It was lovely to welcome the children back to school after the Easter break. I hope you all had a great Holy Week with your families. We started the new term with an assembly with Miss Haggerty. This was a special moment as it was the first indoor assembly we have had since before Covid. It felt great to be back together again. Miss Haggerty spoke to the children about Eastertide and the meaning of the Alleluia - he is risen!

The children have come back to school with a fantastic attitude and their learning and behaviour this week have been beautiful. Keep it up Year 3! It is hard to believe that we are in our final term together. I have loved every moment of teaching your children so far and I am going to cherish these final weeks together.

Here is our learning for this week…

Maths: we have spent some time on the 8 times tables as well as problem solving using known multiplication and division facts.

English: the children all took their star reading tests. We also learnt about expanded noun phrases and wrote some menus to describe food.

R.E: we looked at the order of the Mass.

Spanish: the children learnt the names of some classroom objects and have also been introduced to the way that in Spanish objects can be masculine or feminine.

History: we learnt about why the Roman army was so powerful. The children then reenacted a battle between the Roman army and barbarians on the school field using their shields they made before half term.


  • It’s International Dance Day next Friday 29th April! On this day we invite the children to dress up to represent their favourite dance style or dance icon and bring in a £1 donation.

  • PE days this half term are on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS.

  • Please take a look at the attached letter about the achievements of the Shakespeare Programme within school and the award we have received! Many congratulations to all those involved. Award Letter

  • Times tables to be learnt for the test next Friday are the 8 TIMES TABLES.

Award winners:

  • Golden Award: Isaac

  • Maths Award: Mia

  • Writing Award: Lilly

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, with hopefully lots of sunshine!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac