Holy Week Begins…
Palm Sunday (March 28th) commemorates the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1–9), when palm branches were placed in his path, before his arrest on Holy Thursday and his crucifixion on Good Friday. It therefore marks the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent. In class we have discussed the events of Holy Week and the importance of this time of year in the Church calendar.
Our Learning this week…
In Maths, we have started to explore the concept of finding the area of a shape. We have used a variety of techniques to explore how to find the area of rectilinear shapes including counting squares and using multiples.
In English, the children have been immersed into Shakespeare, focusing on the fantastic play of A Midnight Summer Night’s Dream. This week, we have explored the characters through drama and role play. The children enjoyed creating their own characters and have started to write their own detailed character descriptions.
In RE, we have been finding out more about the events of Holy Week, this week we have explored the Trial of Jesus.
Reading Book Challenge…
Just a reminder, we have started our ‘Reading Book Challenge’, from 24th March - 21st May. There will be a winner for the amount of words read in this time and also a competition with prizes for first, second and third, the winners will be drawn from a hat for the children who have read five times a week consistently throughout the duration of the challenge. So…. Keep reading and quizzing Year 4!!
Spellings and Times Tables…
The children will be having a spelling test and times tables on Thursday next week (as we are not in school on Friday) , the spellings have been sent home today. The times tables for this week is x8 , they could also use TT Rockstars to practise.
Golden Award winner this week… Leo- well done!!
Writing Award= Lily
Maths Award= Millie
Enjoy the weekend
Mrs Parker, Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Debowska.