And as another week passes us by, we are a week close to Christmas! I can hardly believe that in two weeks time, we will have finished our first full term in school. The class have been working incredibly hard, and I have been so impressed with the outcomes of this! Considering they had 6 months of home learning prior to entering Year 6, I am extra proud of all they have achieved!
We have continued to reflect on each day of Advent this week. It has been lovely to end each day with our shared worship, where we have watched a short reflection from Fr. Jim, and then opened our Advent calendar and read a short passage from scripture. Each day I have picked two children to lead the worship and they have then picked a treat from our Christmas tree…I have assured the class that they will all get a turn to lead! This Sunday marks the 2nd Sunday of Advent, and I am so pleased that under new restrictions, churches are now open for us to go and worship, with our household.
Let’s have a look at this week’s learning….
In Maths, we have been looking at the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles. We have learning some formulas to work out area (length x width) and we know to find the perimeter of a square we just times one length by four! For rectangles, we can add together one shorter and longer side and just double this. Once we were confident with this, we then began to find area and perimeter of compound shapes…I was very impressed with their work on this! We also had a practice arithmetic paper this week, and I was so impressed with how hard everyone tried on this!
In English, we have been writing formal letters to the Wizard of Oz, in the role of Scarecrow. We have had to make sure we maintained a formal tone throughout the letter, paying careful attention to our language choices. In GPS, we have been looking at expanded noun phrases. We will continue to work on these as I know they can be quite tricky to master…we have had to remind ourselves of determiners, adjectives, nouns and prepositions!
In RE, we have been discussing and reflecting on Jesus, ‘The Bread of Life’. We have discussed how our bodies need physically nourishing, through food and water, and in the exact same way, our souls need spiritually nourishing, though ‘The Bread of Life’-Jesus. Jesus nourishes our souls to help our inners selves to grow stronger and more full of love, compassion, humility, peace and mercy. It is with this spiritual nourishment that we are then more prepared and equipped to fulfill Christ’s mission to spread the Good News.
In Science, we have been using classification keys to sort animals into their groups. They are not the easiest things to get your head around, and we will continue with our work on these next week. We have also continued to observe our mould investigation. Some of the pieces of bread have a considerable amount of mould on them, while others still had none! Next week. we will be writing a scientific explanation of why this is.
In PE, we have been playing team games of handball. We have put all of the rules and skills, that we have been learning and developing over the past few weeks, into practice. They were great at this and George was very impressed as well!
In History/Art, we have painted our Spitfires, and they look great!! We are hoping to display them at the front of school, so other classes can see them when they pass. Here are some pictures….
The Golden Award went to Claire for working so incredibly hard!
The Writing Award went to Joseph for her superb choices of formal language, in his letter.
The Maths award went to Analiese for really shining in her Maths….she went on to score an impressive 40/40 on her arithmetic test too!
REMINDER: Next Friday (11th December) is Christmas Jumper Day. The children can come into school wearing a Chirstmassy jumper, in place of their school jumper. They should be wearing their usual school uniform, other than the jumper.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Slater & Mrs Murray