I am so proud of the Lenten journey the children have undertaken this year. With Holy Week just around the corner, I have been reflecting on all that we have achieved during this time. From the success of Bits and Bobs to our Walk for Hunger pilgrimage, it is clear the children have truly embraced Lent and all that it symbolises. Each week we take part in a Lenten reflection and it is a time when we consider how far we have come on our journey; and how God has helped us along the way. It really has been a special time in Year 3.
Here is what the children have been learning about this week…
-English: the children have continued their learning on expanded noun phrases and have written a menu.
-Maths: we have continued to learn about our 8 times tables.
-R.E: the children have started a new topic on the Eucharist. We started by learning the story of the last supper and how this as the first Mass.
-Spanish: we learnt phrases to describe what colour an object is.
-P.E: we have continued to learn how to play rounders with a focus on batting.
-History: the children learnt about the Roman army and have started to make their own Roman shields.
Harry Potter reading challenge
As part of our involvement in the Miles of Magic Harry Potter event, we were asked to take part in a Harry Potter reading challenge. This entailed the children completing just under 30 hours of reading in school this term. I am so pleased and excited to say that we have nearly hit that target! By Friday we should be there! I have arranged a Harry Potter themed treat for the children to say well done!
Spellings and times tables tests
As you know, each week the children have a spelling and times tables test on a Friday. Each week I have a fair few children telling me that they haven’t practised due to other commitments and activities. Whilst I understand how busy you all are, it is so important that the children find time to look at their spellings and tables ready for the test each week. I have explained to the children that they are old enough to take responsibility for this themselves and that they don’t necessarily need you to oversee this revision but they may just need some prompting. Thank you for your support on this.
Morning drop-off
It has been brought to my attention that when the children are waiting to come in to school in the morning that some children are running up and down the drive and into the bushes, as well as using the railings by the office door to play on. Please can I ask that you supervise your children closely in the morning and discourage them from doing this. I would hate to see any injuries! We also have cars still coming in to school at that time (myself included!). After Easter, the children will now be entering and leaving school through the side entrance - more info to follow.
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend,
Miss Heim-Sarac