Well done to Year 4 for another busy week in school, including our ‘silly sock’ day! Just to let you know we are planning a whole school ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ for Friday 11th December, exciting! Also, please don’t forget our ‘Poetry Competition’ for next Wednesday (2nd December).
Our learning this week…
In English we have been writing poems in free verse and using computers to edit and present our finished drafts. We have used a range of fonts and colour on certain words to give an effect.
In Maths this week, we have looked at units of measure converting from mm to cm to m. Now we are on Km.
In History, as part of our ‘Ancient Egypt’ topic, we have started to look at mummification and in Art we have nearly finished our sarcophagus.
-R.E: We have been starting to think about the Advent Wreath, exploring the meaning and symbolism of each candle and the importance of the Advent season as a time of preparation for Christians.
-Can we please remind you that our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. If your child usually wears earrings they will have to be removed in order for your child to take part.
-Our class email is; year4@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk - please use this email as a means to communicate with us regards any issues or queries you may have. We will be responding to these emails on a Friday afternoon, but as always, for any more urgent matters you are welcome to contact the school office and we will respond as soon as possible.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Parker
Link to home learning: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PMW_YTDgvWDhwmv_9kwfgLI20uT-KfeC?usp=sharing