I must begin by expressing my gratitude to my class and parents, alike. Your support is truly appreciated, and I am so pleased to see that you have all established new routines, and have adjusted to your new ‘classrooms’. I have been so impressed with the work I have been sent this week and the work produced by those in school. I have shared some of the Romeo & Juliet work at the bottom of this page. I am hoping we have all now mastered angles on a straight line and around a point, as next week our focus is angles in triangles! I hope you have found the audio lessons useful as well, I will continue to provide these for all Romeo & Juliet lessons and most of the foundation subject lessons too.

From now on, Miss Benson will be providing music tasks for the class to complete, every Friday, on YUMU. I have sent login detail, via email, to all parents with each child’s login details.

As mentioned on the Home Learning page, it is a requirement that we have regular contact with parents/children with regards to work being completed at home. I can only begin to imagine how challenging it has been for so many (if not all!) of you parents trying establish your own routines, now you have your child(ren) learning from home. With this in mind, I am very flexible in terms of when their work is sent. It is, however, important that I have communication with you at least weekly. As always, thank you for your support with this.

Please click here to access the Home Learning page, which has been updated with next week’s learning.

Here are some pictures of the ‘S’ plans from R & J lesson 1 (click on the image to see in full)….

Here are some of the Act 1 Scene 1 Pieces of Writing (Click on the image to see it in full!)..

Year 6, you are making me incredibly proud. Every piece of work I receive or ‘catch up’ email I get from your parents/carers, brings a huge smile to my face. Hopefully it will not be too much longer before I have you all back in the classroom, but until then keep working hard and be good for your parents….help around the house!

Have a lovely weekend….take care and be safe!

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray x

AuthorCatherine Slater

Merry Christmas!

Well, I can hardly believe we have come to the end of our first term in Year 6, and what a great term it has been as well.

I want to say a huge well done to all of Year 6 for working so hard these past few months-they have achieved so much! I cannot wait to see what the new year brings!

I also want to say a big thank you to all of you parents for your continued support-we share the common goal of seeing your child continue to succeed and thrive in Year 6, so your support in achieving this is hugely appreciated.

Although we could not gather in church this year, for our Carol Service, this has not stopped us for putting one together any way. Below is Year 4, 5 & 6’s service, which has been cleverly pieced together by Fr Jim! He is very talented! We hope you enjoy.

Let me end by wishing you all a Happy and Holy Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

God Bless,

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray x

AuthorGuest User

And as another week passes us by, we are a week close to Christmas! I can hardly believe that in two weeks time, we will have finished our first full term in school. The class have been working incredibly hard, and I have been so impressed with the outcomes of this! Considering they had 6 months of home learning prior to entering Year 6, I am extra proud of all they have achieved!

We have continued to reflect on each day of Advent this week. It has been lovely to end each day with our shared worship, where we have watched a short reflection from Fr. Jim, and then opened our Advent calendar and read a short passage from scripture. Each day I have picked two children to lead the worship and they have then picked a treat from our Christmas tree…I have assured the class that they will all get a turn to lead! This Sunday marks the 2nd Sunday of Advent, and I am so pleased that under new restrictions, churches are now open for us to go and worship, with our household.

Let’s have a look at this week’s learning….

In Maths, we have been looking at the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles. We have learning some formulas to work out area (length x width) and we know to find the perimeter of a square we just times one length by four! For rectangles, we can add together one shorter and longer side and just double this. Once we were confident with this, we then began to find area and perimeter of compound shapes…I was very impressed with their work on this! We also had a practice arithmetic paper this week, and I was so impressed with how hard everyone tried on this!

In English, we have been writing formal letters to the Wizard of Oz, in the role of Scarecrow. We have had to make sure we maintained a formal tone throughout the letter, paying careful attention to our language choices. In GPS, we have been looking at expanded noun phrases. We will continue to work on these as I know they can be quite tricky to master…we have had to remind ourselves of determiners, adjectives, nouns and prepositions!

In RE, we have been discussing and reflecting on Jesus, ‘The Bread of Life’. We have discussed how our bodies need physically nourishing, through food and water, and in the exact same way, our souls need spiritually nourishing, though ‘The Bread of Life’-Jesus. Jesus nourishes our souls to help our inners selves to grow stronger and more full of love, compassion, humility, peace and mercy. It is with this spiritual nourishment that we are then more prepared and equipped to fulfill Christ’s mission to spread the Good News.

In Science, we have been using classification keys to sort animals into their groups. They are not the easiest things to get your head around, and we will continue with our work on these next week. We have also continued to observe our mould investigation. Some of the pieces of bread have a considerable amount of mould on them, while others still had none! Next week. we will be writing a scientific explanation of why this is.

In PE, we have been playing team games of handball. We have put all of the rules and skills, that we have been learning and developing over the past few weeks, into practice. They were great at this and George was very impressed as well!

In History/Art, we have painted our Spitfires, and they look great!! We are hoping to display them at the front of school, so other classes can see them when they pass. Here are some pictures….


The Golden Award went to Claire for working so incredibly hard!

The Writing Award went to Joseph for her superb choices of formal language, in his letter.

The Maths award went to Analiese for really shining in her Maths….she went on to score an impressive 40/40 on her arithmetic test too!

REMINDER: Next Friday (11th December) is Christmas Jumper Day. The children can come into school wearing a Chirstmassy jumper, in place of their school jumper. They should be wearing their usual school uniform, other than the jumper.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

I am very fond of my quotes at the moment (as you may be able to tell!), and I love to find ones that are relevant to what/who we have been learning about, as well as seeking meaning and relevance in them. The past few weeks, we have been looking at Bletchley Park, linking with the Computing and History curriculum. This week, the class have been finishing off their presentations, and a few pairs have had the chance to present theirs to the class (see pictures below). One of the key figures in helping to crack the Enigma Machine, at Bletchley park, was, of course, Alan Turning. His quote above really struck a chord with me this week, as it made me think about how much we have to fit in before Christmas, in school. But, as well as this, it made me think about our current situation, in these unprecedented circumstances. At the moment, we can only see a short distance ahead, and have to take things one day at a time, until we can eventually reach some form of normality again-things are certainly starting to look much more hopeful and I think we are all beginning to see that light at the end of the tunnel. And on that note I have to say I am so incredibly proud of your amazing children and how resilient that have been during these unusual times.

Here’s what else we’ve been up to….

In Maths, we have been multiplying and dividing fractions by integers. I have been so pleased with how quickly the class has mastered these concepts!

In English, we have finished our cyclone poems from last week. I was SO impressed with the quality of their descriptive poems, and the class were so impressed with their own work that they wanted to photocopy them to share them with you at home-I hope you were just as impressed as I was! We have now moved on to looking at the scene where Dorothy first meets the scarecrow. Next week, we will be doing another piece of writing-a formal letter from the Scarecrow to Oz.

In RE, we have been focusing of what Advent it, and how we can prepare during this special time. As Advent start next week, we have already written our Advent Promises, which we are going to do our utmost to fulfill!

In Science, we have been observing any changes from our mould investigation. We checked on the bread on Monday and again today-we can confirm that mould has started to grow on some of the pieces of bread!

In History, we have been reading up on historic landmarks in Blackpool. This week, we have identified several pillboxes, that are still standing in Blackpool, and marked them on a map. We have also spent this morning using clay to create models of the Spitfire. They look great! Next week, we will be painting them!


This week’s Golden Award went to Analiese for being such a polite and caring member of the class.

The Writing Award went to the whole of Year 6. The standard of their poems this week, made it too difficult for me to choose just one winner!

The Maths Award went to Charlie for trying really hard with his fraction work!


  • Christmas Jumper Day is on the 11th December.

  • Thank you for supporting Silly Sock Day, the children looked great!

