Here is what we have been learning about this week…

-Maths: We have been exploring ‘efficient’ methods, discussing a range of strategies we could use to solve subtraction calculations. We are beginning to make decisions independently on ways to solve a variety of word problems.

-English: This week, we have been exploring poetry linked to the remembrance day commemorations (please see the last post for our recording of our poem recital) This was a fantastic way for the children to reflect on the importance of remembrance.

-R.E: We read and discussed the Old Testament story of ‘Jonah and the Whale’ , exploring the key messages for Christians today and making comparisons to other Old Testament stories.


-Can we please remind you that our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. If your child usually wears earrings they will have to be removed in order for your child to take part.

Golden award = Lillie

Star Writer award = Malachy

Maths award =Maisy

-Our class email is; - please use this email as a means to communicate with us regards any issues or queries you may have. We will be responding to these emails on a Friday afternoon, but as always, for any more urgent matters you are welcome to contact the school office and we will respond as soon as possible.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Parker

Link to home learning:

Authorfiona ormerod