the drive and into the bushes, as well as using the railings by the office door to play on. Please can I ask that you supervise your children closely in the morning and discourage them from doing this. I would hate to see any injuries! We also have cars still coming in to school at that time (myself included!). After Easter, the children will now be entering and leaving school through the side entrance - more info to follow.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

We have had another wonderful week in Year 3 ending with our celebration of World Book Day today. The children all looked fabulous and I am blown away yet again with the effort you have all gone to. Our school community is truly wonderful and I am beyond proud. Reading is my favourite thing to do and I enjoy nothing more than trying to pass that love on to the children. We infuse reading and the skills associated with it in to everything we do and it is so lovely to see the children’s reading and love for reading grow as the year has gone on.

We undertook our ‘Walk for Hunger’ pilgrimage this week to Notarianni’s and back. We walked 5.5 miles in total! The children were brilliant and really embraced the reason behind our walk. From the sponsorship forms I have seen, we have raised over £200 just from Year 3 for Cafod and Brian House. A phenomenal amount! If you haven’t yet sent your child’s sponsorship form back in to school please do so this week.

On the morning of our pilgrimage, we had our class mass over at church. Father Frank spoke to the children in great detail about pilgrimages and even spoke to us about some journeys he has embarked on himself. The children were beautifully behaved and it was the perfect start to our day of thinking about others.

Aside from World Book Day and our pilgrimage, here is what we have been up to in other aspects of our learning…

-English: we have innovated story maps this week ready for writing next week.

-Maths: we have been learning our 8 times tables.

-R.E.: we answered questions on the Act of Contrition.

-History: the children learnt about the growth of the Roman Empire.

-Music: this week the children were given their recorders from Miss Benson. From next week they will be able to bring them home to practise. Please ensure your child’s recorder comes back in to school in time for their Music lesson the following week (we have Music on Wednesdays).

Award Winners

Golden: Oscar

Maths: Elsie

Writing: Zahra

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend!
Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Oh my goodness, where do I start! What a week it has been in Year 3. I am so overwhelmed by the support you have all shown to our ‘Bits and Bobs’ shop. What started as an idea that the children brought to me last week has turned in to something we could never have expected.

in just 5 days we have raised £655!!!! An absolutely staggering amount. At the start of the week, I was hoping we may reach £50/£100. Our school community has pulled together to support an extremely worthy cause, and all funds will be donated to the Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund. By donating to this fund, the government will match our donation pound for pound.

I am hoping that we can reach £700 with some further donations which means with the governments contribution we will be putting £1400 in to the fund.

I will never ever forget this week in school. Above all, the children’s thoughtfulness and commitment have astounded me and I am SO proud of every single one of them.

Thank you again for your support - in particular thank you to Rosie’s Mum for the daily delivery of bracelets and to Darcy’s Mum and Dad for our sign.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

This week, Year 3 have all come home with a sponsorship form. During Lent Our Lady of the Assumption is looking to fundraise for both CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) in its campaign to ‘Walk Against Hunger’ and also our local children’s cancer charity – Brian House. We will make our own ‘Pilgrimage’ during Lent knowing that each little step we take will make a BIG difference. Each class will set its own Lenten walking target and in Year 3 we have chosen to do our walk to Notarianni’s on the 24th March. Whilst we are there, we will be having an ice cream before heading back to school. We are asking parents/families to sponsor their child/children to undertake their special ‘Pilgrimage Walk’. Once we’ve completed our walk, we will add our kilometres to CAFOD’s ‘ Walk Against Hunger Totaliser’. The aim nationally is 40,000 km! This is a massive challenge, but by joining together we can all help stamp out hunger one step at a time. CAFOD is also supporting the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Thank you for your support!

I was very touched this week when numerous children in Year 3 came to me to ask whether they could raise money for the Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal. The fact that they had come up with this idea themselves and had even started making things to sell made me the proudest teacher in the world. After a brainstorming session we decided to set up a shop - ‘Bits and Bobs’ - where the children will sell their creations to the rest of the school for the whole of next week. A letter has been sent out to the rest of the school detailing what we will be selling and when. Can I just say a huge thank you to you all for supporting your children with this as I know many of them have been making things with their resources from home.