  • Please do not send your child in with individual Christmas cards this year for their friends due to the current situation with Covid. Instead, why not send your child in with one card for the whole class?

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. I can hardly believe that next week marks the beginning of Advent…Christmas will be upon us before we know it!

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

The quote above is really poignant and it was quoted by a lady we have been studying in our RE lessons-Mother Teresa. We have been looking at her life in detail, and discussing the ways that she fulfilled the words of the scripture through her actions and because of her beliefs. Not only was Mother Teresa eloquent and truthful (our Jesuit profile values for this half term), she was extremely humble. We have been discussing ways that we can learn from Mother Teresa’s humility, and this quote sums it up. It is not about measuring how much we do, but putting love into those things we do do, no matter how small these deeds may be.

Here is what we have been up to in our other subjects this week….

In Maths, we have been finding fractions and percentages of amounts. This class LOVE percentages! They cheered when I announced our objective was on percentages, and I know why they love them so much-they are really good at them! Once they knew how to find 1%, 10%, 25%, 50% and 25%, the rest came naturally!

In English, we have continued with our Classic Fiction unit. This week we have been discussing cinematic choices for sounds, from the opening clip of The Wizard of Oz, and then we have used this video of the cyclone to start collecting appropriate vocabulary to describe the cyclone. With the help of our Discriptosaurus (my favourite book ever!!) , we have collect our favourite words, phrases and sentences. We are now writing a descriptive poem about the Cyclone, in free verse. For added effect, we are writing in first person-personifying the cyclone! I have been blown away with the drafts of their poems so far!!

In Science, we have explored and categorised different microorganisms, and yesterday we planned and set up an investigation on mould (which is a type of fungus). We have 4 slices of bread in school, kept in different temperatures-one in the fridge, one in the freezer, one in the boiler room and one in the class room. We are going to observe changes over the next couple of week, to see how temperature affects the rate of mould growth.

In History, we have been looking at what primary and secondary sources of information are. We then had a think about which sources of information are more reliable.


This weeks Golden Award went to Liliana for her hard work and superb focus this week.

The Maths award went to Samuel for his fantastic work on percentages!

The Writing Award went to Audrey for powerful use of vocabulary in her poetry.


In line with the Covid-19 health and safety guidance in school, we are required to keep windows open in the classroom, to ensure the room is ventilated. As the weather is getting colder, this does result in the classroom being colder than usual. With this in mind, I have mentioned to the class, on Miss Haggerty’s authority, that they may wear an extra layer of clothing (like a T shirt) under their white polo shirts, as extra insulation. Can I also advise that boys wear full length trousers and girls wear tights, when possible. Thank you.

Coming up…

  • Next Friday (27th November) is Silly Sock day. Children will need to bring £1 donation for the PTFA

  • Christmas jumper day 11 the December. More details to follow.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

This Wednesday was Remembrance Day, a day when we mark the end of World War 1, and remember all of those who have fought it wars, past and present. We had a beautiful reflection and 2 minutes silence in class, and then made our own poppies, one for display and one to wear….

Here’s what else we have been up to this week…

In Maths, our focus has been division. We have looked at mental methods for division, short division and long division. We have also been solving division word problems!

In English, we have started to look at our focus text for our Classic Fiction unit: The Wizard of Oz. We have explored some new and archaic language, from the opening paragraph of the text, and we have also completed a close-read of this paragraph. The class have done a great job at exploring what the text tells us and what it shows us. In GPS, we have been looking at different word classes.

In Science, we have started our new topic ‘Classifying Living Things’. This week. we have been making links between key scientific vocabulary, related to this topic, to see what we already know.

In History, we have continued with our work on The Blitz. We have use evidence for and against the idea that there was a ‘Blitz Spirit’, and explained our points in more depth.

In PE, we have continued to develop our teamwork and communications skills by playing mini games of hand ball. We have had to follow certain rules and use new skills.


This week’s Golden Award went to Abigail for working so hard this week, and remaining so focused.

