Year 6, you have made me so proud this week! You have all settled in so well, and I have been so pleased to see how hard-working you all are. Monday was the first day with the whole class reunited, and it was truly heart-warming to see how excited the children were to see all of their friends together again-they have so much love for each other! Just like the quote above, we are all on a new journey together, in Year 6, and we are going to make every second count and enjoy it! I have been SO pleased with the work each child has produced in class, and they have all adapted to the new changes and routine, so maturely-well done. Under such challenging and difficult circumstances, I could not have hope for a better start to the school year.
Here’s what we have been up to this week…..
In Maths, we have been focusing heavily on place value. We looked at 6-digit place value to begin with and eventually worked our way to 3-decimal place value! They did so well with all of that, we even managed to get onto decimal and fraction equivalents! They have all blown me away with their Maths skills!
In English, we continued with our Biography unit. We have looked at the life of Walt Disney this week, as well as the world-famous ice-skaters, Torvill and Dean. We will be looking at a variety of biographies, in the coming weeks, to help us add more to our biography tool kits-this will help us to eventually write a biography of our own! We have also looked at different types of nouns in GPS-who knew there were so many?!
In Science and History, we have done our initial ‘concept maps’ for our new topics. This helps me to see what they already know, before we get fully stuck into the learning. In Science, next week, we will be looking at the circulatory system. In History we will be looking at a timeline of key events from WWII, as our topic this term in ‘The Battle of Britain’.
In RE, our first unit is ‘The Kingdom of God’. This week, we had a think about what values we think someone might possess, in order to be part of God’s Kingdom. The children came up with some heart-felt answers, which they were able to explain so beautifully.
Next week, in PE, we will be starting our Sports4Champions sessions. This is lead by Blackpool Council, and a member of their team deliver the sessions. We do a lot about health and exercise, and of course, do lots of physical activities too. This will be every Thursday afternoon, for this half term.
To keep us all safe, KS2 are now using online homework as we can no longer have English and Maths workbooks toing and froing between home and school. At the end of each week I will post the details of Year 6’s homework on the Year 6 homework page of this website and homework should be completed by the following Wednesday
ALL children have lunch in school on Friday, before they leave at the earlier time of 1.05pm
Reading books were sent home on Monday-please keep up with regular home reading
Any questions/queries, contact me on
I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Thank you, Year 6, for making our first full week back such a pleasurable one!
Miss Slater & Mrs Murray