Last week, we marked the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday. Along with the rest of KS2, we went over to Mass in church and received our ashes. Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. By observing the 40 days of Lent, or 46 if we count Sundays, we replicate Jesus Christ's sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. It is a time to refocus on Jesus as we look ahead to his death on the Cross at Easter and rejoice over his miraculous return. It is a time for reflecting on what we could do differently or maybe what we could do more of or less of during this time. The children have made their Lenten promises, linked to the three principles of fasting, prayer and almsgiving.

Aside from our Lenten promises, we have also set ourselves a class kindness challenge. We created 40 acts of kindness that we are going to try and complete throughout Lent.

Here is what we have been learning over the past two weeks…

-English: the children have been creating story maps, learning how to use inverted commas and taking part in our Harry Potter reading challenge.

-Maths: we have been learning our 3 and 4 times tables as well as the matching division facts for these tables.

-Science: the children have started a new topic - Light. They have learnt about light and dark and how to keep safe in the sun.

-R.E: we had a focus on Lent last week. This week, we learnt all about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and what happens when we take part in it.

-P.E: Our sessions with Erin from BFC have continued. The children are learning how to bat and how to do an under and over arm throw.

-History: we have started a new topic - the Romans. We started by learning about how Rome was founded and the myth of Romulus and Remus.

-Art: the children have created some beautiful Arctic art and Iron Man art.

Harry Potter reading challenge

As part of our involvement in the Miles of Magic Harry Potter event, we are currently undertaking a reading challenge that we started just after half term. The aim is for us to clock up nearly 20 hours of reading time over this half term (just in class). For every hour we read, we move another step along the chart we have in our classroom. Each step is marked with a different location from the first Harry Potter book. We are now over half way through our challenge. I have promised the children a lovely Harry Potter related treat when we complete it!

World Book Day 2022 - 25th March

Due to other commitments on the official World Book Day date (March 3rd), World Book Day will be celebrated in school on **FRIDAY 25th MARCH**. On that day we ask that the children come to school dressed as their favourite BOOK character. They can even bring the book with them to share in class. (Please ensure that any books brought into school are named). Do not feel you have to spend a lot of money on costumes - the homemade ones are always our favourites!

Much Ado About Nothing - The Grand Theatre - Tuesday 15th March

We would love it if you could support our amazing Year 5 children, who will be performing on stage (along with other Blackpool Schools) in the Shakespeare play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, at the Grand Theatre. I have attached a link below, which will take you to the booking system so you can get your tickets. Please note that Our Lady’s are only performing in the Tuesday performance and not on the Thursday.

Much Ado About Nothing’ Booking Link

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Thank-you to all those parents who attended the Parent/Teacher Meetings on Monday, it was lovely to catch up with you to discuss your child’s progress since we last spoke in October. The class are all working so hard and enjoying their learning which really shows in their academic progress. We are having such a fantastic year together, and it has been great sharing the children’s achievements with you.

This week we have started our Miles of Magic reading challenge, which is part of the Miles of Magic Harry Potter event that we are taking part in. As a class, we have to accumulate just short of 20 hours of reading to receive a very special Harry Potter themed treat! Even myself and Mrs McCooey are taking part! The children are very excited and have enjoyed choosing their first book for the challenge.

Here is what the children have been learning about this week…

-English: we have been learning about inverted commas and how to use them in our writing. We also used a question matrix to generate questions about the characters in a book.

-Maths: we have been multiplying and dividing by 3.

-R.E: we learnt about the parable of the Lost Son.

-P.E: we are lucky to have Erin from BFC again for one of our PE lessons each week this term. The children will be learning how to play rounders, with a focus on throwing and catching.

-Geography: the children learnt about the different animals that live in the Arctic, as well as learning about the human features that we could see in Arctic towns and cities.