The Writing Award went to Gabriella for her well-balanced discussion text.

The Maths award went to Reuben for his great work on division.


  • Friday Finishing Time

    A text was sent in error, with regards to school finishing at 1:15pm on a Friday. For Year 6, school finishes at the usual time of 1.05pm on a Friday.

  • Online Safety

    It has come to my attention that there are more and more children in the class that are using online apps, messaging services and gaming. Through our computing lessons on E-Safety, we discuss how important it is to be safe when we are online and to be respectful to others. I would really appreciate it, if you could reinforce this message at home. I know many of you parents will be monitoring your child’s online activity and any messages they are sending, but I will just put a link to a useful website for parents/carers, with handy tips and ways that you can set up parental controls:


    Thank you for your support with this.

  • Home Learning for those isolating

    You may have noticed that there is a new tab on the drop-down options of the Year 6 area, on the website, called ‘Year 6 Home Learning’. From now on, I will be putting any timetables/resources, for those who are having to isolate, on this area of the website. I will only update this if I have children in the class who are having to isolate, and not necessarily on a weekly basis.

You are doing so well Year 6-thank you for all your hard work. Have a lovely weekend and take care.

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

I hope you all managed to have a good break- it was much deserved! Year 6 have come back this week eager to learn, and we have manage to cover so much!

In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting fractions, including mixed numbers. Although this has not been the easiest concept, especially when the denominators are different, the class have worked so hard on it and I know many of the class are on the road to mastering fractions! We will not be defeated by them! I have attached links to a couple of videos, on adding and subtracting fractions, on the homework page, as this is the focus of the IXL units this week. The videos are great revision for them!

In English, we have been mastering the active and passive voice. Again, this is not the easiest of things, but I think we have just about got our head around it. Remember, if the subject is doing the verb to the object, and in that order, the sentence is in the ACTIVE voice. If the object is having the verb done to it, by the subject, it is in the PASSIVE voice. The English homework, on Education City, will help to revise this.

In English, we have also had an introductory lesson on our new unit, Classic Fiction. We have discussed what we think classic fiction is, and we have had an open debate, and written a discussion text, based on the question ‘Can modern literature be classified as Classic Fiction?’

In RE, as we celebrated the feast of All Saints this week, we thought it would be fitting to look at the life of one particular saint: Mother Teresa. We have been highlighting verses from scripture, and explaining what we think Jesus’ message was from these words, and next week we will be looking in more detail at Mother Teresa’s life, and how she fulfilled the words from the scripture.

In History, we are focusing on The Blitz. We have learnt about what the Blitz was, and now we are using evidence to support ideas for/against the idea that there was a ‘Blitz Spirit’.

In PE, we had our first lesson with one of the coaches from Blackpool Community trust. Our focus this half term is team games and communication skills. Our coach was very impressed with our first lesson, developing our passing and moving skills, with a view to put them into practice with a game of handball, next week.


This week’s Golden Award went to Gabriella for the wonderful attitude she has towards her school life.

This week’s Writing Award went to Caitlyn for her well-written letter, in History, which effectively used many of the key vocabualry.

This week’s Maths award went to Claire because I am so impressed with her work on fractions!

Below, I am copying a guide, that Miss Haggerty has put on the news page of the website. It is a very useful guide, which details any situations where your child would need to isolate, and when they are safe to return to school:

Isolating Guide part 2.jpg

Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Appeal:

Our Lady’s PTA would like to support the Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox appeal again after it was such a success when our Key Stage 2 children took part last year. We would be grateful if you would read this letter which has all the details you will need to help with this event.

Even though we are even more restricted with what we can/cannot do, under the new National Lockdown, I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and manage to spend some quality time with your household.

