Good afternoon ‘Team Year 4’
Well we wanted to start by saying a massive well done and thank-you for all your hard work over the past term, it has been an honour and at times quite humbling to see the incredible effort you have all made in your home learning. We fully appreciate how difficult it has been and we continue to feel so proud of each of you. It was great to see mostly everyone on the google meet on Thursday, and we are very excited to welcome you all back to school on Monday. We have some exciting lessons planned for the week!
ALL children will be welcomed back to school on Monday 8th March. Drop off and pick up times will be the same as before for all of Year 4. 8.40am drop off at Common Edge Rd gates, and 3.15pm pick up from the same place. On Fridays, pickup will still be at 1.05pm for all of the class. Our PE days will still be Tuesdays and Thursdays. Miss Haggerty has but a detailed blog up on the News page, with more in-depth information about our return to school and the safety measures that will be in place-it is important that you read this before the children’s return. Click here to read this.
Also, please remember to bring in your whiterose maths booklet, the RE booklet and your ‘Blackpool Future Story’ as we will be continuing these in class over the next couple of weeks.
World Book Day..
During the past week, we have been busy with a variety of world book day activities and it was lovely to see all your outfits on Thursday, we really had a range of characters from Horrid Henry, to Harry Potter, thank you so much for your effort on making this day memorable.
After our google meet, the children have been working hard on their ‘Blackpool Future’ stories. Please remember to bring your story into class on Monday morning, as we will be sharing these and editing them before we produce our neat copies. We can’t wait to give out our ‘Special’ pencil cases!!
Also, don’t forget the ‘book mark’ competition. Please look on the google drive for the link to this, and again please bring these in on Monday so we can enter them into the competition.
This week’s Learning…
Another brilliant week of learning both in school and for our home learners! In maths we have been focusing on multiplying and dividing, using a range of written methods. In Literacy, we have been working hard to understand the key features of journalistic writing, this will be great preparation for our own writing next week in school when we will be putting together our own class ‘time capsule’ of our own experiences during lockdown. In Science, we are beginning to understand the three different states of matter and in RE we have been exploring the events of Holy week in more detail, considering the meaning of some of the key messages for Christians.
And finally…
Have a relaxing weekend and we look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday 8th March.
Kind regards
Mrs Parker, Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Debowska