-Science: the children have started their new topic for this term with Mrs Ormerod - Light.


-Golden: Lily

-Maths: Alexander

-Writing: Kurt

Well done!


  • World Book Day will to celebrated in school on FRIDAY 25th MARCH - On this day we ask that the children come to school dressed as their favourite book character. Please do not feel you have to spend a lot of money on costumes - the homemade ones are always our favourites! We look forward to seeing who we have in class that day!

  • If your child is interested in playing netball outside of school - please take a look at the attached flyer: Blackpool Netball Club

  • ‘Much Ado About Nothing’-Grand Theatre, Tuesday 15th March

    We would love it if you could support our amazing Year 5 children, who will be performing on stage (along with other Blackpool Schools) in the Shakespeare play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, at the Grand Theatre. I have attached a link below, which will take you to the booking system so you can get your tickets. Please note that Our Lady’s are only performing in the Tuesday performance and not on the Thursday.

    Much Ado About Nothing’ Booking Link

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

We have ended a wonderful term in Year 3 with our much anticipated Harry Potter Day. As you all know, we are one of just 25 classes chosen across the UK to take part in the 25th anniversary Miles of Magic Book Relay in partnership with the Literacy Trust and Bloomsbury. To celebrate this further, I wanted to organise a Harry Potter Day to encourage us all to get in to the magical spirit. Well, what a day we have had! We started by watching the first Harry Potter film followed by some Harry Potter themed PE! We had a handball tournament with the teams being the four Hogwarts houses. Congratulations to Ravenclaw who won! At lunchtime, we were treated to some delicious Harry Potter cake courtesy of our amazing cook Maria. Earlier in the week, we had a competition to design a poster to advertise the cake. Connie and Elsie were our winners. Well done!

After lunch, we began an afternoon of Harry Potter activities. We started by completing some special postcards that were sent to us in our trunk. We had to write down why the Harry Potter books were special to us. These postcards have now been sent to Bloomsbury in London where they will be exhibited. It was at this point that we had a special visitor to school…a photographer from the Gazette! I had contacted them earlier in the week to let them know about our Harry Potter day and they decided to send a photographer to school to capture our special day. So, keep an eye online and in print…you might see some familiar faces soon! I will let you know if/when I hear about the article being published.

We then completed our Harry Potter activity books, again sent to us in our trunk, and decided which Harry Potter house we wanted to be a part of! The children all received a sticker to wear to represent their house. After half term, we are going to take part in a virtual lesson with Jonny Duddle who has illustrated some of the more recent publications in the franchise as well as a virtual lesson with the Harry Potter studios in London. We have lots to look forward to!

The children have also done some Harry Potter colouring, designed their own dragons egg and created a mini Harry Potter character.

It has been the most magical, exciting day. What a way to end our half term! I cannot thank you all enough for the effort you have put in to your children’s costumes. They all look fantastic and I was blown away when I saw them all this morning. I am so appreciative of your continued support. Thank you thank you thank you!

Here are some pictures of our day…


  • World Book Day falls on the 3rd March this year. We will be doing book/reading related activities that day however we are having our dressing up as a book character day on the 25th March. This is due to the amount of events we have happening in school after half term. Please put this date in your diaries.

  • Last week, the class voted for their Year 3 school council members. They chose Darcy and Ronnie. A huge well done to these children!

  • Our award winners this week are: Golden - Lola Mae, Maths - Emilia and Writing - Grace and Mia.

  • I look forward to speaking to you all on the 21st February for our Parent’s Day.

I hope you all have a great half term!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Last week saw the holy day of Candlemas, or The Presentation of the Lord, on 2nd February. As a class we have discussed this important event in the Church’s calendar as the day when Simeon and Anna ‘saw the salvation’ and the words of the prophets came true. This is a day when candles are blessed in Church and taken home and lit to share the Light of the World within our homes. We have discussed how we can Shine our Light for Jesus.

