Well done to Year 4 for another week of hard work and learning. Here is what we have been exploring this week…

-Maths: We have been looking at a variety of techniques to make sensible estimates when solving a range of addition and subtraction calculations. We have been developing our independence in methods to check our strategies, using the key principles of the commutative law and the inverse operation.

-English: This week, we have continued to develop our poetry work, using our imaginations and a range of exciting vocabulary to capture the interest of our reader.

-R.E: We have been thinking about the trust we place in our friendships and celebrating the gift of friendship that we can give and receive from others. The children produced their own ‘friendship’ themed poems, showing their understanding of the key qualities of a good friend. We made some links to the gift of friendship God offers Christians and the trust we can put in Him to accept this gift.


-Can we please remind you that our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. If your child usually wears earrings they will have to be removed in order for your child to take part.

Golden award = Gabriella

Star Writer award = Ollie and Leo

Maths award =Millie

-Our class email is; year4@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk - please use this email as a means to communicate with us regards any issues or queries you may have. We will be responding to these emails on a Friday afternoon, but as always, for any more urgent matters you are welcome to contact the school office and we will respond as soon as possible.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Parker

Link to home learning: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PMW_YTDgvWDhwmv_9kwfgLI20uT-KfeC?usp=sharing

Authorfiona ormerod