Stay safe,

Miss Slater and Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

Well, I can hardly believe we are at the end of our first half term already. In the words of Theo, ‘Time does fly when you’re having fun!’ I am so proud of my Year 6 class, and how much they have achieved already. They adjusted to the new routine and systems around school so quickly, and have shown just how resilient they all are. They are such a hard-working class, who really care about their learning, and more importantly, they care so much about each other! It is a joy to watch them interact so positively with each other, during playtimes. They work so well as a team, and give each other so much encouragement-you should be very proud parents! We have really missed those who have been isolating this week, and we cannot wait to be reunited again, as a whole class!

Let’s see what we have been up to this week…..

In Maths, we have had a big focus on fractions. We have compared them, ordered them and even gone on to adding fractions together. Fractions are a tricky concept to get your head around, but everyone will have their ‘click’ moment with them at some point…some of you already have! We will continue with fractions when we return.

In English, we have been completing our Biographies. Many of us have even copied them up, and they will be going on our writing display. For those who have been isolating, you will have time to finish yours when you return-I know you have all made a great start!

In Science, we finished our work on Healthy Lifestyles, and we have been returning to our concept map, from week 1, to add on any new learning.

In History, we have been writing our letters, in the role of an RAF pilot, describing what everyday life was like for them. I am please with the letters produced in class, as well as the letters I have read from those who have been learning from home.

It was our last Sports4Champions lesson yesterday, and here are some pictures of what we did in our last lesson….


We did not do Golden Awards this week, but I did do Writing and Maths awards.

The Writing Award went to Tom for his great editing and copying up his work so neatly.

The Maths Award went to Grace B, for having her ‘click’ moment with fractions! Remember, fractions are our friend!!


  • Our PE days after half term will remain the same-TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS.

  • Thank you to all of those who have sent me work, from the home learning their child has done. If you have not sent me any work yet or an overview of what they have done, from this week, please can you email me an update on year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk

  • Yesterday, the PTFA arranged an end of half term quiz for KS1 & KS2. The class loved it, but it was such a shame that those who were isolating did not have a chance to do it themselves. I will attach the quiz, along with the answers, below, so they can have a go if they like:

    KS2 Quiz PowerPoint

    Quiz Answers

  • I have not set any homework over half term-they have definitely earned a break! I would however, encourage them to keep on top of the of their reading, and of course if they would like to go on TT Rockstars or do a Bedrock lesson, they are more than welcome to!

I hope you all have a lovely week off, and manage to spend some quality time together.

Take care,

Miss Slater

AuthorCatherine Slater

Below I am attaching the link to this week’s home learning timetable for all of those who are having to isolate. There are links on this timetable to all websites and other resources that I would like you to use. I have attached separate links to any extra resources you will need, below:

Home Learning Timetable

White Rose Maths Worksheets (Lessons 1-4)

White Rose Maths Mark Schemes (lessons 1-4)

White Rose Maths Video Links


History-Key Vocabulary

Lined Paper for Letter

A ‘Home Learning’ tab is being developed for each year group page on the website, but until then I will put any home learning resources on this ‘Year 6 News’ area.

Please email me on year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk with any questions and pictures of your completed work.

Take care,

Miss Slater

AuthorCatherine Slater

I found the quote above, by Maximilian Kolbe, extremely appropriate this week. Having revived our ‘positive post’, it has been so lovely to hear of all of the thoughtful and selfless things the class have been doing for each other. Positive post is a chance for the class to acknowledge any positive actions or words other people in the class have shown, and they always have so many to share, at the end of the day-what a good sign! They have been showing how strong their friendships are, and it has been so lovely to hear how much they appreciate each other. They really are there to support and care for each other-it is incredibly heartwarming.

Now let’s see what we’ve been up to this week….

In Maths, we have continued with multiplication, but have stepped it up a notch, by multiplying 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. Many of us have mastered this, but there are some of us that will continue to practice this written method (starting with our IXL homework!).

In English, we have continued with our guided write. I am so impressed with the class contributions to our shared write, and together, they are producing high quality pieces of writing. When I have been marking their own work, I have been so pleased with their choices of language, and the effective use of relative clauses. Punctuation is an on going target, as many of us need to ensure we are more consistent with this.

In Science, we followed up our investigation, from last week, with our conclusion, using scientific explanations. We now know why I heart rate is higher after more strenuous exercise-ask us!

In RE, we continued reflecting on the actions of Maximilian Kolbe, which led us to reflect on our own actions too. We have also been praying a decade of the rosary each day this week, in our shared worship. Each day we focused on a different joyful mystery, as well as considering our own personal prayer intentions.

In History, we have continued our research into the Battle of Britain.

In computing, we were looking at online privacy. We discussed what information we should keep private, and how to tell if a website is secure or not. We also know where to go to find each website’s privacy policy.

In Sports4Champions we did some fruit tasting…


This week’s Golden Award went to Angelo always working so hard, and remaining so focused in class,

The Writing Award went to Vinny for his valued contributions to our shared write. he then goes on to apply what he has learnt into his own writing.

The Math’s award went to Theo and Zachary for their great work on long multiplication.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

Another great week, Year 6! This week they have been showing off their writing skills, investigation skills, multiplication skills, teamwork skills, and so much more! I am so pleased to see how much the whole class has improved in such a little amount of time-you can only imagine how excited I am to see their progress by the end of Year 6!

Here’s what we’ve been up to this week….

In Maths, our focus has been multiplication. We have been using both mental strategies and written methods, to solve problems. So far, we have used the short written method when multiplying numbers by one digit numbers (hence their maths IXL focus), but we will soon be looking at multiplying by two-digit numbers, using the written method!

In English, we started our shared write: a biography on Usain Bolt. I am so impressed with the ideas that the class have come up with, and together we wrote the introductory paragraph of our biography. The children then used this shared write, to write their own introduction, magpie-ing any ideas they wanted! The class really enjoyed this, and we will be continuing with the rest next week. In GPS we were looking at semi-colons, colons and dashes.

In Science, we planned and recorded the results of an investigation. We are investigating the question ‘How do different physical activities affect our heart rate?’. Next week, we will be writing our conclusion, based on our results.

In RE, we have been responding to questions about Maximilian Kolbe, and reflecting on our own actions, and how they help to spread the Kingdom of God. How do we help those in need? How do we show compassion and mercy towards others?

In History, we have been researching the Battle of Britain. The class have really enjoyed finding our more about why this was such a significant event in WW2. We listened to a radio broadcast from Neville Chamberlain, when he first declared that Britain were at war, and we even listened to a Polish radio station when they first announced the war-we were very lucky to have Lily to translate this for us!

In PE, I was SO impressed with the classes’ teamwork! In Sports4Champion, we played handball, and the communication skills and good sportsmanship between both teams was brilliant. Next week, we are doing fruit tasting!!


This week’s Golden Award went to Naomi for being such a kind and considerate member of the class, who always tries her very hardest.

The Writing Award went to Thomas for his great contributions to our shard write. he also went above and beyond and did some writing about the Battle of Britain, at home!

The Maths award went to TIa for her growing independence and confidence with her maths.

I hope you all have wonderful weekend,

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

This week, the class have been helping to spread the Kingdom of God, through their words and actions. We have discussed in RE that the Kingdom of God is not just Heaven, it starts within us and grows the more we do good deeds. We looked at the biography of Maximilian Kolbe, who lived his life fulfilling God’s mission. His story was an extremely emotional and powerful one, and we immediately recognised how his actions helped to spread the Word of God, during his lifetime. I have been so pleased to see so many children in the class doing good deeds, throughout the week, and I was so proud at how they behaved during yoga and Sports4Champions, which were both delivered by visitors-we received great feedback! So keep up the great work Year 6, and continue to spread the Kingdom of God!

This week’s learning….

In Maths, we have been focusing on mental and written methods for subtraction.

In English, we have been writing formal letters of application, in the role of Walt Disney. Our GPS focus was relative clauses. We know how to identify a relative clause, as they start with a relative pronoun!

In Science, we have looked at the functions of the main parts of the circulation system.

In History, we have been places key significant events, from World War II, on a timeline.


It came to my attention this week, that there were several children in the class who had not fully completed all of the homework I had set. It is really important that the class can work to a deadline, particularly as this is something they have to do regularly in high school. Every Thursday morning, I check that each child has completed each of the IXL units, at least one Bedrock lesson, and have accessed TT Rockstars over the week. I was disappointed to see that there were quite a few that had not completed all of this. I have spoken to the class about this, and have made it clear that even in they do not get all the work complete by Wednesday evening, they must still complete all of the set work by Friday, but they will be marked down as ‘late’ for that week.

Any children that are absent on a Friday, when I set the homework, if they are well enough and are back in school by the following Monday, I will direct them to the school website to still complete any homework set. They will receive an extended deadline of the Friday, to complete all the work set.

Any spellings I set, they will have a full week to practise, as we will always have our spelling test on a Friday. Although I cannot monitor how often they are practising at home, the proof will be when they complete their test-please do encourage them to practise regularly if you can!

If you ever have any questions or queries about any of the work I have set, please do not hesitate to email me, year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk,

Thank you for your support with this.


This week’s Golden Award went to Audrey for being such a positive and enthusiastic member of the class!

The Writing Award this week went to Leo for his cohesive letter-he used many cohesive devices to ensure his letter flowed nicely.

The Maths Award went to Hollie for the huge improvement in her arithmetic skills.


Another message from the Head of Year 7, at St Mary’s Catholic College:

‘St Mary's Catholic Academy Open Evening will be an online event this year. It launches at 17:00 on Monday 28th September and can be viewed anytime after this. We are also doing private tours of the Academy - please call 01253 396286 to book your place. ‘


Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

Another great week in Year 6. We have all fully settled in now and have delved head first into our learning. I am so impressed with how well the class have adapted to the new routines, and they no longer need to be prompted as much with regards to hand washing/sanitizing, and the permitted routes we can take around school. Well done, Year 6!

Let’s take a look at what we’ve been up to….

In Maths, I have been so impressed with how quick the class are now completing their daily Morning Math’s questions…I have noticed huge improvements with their mental maths methods! In our Maths lessons we have been focusing on written and mental addition.

In English, we have been continuing with our biography unit. We are about to do our first mini write, in which we will write a formal letter, in the role of Walt Disney, applying for a job. We have used evidence from his biography to support each quality from the person specification.

In Science, we have been looking at the human heart. We have drawn and labelled its different parts, before we go on to looking at the role of the heart in the circulation system.

In History, we have ordered some of the key events of WWII. Next lesson, we will be creating our own timeline, and placing these events on it, chronologically!

In RE, the class have been responded, by letter, to the question ‘Is the Kingdom of God in Heaven? If not, where can I find it?’. They have been using Jesus’ teachings, as well as Pope Francis’ views to support their answers. I am very pleased with the quality and depth of their replies so far!

In PE, we had our first Sports4Champions lesson. It was great fun…although some of us got a little over excited at the outdoor games we played. I had to have a word with the class about the way we conduct ourselves, especially in front of visitors! I think some of the class forgot about their listening skills, as they were too distracted by other things. The class have assured me, this will not be the case next week!

The class have the chance to win some great prizes, through the Sports4Champion programme. The more fruit and veg they eat per day, and the more physical activities they do, will earn them more points. The books that we record this in, are kept in school and the children put their stickers on daily.

Please see the blog before this, for information on Head Boy/Girl speeches. The deadline for video entries is Tuesday 23rd September.


The Golden Award winner from last week was Ellie. She has settled in SO well at Our Lady’s school, and she is well and truly part of our big family!

The Golden Award winner for this week is Charlie. He has settled in so well in Year 6 and has shown what a hard worker I know he is going to be for the duration of Year 6.

The Writing Award this week went to Ryan for his well-written and in-depth piece of work, in RE.