We had a very busy week, with the highlight being our ‘go green’ day on Thursday to raise money for Cafod. Thank you so much for supporting us on this day, the children looked fantastic and we raised nearly £30 towards our £50 target. On the day I filmed the children reciting a poem called ‘The Green Children’ that we have been learning about in our English work. Very apt! I will try to upload it on to my blog this week for you to see.

Here’s what else we have been up to…

-English: we have been continuing our work on The Green Children. The children wrote some brilliant diary entries as one of the green children.

-Maths: we have been learning how to solve missing number column additions and subtractions.

-Science: the children made a compass with Mrs Ormerod.

-R.E: we learnt about the story of The Lost Sheep and how God is like the shepherd and we are like the lost sheep.

-Spanish: we practised our pronunciation of the Spanish colours.

-Geography: we started a new topic on the Arctic. We learnt about the 7 countries who have towns in the Arctic Circle.

-P.E: we learnt how to dribble the ball during a handball game.

It was a very busy week with lots of hard work from the children:


Golden: Henry

Maths: Connie

Writing: Isaac, Yan and Alexander


  • Have you read Miss Haggerty’s post from last week? If you haven’t please follow this link and make sure you read to the end of the blog! https://www.ourladyassumption-sch.co.uk/news/2022/1/28/take-your-candle-and-light-the-world

  • We will be holding Parent Teacher Meetings again on MONDAY 21ST FEBRUARY 2022 - these will be held virtually, as they were in October. You will have received an email with the information, informing you of how to can book your 10 minute appointment. During these meetings I will be able to inform you of the progress you child has made since the last time we spoke in October and any specific information relating to your child.

  • It is our ‘Harry Potter’ Day this coming Friday. We are all so excited! Just a reminder that the children can dress up as a Harry Potter character or something related to the theme, but please don’t worry if you don’t have a costume. A plain t-shirt with a lightning bolt drawn on it or a witches hat will do!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

It has been lovely to return to school this week. I have missed the children so much and they welcomed me back with open arms. I have heard lots of good things about the children’s behaviour and work whilst I have been off which makes me so proud. The children have done some fantastic learning. Well done Year 3!

Excitingly, I was able to share some special news with the children yesterday. We are one of just 25 classes across the UK to be chosen to take part in an event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the release of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The event, ran by Bloomsbury Publishing and the National Literacy Trust, will entail lots of exciting things such as a nationwide book relay across the 25 schools taking part, a Miles of Magic reading challenge, a virtual lesson with Warner Bros Harry Potter studios in London and much more! I have also arranged a Harry Potter day to celebrate this event. I have sent a letter home with the children today which explains the plans in more detail. We can’t wait to get started!

To kick start the event, a beautiful Harry Potter trunk full of goodies was delivered to us yesterday. We were all so excited to open it and see what was inside…

In other news, this morning we had a visit from Stephen at Coram Life Education who delivered a lesson all about the body, the brain and how to keep ourselves healthy. We even had a visit from Harold the Giraffe! The children were great, answered all the questions they were asked and had a super time with Harold!

Another point to note is that we will be holding Parent Teacher Meetings again on MONDAY 21ST FEBRUARY 2022 - these will be held virtually, as they were in October. You will receive an email with the information shortly, informing you of how to can book your 10 minute appointment. During these meetings I will be able to inform you of the progress your child has made since the last time we spoke in October and any specific information relating to your child. Watch out for the email and book your appointment!

I have also rearranged our ‘go green’ day to raise money for Cafod for the 3rd February. The children can wear green clothing that day in exchange for a £1 donation.

Finally, I haven’t handed out any awards this week - they will start up again next Friday.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Welcome back to our spring term and happy new year to you all. I hope you all had a happy and restful break. The children have come back to school with super attitudes and an eagerness to learn. What more could I ask for! We have spent most of our week focusing on two things: firstly, the new year and what we want to achieve in 2022. Secondly, we have spent lots of time learning about the Epiphany and thinking about this special feast day. We attended church on Thursday, along with Year 4, to celebrate. It was a lovely Mass and the children were beautifully behaved. Father was very impressed with the children and their engagement with the service. I was very proud!

We also had a visit from the fire service today, who spoke to the children about fire safety and the importance of having a fire plan in place at home. The children really enjoyed this session, and some even had the chance to dress up as a firefighter! One thing they mentioned that I think is super important is that we should be checking that our fire alarms work once a week. If your fire alarm doesn’t work, you can contact the fire service and they will come and replace the alarm. More details can be found here:

Smoke alarms

Here is what else we have been up to this week…

Maths: we have recapped column addition with exchanging.

English: the children completed a great piece of writing on what they had been up to over the Christmas break.

Science: we have started a new topic for this term on forces and magnets.

R.E: we learnt about the Epiphany and re told what happened on this special day.

P.E.: this term we will be working with Erin from BFC on our teamwork and communication skills. We had our first session today and Erin was very pleased with how well the children listened and behaved.

PSHE: we have spoken a lot this week about the coming year and what we would like to achieve. We came up with 10 things we would like to do this year, and we are going to tick them off as we go along. We spoke about our highlights of 2021, as well as the lows, and we picked 4 of our lows to ‘let go’ of this year. It won’t be surprising to you that most children wrote Covid as one of their lows. Let’s hope 2022 is the year we get on top of the virus and restore more normality in to our lives.


  • Our PE days for this term are Thursday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes in to school in full PE kit on these days.

  • School Uniform - Miss Haggerty has asked all of the teachers to talk to their pupils this week about the importance of looking smart and wearing the correct uniform. I must say that Year 3 always look smart, but here are just a few reminders - please see expectations of school uniform, which is in the school prospectus. This is something ALL staff are going to be picking up with the children this week, so this gives you a heads up.

    • No nail varnish can be worn for school

    • Earrings must only be a plain stud

    • Please keep hair accessories small and to school colours - no big head bands with bows

  • I have sent home a letter today about the monthly challenges we are starting as a class. For January, we aim to raise £50 for Cafod. Please see the letter for more details.

  • Next week, we are hoping to have an archery taster session on Tuesday. Please can I ask that the children wear their PE kit on this day? That will mean they wear their kit on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday next week. Thank you!

Award winners

Maths: Harriet

Writing: Rosie

Golden: Grace

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

We are soon about to enter our final Sunday of Advent, where we will light our last purple candle. This candle symbolises love. When we light this candle we are also reminded of the angels who proclaimed the good news of Jesus’ coming. We too are called to celebrate and share this good news with those we meet through our words and actions. Jesus wants us to always shine our light and live in a way which shows love and kindness towards others. This week we think about how we can show our love as we continue to wait patiently for Jesus. We could help our family, donate a gift to someone in need, talk to a lonely neighbour, try to be more accepting of others or welcome a new person into our lives.

During these difficult times, it is more important than ever to show our love and shine our lights towards others.

We have had a lovely Christmas themed week: watching the Reception Nativity performance, watching a pantomime with popcorn, participating in the Christmas quiz (thank-you to the PTA for these treats) enjoying our Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner, all finished off with a Christmas party in class today (including a video with Santa himself!).

Year 3 Nativity

Here it is - our Nativity! The children have worked so hard on this, we hope you enjoy it!

Well done

A huge well done to team Jingle Bells who have won the Christmas reading challenge. They read a huge 53 books between them over the 7 weeks that the challenge has been running. I also wanted to say well done to Lily who was the Year 3 winner of the colouring competition.

Thank you!

I would just like to say a huge thank you to my wonderful class for such an amazing first term. They have all worked so hard and I am incredibly proud with the progress made and the achievements of every single one of them! Thank you as well to all of you parents for your continued support this term-I really appreciate this!

Have a Happy & Holy Christmas!

Finally, Mrs McCooey and I would like to wish you all a Happy & Holy Christmas and all the best for the coming year. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 4th January 2022 after a well earned rest.

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac