Thank-you to all those parents who attended the Parent/Teacher Meetings on Monday, it was lovely to catch up with you to discuss your child’s progress since we last spoke in October. The class are all working so hard and enjoying their learning which really shows in their academic progress. We are having such a fantastic year together, and it has been great sharing the children’s achievements with you.
This week we have started our Miles of Magic reading challenge, which is part of the Miles of Magic Harry Potter event that we are taking part in. As a class, we have to accumulate just short of 20 hours of reading to receive a very special Harry Potter themed treat! Even myself and Mrs McCooey are taking part! The children are very excited and have enjoyed choosing their first book for the challenge.
Here is what the children have been learning about this week…
-English: we have been learning about inverted commas and how to use them in our writing. We also used a question matrix to generate questions about the characters in a book.
-Maths: we have been multiplying and dividing by 3.
-R.E: we learnt about the parable of the Lost Son.
-P.E: we are lucky to have Erin from BFC again for one of our PE lessons each week this term. The children will be learning how to play rounders, with a focus on throwing and catching.
-Geography: the children learnt about the different animals that live in the Arctic, as well as learning about the human features that we could see in Arctic towns and cities.
-Science: the children have started their new topic for this term with Mrs Ormerod - Light.
-Golden: Lily
-Maths: Alexander
-Writing: Kurt
Well done!
World Book Day will to celebrated in school on FRIDAY 25th MARCH - On this day we ask that the children come to school dressed as their favourite book character. Please do not feel you have to spend a lot of money on costumes - the homemade ones are always our favourites! We look forward to seeing who we have in class that day!
If your child is interested in playing netball outside of school - please take a look at the attached flyer: Blackpool Netball Club
‘Much Ado About Nothing’-Grand Theatre, Tuesday 15th March
We would love it if you could support our amazing Year 5 children, who will be performing on stage (along with other Blackpool Schools) in the Shakespeare play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, at the Grand Theatre. I have attached a link below, which will take you to the booking system so you can get your tickets. Please note that Our Lady’s are only performing in the Tuesday performance and not on the Thursday.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Heim-Sarac