The Maths Award for this week went to Megan for her detailed explanations of the methods she is using.


Notice from St Mary’s Catholic College

This week I received an email from the Head of Year 7, as follows:

We are offering tours of the academy for Year 6 parents starting from Monday 21st September. These will be by appointment and can be booked by phoning the school office on 01253 396286.


Please check the homework tab for details of the work set for this week.

Thank you for another great week. Enjoy your weekend.

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

Today, I have spoken to the class about preparing their speeches for Head Boy/Girl, should they wish to apply for the role. Although we can no longer gather as a whole school, for the children to deliver their speeches, we will still be doing them, but virtually!

We will be recording each child reading out their speech, for the rest of the school to see, and they will be shown in each class by their teacher. This means the teachers and other children in the school can have their vote, just as they usually would.

As soon as they have written and perfected their speech, I have asked for them to bring it into school, and we will record them reading it. I have , however, said they can record their speech from home, if they want to, as long as they are wearing their school uniform and it is against a plain background. If it is recorded at home, please can you email it to year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk.

The deadline for speeches is next Tuesday 23rd September so we must have all speeches recorded by the end of this day. This will then give the other teachers time to show each speech in their classes, gather votes, and we will hopefully be able to appoint our new Head Boy/Girl and Deputy Head Boy/Girl, by the end of next week.

Good luck to all applicants…remember to speak eloquently and confidently and try not to look down at your speech the whole way through-address your audience! Oh and please do not forget to start your speech by introducing yourself!

AuthorCatherine Slater

Year 6, you have made me so proud this week! You have all settled in so well, and I have been so pleased to see how hard-working you all are. Monday was the first day with the whole class reunited, and it was truly heart-warming to see how excited the children were to see all of their friends together again-they have so much love for each other! Just like the quote above, we are all on a new journey together, in Year 6, and we are going to make every second count and enjoy it! I have been SO pleased with the work each child has produced in class, and they have all adapted to the new changes and routine, so maturely-well done. Under such challenging and difficult circumstances, I could not have hope for a better start to the school year.

Here’s what we have been up to this week…..

In Maths, we have been focusing heavily on place value. We looked at 6-digit place value to begin with and eventually worked our way to 3-decimal place value! They did so well with all of that, we even managed to get onto decimal and fraction equivalents! They have all blown me away with their Maths skills!

In English, we continued with our Biography unit. We have looked at the life of Walt Disney this week, as well as the world-famous ice-skaters, Torvill and Dean. We will be looking at a variety of biographies, in the coming weeks, to help us add more to our biography tool kits-this will help us to eventually write a biography of our own! We have also looked at different types of nouns in GPS-who knew there were so many?!

In Science and History, we have done our initial ‘concept maps’ for our new topics. This helps me to see what they already know, before we get fully stuck into the learning. In Science, next week, we will be looking at the circulatory system. In History we will be looking at a timeline of key events from WWII, as our topic this term in ‘The Battle of Britain’.

In RE, our first unit is ‘The Kingdom of God’. This week, we had a think about what values we think someone might possess, in order to be part of God’s Kingdom. The children came up with some heart-felt answers, which they were able to explain so beautifully.

Next week, in PE, we will be starting our Sports4Champions sessions. This is lead by Blackpool Council, and a member of their team deliver the sessions. We do a lot about health and exercise, and of course, do lots of physical activities too. This will be every Thursday afternoon, for this half term.


  • To keep us all safe, KS2 are now using online homework as we can no longer have English and Maths workbooks toing and froing between home and school. At the end of each week I will post the details of Year 6’s homework on the Year 6 homework page of this website and homework should be completed by the following Wednesday

  • ALL children have lunch in school on Friday, before they leave at the earlier time of 1.05pm

  • Reading books were sent home on Monday-please keep up with regular home reading

  • Any questions/queries, contact me on year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Thank you, Year 6, for making our first full week back such a pleasurable one!

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater