‘I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.’- Philippians 3:14

Well Year 6, I hardly know where to begin. I cannot believe we are here, about to enter our last week of the school year. And of course, for you, this marks the last week of your primary school journey. I find it difficult to even put into words how incredibly proud I am of each and every one of you, and even as I type this, I am overcome with emotion. No one could have ever foreseen you (or anyone!) spending the last few months out of school, trying your hardest to learn from the comfort of your own home. I know many of your bedrooms and living rooms have become your new makeshift classrooms, and your gardens have been your playground. The way you have all adapted to this and shown such strength and resilience, is admirable. In unprecedented times like these, we have all had to adjust to a new way of living, and what used to be our ‘normal’, has had to change so suddenly. I know this is not how you, nor I, would have liked to spend the last few months together, but I could not have asked for a better class to go through this with. You have kept my spirits up with the amazing work you have shared and the pictures you have sent. We both started school at Our Lady’s at the same time-my first year teaching here, was your first year in Reception! I am honoured to be the teacher that you have spent your last year with. I will forever hold a special place in my heart for my Year 6 Lockdown Class of 2020!

To all you parents, I have to say a huge THANK YOU for all you have done, throughout this year. I have been humbled by your strength and overwhelmed by your support. For many of you, this will have been the third year I have taught your child, and year-on-year I have experienced such kindness and support from all of you. This year, in particular, has been very testing, for obvious reasons. And yet, this has not stopped you from being that pillar of strength for both your children and for the school. l will be eternally grateful for this.


I am aware that the majority of the class will be in school next week. However, we wanted to arrange a little ‘something’ as a last farewell to the class, and invite those who are not in school for the week, to maybe pop by, even if it is just for an hour or two. With this is mind, we have arranged to have a socially distanced lunch on the field, on Friday 17th July from 12pm-2pm. Food (pizza) and drink will be prepared by the amazing kitchen staff at Our Lady’s, so the children do not need to bring any lunch with them. It will be a nice way for the class to spend their last meal together, in primary school. Of course, the safety of the children is paramount, so there will be measures in place to ensure this. Each child will be provided with masks and gloves and the mats on the field will be at least 1 metre apart. If your child is one of those who is not in school, please email me and let me know whether you would like to send your child in from 12pm-2pm (just so we know numbers for food and seating etc). On Friday, the school day will end at the earlier time of 2pm for ALL of Year 6.

Here are the learning expectations for those still accessing the learning from home. As I mentioned in last week’s blog, we will be covering the same learning with those in school.

Suggested Timetable- please click here to view a suggested timetable for this week’s learning. It has been amended slightly this week, to match the timetable we will be using in school.

Week 14’s learning expectations…

Expected work:


  • At least 2 Bedrock Lesson (you can access a Bedrock lesson daily, so feel free to do more!)

  • Education City-English Focus (Complex punctuation) (https://www.educationcity.com/)

  • IXL English Focus (https://uk.ixl.com/)

  • Comprehension on Espresso Learning - https://www.discoveryeducation.co.uk/what-we-offer/discovery-education-espresso

    To access a KS2 comprehension, you need to click on KS2-> English -> Comprehension (upper). You can pick any text to read, and then you will need to answer questions on this text.

  • Oxford Owl-Spelling (https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/) Click onto the Spelling activities and choose ‘Year 6’ from the drop-down box. I would like you to complete the activities on ‘Sounds the Same’ and ‘Swap, Double or Drop?’-they are on the first page

  • Romeo and Juliet Lesson 11

    Please click here for lesson 11 on Romeo & Juliet. For the final ‘Big Write’, you will be planning and writing a discussion text, based on the question ‘Is Friar Lawrence to blame for Romeo & Juliet’s death?’. You will be writing a blanaced argument, using evidence from the play. I have put links below to two versions of the play, as well as a plan template. You can either write or type up your final piece of work.

    Romeo & Juliet Abridged Version Romeo & Juliet Narrative version



To access these activities login (details on suggested timetable), and then click on KS2-> Science -> Light & Shadows. Feel free to have a go at any of the science activities on this website!

Transition Project 13th July

Below is a link to this week’s transition project-the theme this week is ‘Valuing your Achievements’. It is a chance for you to shine a light on all of your achievements from primary school, and start to think about what you would like to achieve in high school.

Year 6 Transition Project 13.07.20

Here are all the templates required for this week’s transition project:

Monday - Jigsaw template

Tuesday- Comic strip template 1 Comic Strip Template 2

Wednesday- Wheel of Achievement

Thursday- Bucket list

Romeo & Juliet Comic Strips:

Here are some additional (non-compulsory) resources you may want to use with your child, over the Summer Holidays, before they start high school. It might just be a way to top up their revision, having spent so much time out of school.

Past SATs paper (if you want to monitor Reading, Maths and Spelling skills)     Oak National Academy       BBC Bitesize Lessons



BUBBLE 4 (based in Year 6 Classroom):

Drop off at 9.15am. Children will enter through the pedestrian/front gate and wait on the ‘footprints’ at the green gate to the KS2 playground with 1 parent only where you will be greeted by a member of school staff who will walk your child to their class entrance. Please ensure your child is on time, as other bubbles will be arriving before and after this time.

Pick up at 3.15pm from the same place they were dropped off.

BUBBLE 5 (based in Year 5 Classroom):

Drop off at 9.30am. Children will enter through the pedestrian gate and wait on the ‘footprints’ on the driveway up to and including the office entrance with 1 parent only where you will be greeted by a member of school staff at the office entrance to bring your child to their bubble.

Pick up at 3.30pm. Children will be picked up from the gates on Thornhill Close, that lead on to the KS1 playground. This is where you used to pick your children up, pre-lockdown.


Congratulations to those of you who took part in our virtual sports day. I’ve loved seeing all your sporty photos and seeing your amazing scores. Please check the School Website PE page for details on the results and winners. These will probably be published some time next week. Congratulations if your team won.

I hope you all have a great weekend, and I look forward to seeing many of your faces next week!! For those learning from home, I cannot wait to hear from you and to see the work you have been doing, so please do still email me your work. As I will be in school full-time, it will take me a little longer to respond to emails, however.

I will be putting one last little update on this blog, later next week, as I would like to share a little something I have been putting together. I will text parents to let you know when the blog has been updated. So watch this space!

Take care!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray x

AuthorCatherine Slater

Good Morning! I hope you had a good week, last week, despite the sudden change in weather. This week, we have another TTRS battle planned, but for a shorter window of time (see below for details!) There is also another week of transition activities, which are all about your individual qualities. I really like this theme, and it links in with the quote above, ‘Don’t blend in, when you were born to stand out.’ So this week, I want you to celebrate your differences and embrace your uniqueness! You are all amazing in your own, unique ways-don’t ever change to blend in with crowd!

SPORTS DAY 6th -8th July - as mentioned last week, we are still planning on going ahead with Sports day this year - granted it will be a little different! Please read the information on the link below and send me your results by WEDNESDAY 8TH JULY AT 4PM to be included in the class count up. Good Luck!


In addition to setting work this week, I will also be putting some information below, with regards to the last week of term, when I know many of you will be coming back to school for the week. Please do read over the information and guidance again so you know what to expect, when you do return. There is also a transition task at the bottom of the blog, which is for the current Year 5’s, who will be moving to Year 6 in September-obviously, there is no need for you to complete this task!

Transition project pictures:

Suggested Timetable- please click here to view a suggested timetable for this week’s learning.

Here are week 13’s learning expectations and resources….

Expected work:


  • At least 2 Bedrock Lesson (you can access a Bedrock lesson daily, so feel free to do more!)

  • Education City-English Focus (Main & Subordinate Clauses-homework task) (https://www.educationcity.com/)

  • IXL English Focus-20 minutes, twice a week (https://uk.ixl.com/)

  • Oxford Owl-Spelling (https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/) Click onto the Spelling activities and choose ‘Year 6’ from the drop-down box. I would like you to complete the activities on ‘Playing with Plurals’ and ‘Spell the Root’-they are on the first page

  • Romeo and Juliet Lesson 10

    Please click here for lesson 10 on Romeo & Juliet. This week, you will be creating a comic strip of either the entire play, or a particular scene. Here are a couple of versions of the play to help remind you with this task, as well as a comic strip template:

    Romeo & Juliet Abridged Version Romeo & Juliet Narrative version


  • Daily reading-at least 20 minutes a day


  • White Rose Maths-click on the link below and I would like you to complete as many of the lessons as possible on: Summer Term – Week 6 (w/c 23rd May). This week it should be Week 11’s lessons, however, they are repeated lessons on angles, that we completed at the beginning of term. I have gone back and chosen a week that we missed, due to our two weeks half term-you will need to scroll down the website page, to find Week 6 videos and lessons.


    Each lesson has a video and an activity sheet, there are 4 lessons and a ‘Friday Challenge’.

    Please find below each lesson’s activity sheet and mark scheme. I would encourage your child to mark their own work and self-correct.

    Lesson 1 Activity Lesson 1 Mark Scheme

    Lesson 2 Activity Lesson 2 Mark Scheme

    Lesson 3 Activity Lesson 3 Mark Scheme

    Lesson 4 Activity Lesson 4 Mark Scheme

  • Education City-Maths Focus (Equivalent Fractions, Decimals & Percentages-Homework task) (https://www.educationcity.com/)

  • IXL Maths Focus-20 minutes, twice a week (https://uk.ixl.com/)

  • TT Rockstars- https://ttrockstars.com/ Practice your times tables regularly! This week we have a battle against Year 5 again. This time we are limiting the time to just 2 hours! It will take place TODAY (Monday 6th July) from 10am-12pm! We won last time, we need to keep hold of the winning title now!


Transition Project 6th July

Below is a link to this week’s transition project-the theme this week is ‘Individual Qualities’. It is a chance for the class to focus on their strengths and their uniqueness!!

Year 6 Transition Project 06.07.20

Additional resources:

R & J work from last week’s lesson:


Below I am attaching the guidance for parents and children, which outlines some key information for when your child returns to school for the last week. Please do read over the information with your child, so they are aware of what safety measures will be in place, when they do return. School will be different to what they are used to, and due to higher numbers of children returning, there will be two separate Year 6 ‘learning bubbles’ (of course they will still get to see their friends from the other bubble, and say hello, but this will be socially distanced!) The parent guidance also provides you with information for each bubble (Bubble 4 & Bubble 5), re. school start/end times and drop off/pick up points. I have also attached a document that outlines the two timetables for ‘Bubble 4’ and ‘Bubble 5’. You will receive a text from me, telling you which bubble your child is in, so you know which information and timetable is relevant to your child. I cannot wait to see many of your faces again!

For those not returning to school, I will be putting all the information for next week’s learning on the website, as usual. The home learning I set on next week’s blog will be the same as the learning we will be covering in school.

Guidance for parents
Guidance for children

Year 6 Learning Bubble Timetable

Take care and have a lovely week!

Miss Slater x


Year 5 Transition Activity!

Good morning Year 5 (soon to be Year 6!) I cannot believe how fast time has gone-it seems like only yesterday I was teaching you in Year 4. I feel so privileged to be teaching you again, especially during your last year in primary school. Having spoken to Mrs McVey, I know how hard you have all been working during this difficult time. I know it cannot have been easy for any of you, having to adapt to learning from home. However, I have no doubt it will have made you even more resilient and ready to take on any challenge that comes your way. I would like to think I know you quite well, having taught you before, however, so many things can change in a year-your strengths, areas for development, ambitions, anxieties and so much more! With this in mind, I would love for you to share your thoughts and feelings with me, as you prepare to make that transition to Year 6. Year 6 is full of responsibility, challenges, new learning, adventures, independence….I cannot wait for us to go on this learning journey together!

Below, are some points/questions for you to respond to, to help me get to know you all over again! I have also attached a few templates that you may want to use. However, feel free to respond to these question in any way you would like-be as creative as you want! You might want to create your own booklet, make a poster, write a letter or even make a little video to send me! Express yourself in any way you like! When you have completed it please send it to my email address, year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk. by Friday 10th July. I cannot wait to hear from you!

1) All about you-your family, likes/dislikes, ambitions, hobbies etc

2) What have you been doing while school has been close? How have you found home learning?

3) Your Year 5 achievements/areas for development. What did you enjoy most? What did you find difficult?

4) What are you looking forward to in Year 6?

5) Are there any specific roles of responsibility you are hoping to take on, in Year 6? Head Girl/Boy?Prefect? Digital leader? Sports leader? Office support?

6) Do you have any worries/concerns about Year 6?

Template (with lines)

Template (without lines)

Letter to teacher template

I cannot wait to hear back from you!

Miss Slater x

AuthorCatherine Slater

Good Morning! I do hope you managed to take advantage of the glorious weather we had, last week. I must say, since the beginning of lock down, we have been very lucky with the weather…let’s hope this doesn’t mean we’re in for a rainy August!

I hope you found the new Oxford Owl resource useful last week-I have been using it with many of the children in school and I really do rate it. The spelling activities are the same format as the spellings we do in class, and the books you have access to are a great way to fulfill the ‘20 minutes daily reading’ activity on your timetable! I also hope you found the Transition Project useful- I had some great feedback from parents and a few pictures of a couple of children completing one of the daily tasks (see below).

Note about Sumdog - Our subscription to Sumdog is ending this month so I have not set any home tasks on Sumdog this week. However, you will still be able to use Sumdog for basic access, but once the subscription ends, you will find that some premium access/games will disappear.

Instead, I will be putting a Maths & English focus, from Education City, in the ‘expected work’ and I will be asking you to access a spelling activity from Oxford Owl and practice your times tables through TT Rockstars (see details below of a TT Rockstars battle between Yr5 & Yr6, this week!). This way, you will still be timetabled to completed the same learning, just through different online resources (the new suggested timetable will reflect this).

Suggested Timetable- please click here to view a suggested timetable for this week’s learning. I have amended it this week, to reflect the changes mentioned above.

Here are week 12’s learning expectations and resources….

Expected work:


  • At least 2 Bedrock Lesson (you can access a Bedrock lesson daily, so feel free to do more!)

  • Education City-English Focus (Summarising a Text-homework task) (https://www.educationcity.com/)

  • IXL English Focus-20 minutes, twice a week (https://uk.ixl.com/)

  • Oxford Owl-Spelling (https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/) Click onto the Spelling activities and choose ‘Year 6’ from the drop-down box. I would like you to complete the activities on ‘Rule Breakers’ and ‘Silent letters’ (they are both on the first page of activities)

  • Romeo and Juliet Lesson 9

    Please click here for lesson 9 on Romeo & Juliet. This week, the focus is on the ending of the play. As part of this lesson, you may want to use this comparison template.

    You will also need to refer to the Romeo & Juliet text for this week’s lesson. Refer to ‘Scene 21’ pages 25-27:

    Romeo & Juliet Abridged Version

  • Daily reading-at least 20 minutes a day


  • White Rose Maths-click on the link below and I would like you to complete as many of the lessons as possible on: Summer Term – Week 5 (w/c 18th May). This week it should be Week 10’s lessons, however, they are repeated lessons on Ratio, that we completed at the beginning of term. I have gone back and chosen a week that we missed, due to our two weeks half term-you will need to scroll down the website page, to find Week 5 videos and lessons.


    Each lesson has a video and an activity sheet, there are 4 lessons and a ‘Friday Challenge’.

    Please find below each lesson’s activity sheet and mark scheme. I would encourage your child to mark their own work and self-correct.

    Lesson 1 Activity Lesson 1 Mark Scheme

    Lesson 2 Activity Lesson 2 Mark Scheme

    Lesson 3 Activity Lesson 3 Mark Scheme

    Lesson 4 Activity Lesson 4 Mark Scheme

  • Education City-Maths Focus (Converting Fractions-Homework task) (https://www.educationcity.com/)

  • IXL Maths Focus-20 minutes, twice a week (https://uk.ixl.com/)

  • TT Rockstars- https://ttrockstars.com/ Practice your times tables regualrly!

    On Wednesday, we have a Times tables battle scheduled, on TT Rockstars, between Year 5 & Year 6. The battle will start at 9am and finish at 3.30pm. The winning class will be the one with the most questions answered, between those times. Come on Year 6, we need to beat Year 5…so get on there and answer as many questions as possible. And remember, you’ve got to work together to be victorious, so make sure you all play your part!


Transition Project 29th June

Below is a link to this week’s transition project-the theme this week is ‘Being a Problem Solver’.

Year 6 Transition Project 29.06.20

Additional resources:

  • Pie Corbett Talk for Writing Pack, Unit 4. This week, you can continue with the Writing Pack from last week:

    Talk for Writing Year 6 Pack Unit 4

    Talk for Writing Year 6 Greater Depth Pack Unit 4

    I highly recommend the Pie Corbett materials-they really are very good, and I have had great feedback from those parents/children who have been using them!

  • Oxford Owl reading & Spelling Resources. If you click on your age group, there are lots of books you can read online. This week, I have set a Spelling task in ‘expected work’. See parent guide for support.

  • Oddizzi (Geography)-https://www.oddizzi.com/schools/login/

    Click here for an Oddizzi week 12 activity pack on Global Knowledge

  • If you have any questions for Father Jim, please look at the Children’s page on the Church Website. https://www.olablackpool.org/children-s-page He’s looking forward to all your questions.

    Fr Jim is also putting together a mass (as he did for Ascension), for the Feast of St. Peter & St.Paul, which we celebrate today. It features readings, drawings and hymns from children across all Blackpool Catholic Schools, and will also have children from our school doing some of the readings. You can view this on the Church website today (or tomorrow):


R & J work from last week’s lesson:

Sport’s Day 2020

This week, Miss Dixon is providing all of the details of this year’s Sport’s day (from home)…that’s right, no pandemic is going to stop us from going ahead with Sport’s Day!! This will be taking place between Monday 6th July-Wednesday 8th July. To view the details of this, you need to click on the 'Parents’ tab on the school website, and the click on ‘ PE & Sports’.

Keep up the great work, Year 6! Not a week has gone by, when you haven’t made me incredibly proud. I know some weeks will be more challenging than others, but don’t forget all of the work we have done on ‘Growth Mindset’. We will encounter struggles and challenges in so many different aspects of our lives, some more unexpected than others (like a world-wide pandemic!).But it is all about how we respond to these. We can choose to admit defeat, and give in, OR we can overcome these challenges and not allow ourselves to succumb to them-please always choose to do the latter! Just remember that you have so many people around you, that care so much and want you to do your best and achieve-your teachers and parents, to name a few. On that note, please do reach out to me, if you want to talk or need help with your learning. You can email me, through your parents, to year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk. I WILL get back to you!

Have a great week & take care,

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans x

AuthorCatherine Slater

Good Morning! And just like that, another week has gone by. This week I will be adding a new resource (Oxford Owl) to the ‘additional resources’ and there will be a new transition task in the ‘expected work’. In place of the themed Learning Projects I have been setting, I will give you weekly transition projects. There are tasks to complete daily, and this week’s theme is ‘Growing Your Independence’. These projects will really help to prepare the class for their transition to high school, and the tasks are manageable, with some even just having a discussion with others. I really hope you find these useful!

‘Reading in an Unusual place’. Here are some of the great pictures I was sent of you reading in some strange places…this is just proof that you really can ready anywhere!! Thank you for sending these to me, I really enjoyed receiving them. Please do send yours, if you have not managed to yet!

Suggested Timetable- please click here to view a suggested timetable for this week’s learning. I have amended it this week to timetable the transition project work in, and I have also moved the R & J lesson to Wednesday.

Here are week 11’s learning expectations and resources….

Expected work:

  • at least 2 Bedrock lessons

  • IXL at least 3 times a week

  • Regular home reading

  • SumDog-I have set 15 new spellings, times tables challenge and a grammar focus. I have also set a Maths focus this week that is linked this week’s White Rose lessons.

  • Education City- Science work

  • White Rose Maths-click on the link below and I would like you to complete as many of the lessons as possible on: Summer Term – Week 9 (w/c 22nd June)


    Each lesson has a video and an activity sheet, there are 4 lessons and a ‘Friday Challenge’.

    Please find below each lesson’s activity sheet and mark scheme. I would encourage your child to mark their own work and self-correct.

    Lesson 1 Activity Lesson 1 Mark Scheme

    Lesson 2 Activity Lesson 2 Mark Scheme

    Lesson 3 Activity Lesson 3 Mark Scheme

    Lesson 4 Activity Lesson 4 Mark Scheme

  • English-Romeo and Juliet Lesson 8

    Please click here for lesson 8 on Romeo & Juliet. This week, the focus is on Act 4 Scene 1, Friar Lawrence’s plan for Juliet. As part of this lesson, you may want to use the debate template. Please click here for this template.

  • Transition Project

    Below is a link to this week’s transition project. As mentioned before, there are daily tasks that will really help your child to get into a good mindset for their move to high school.

    Year 6 Transition Project 22.06.20

    Additional resources:

  • Pie Corbett Talk for Writing Pack, Unit 4. This week I have set the new Pie Corbett Writing Packs:

    Talk for Writing Year 6 Pack Unit 4

    Talk for Writing Year 6 Greater Depth Pack Unit 4

    I highly recommend the Pie Corbett materials-they really are very good, and I have had great feedback from those parents/children who have been using them!

  • New resource!! Oxford Owl reading & Spelling Resources. If you click on your age group, there are lots of books you can read online, and there are spelling activities to complete, that are the same as the Read, Write, Inc spelling scheme we have used in class. See parent guide for support.

    To access these great resources follow this link:


    You then need to click on ‘My Class Login’ and enter this username: olayear6

    I have sent you all the password, via text. In case you are unsure, the password is the same as our Bedrock & Education City password.

  • I have set Maths, English & Science work on Education City- https://www.educationcity.com/

  • TT Rockstars- https://ttrockstars.com/

  • Oddizzi (Geography)-https://www.oddizzi.com/schools/login/

    Click here for an Oddizzi week 11 activity pack on Food and Farming

  • RE Home Activities This has many RE activities that the children can do from home. If you haven’t already, please have a look at the links to the Year 5 and 6 activities. If you have any questions for Father Jim, please look at the Children’s page on the Church Website. https://www.olablackpool.org/children-s-page He’s looking forward to all your questions.

R & J letters from last week’s lesson:

As always, I am deeply thankful for your continued support! I am truly humbled by how much you are doing with your children, making sure they are getting as much as they can from their home learning experience. I know this cannot always be an easy task. As the weeks have gone by, I can imagine it has become more of a challenge to keep your child(ren) motivated, so please be assured you are doing an amazing job, considering the circumstances! If you ever need any help or support with ANYTHING, please do not hesitate to contact me (year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk) If your child ever wants to send me an email, via the parent email address, I will be sure to email them back too!

Have a great week & take care,

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans x

AuthorCatherine Slater

Good Morning! I hope you all managed to get back into the home learning routine, after a couple of weeks break. Judging by the email updates, pictures and online activity, I can see the majority of you are straight back into the swing of things! As always, I am so impressed with the work I have been sent (I have put pictures of R & J work at the bottom of the blog), and I always enjoy receiving those updates-so please continue to keep in touch! Many parents have commented on how much their child enjoys hearing from me, via email- well the feeling is mutual! So please feel free to send me pictures of anything they have been up to in the week, and where they have been. It would be nice for me to share these pictures on this blog as well, so the rest of the class can see what their peers have been up to! This is another way to keep us all connected, despite the distance between us!

Also, Church is now open for individual private prayer. Father has uploaded a plan for this on to the Church website so please take a look. He has also uploaded the Mass for the feast of Corpus Christi which was on the 11th June.

Suggested Timetable- please click here to view a suggested timetable for this week’s learning. Feel free to use/adapt it.

Here are week 10’s learning expectations and resources….

Expected work:

  • at least 2 Bedrock lessons

  • IXL at least 3 times a week

  • Regular home reading

  • SumDog-I have set 15 new spellings, times tables challenge and a grammar focus. I have also set a Maths focus this week that is linked with some of the White Rose lessons, but please prioritise White Rose

  • Education City- Science work (Inheritance)

  • White Rose Maths-click on the link below and I would like you to complete as many of the lessons as possible on: Summer Term – Week 8 (w/c 15th June)


    Each lesson has a video and an activity sheet, there are 4 lessons and a ‘Friday Challenge’.

    Please find below each lesson’s activity sheet and mark scheme. I would encourage your child to mark their own work and self-correct.

    Lesson 1 Activity Lesson 1 Mark Scheme

    Lesson 2 Activity Lesson 2 Mark Scheme

    Lesson 3 Activity Lesson 3 Mark Scheme

    Lesson 4 Activity Lesson 4 Mark Scheme

  • English-Romeo and Juliet Lesson 6

    Please click here for lesson 7 on Romeo & Juliet. This week, the focus is on Act 3 Scene 2, when Juliet learns of Tybalt’s death. The focus for this week’s lesson is on oxymoron’s (click here to recap) and planning and writing a letter from Juliet to Romeo, after she has discovered about Tybalt’s death.

    Additional resources:

  • W/C 15.06.20 Learning Project -this week’s project is on the theme of ‘Space’.

  • Pie Corbett Talk for Writing Pack, Unit 3. This is the same unit at last week, as I like to give you a couple of weeks to work your way through each unit, before giving you a new one.

    Talk for Writing Year 6 Pack Unit 3

    Talk for Writing Year 6 Greater Depth Pack Unit 3

    I highly recommend the Pie Corbett materials-they really are very good, and I have had great feedback from those parents/children who have been using them!

  • Cracking comprehension-please click on the link below to view a unit from the Cracking Comprehension scheme (we use this in class) This includes the text, questions, and mark scheme:

    ‘The Right to an Education’ Comprehension

  • I have set Maths, English & Science work on Education City- https://www.educationcity.com/

  • TT Rockstars- https://ttrockstars.com/

  • Oddizzi (Geography)-https://www.oddizzi.com/schools/login/

    Click here for an Oddizzi week 10 activity pack on Country Close Up

  • RE Home Activities This has many RE activities that the children can do from home. If you haven’t already, please have a look at the links to the Year 5 and 6 activities. If you have any questions for Father Jim, please look at the Children’s page on the Church Website. https://www.olablackpool.org/children-s-page He’s looking forward to all your questions.


    Please see below the amazing poem Jimmy sent me as part of the Romeo & Juliet lesson. Please do send me any more, when they have been completed!


Here are the Romeo ‘Wanted’ posters submitted:

I hope you all have a great week! Keep going, you are doing so well!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans x

AuthorCatherine Slater

Good Morning! I hope you have all had a well-earned break and have managed to spend some quality time with your family. It has been lovely that some of our lock down rules have been eased slightly and I hope some of you have been able to see loved ones that you have been missing. It’s been the perfect weather for a socially distanced chat in the garden with some friends or family!

And just like that, we are entering week 9 of your home learning. I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by and yet it does feel like such a long time ago that we were all together in school. It is at this time of the year that you are probably thinking more and more about your high school. Over the coming weeks, I am sure you will have some lovely transition activities to complete from you high school or from me. I have also had the privilege of talking to many of your high schools, either on the phone or via Zoom, to tell them about how wonderful you all are and how lucky they are to have you joining them in September. Please do email me and let me know if you have any questions/concerns about the transition process, and I will do my very best to answer these for you (or find someone who can answer these questions for you!)

Suggested Timetable- please click here to view a suggested timetable for this week’s learning. Feel free to use/adapt it.

Here is what week 9 has in store for you…..

Expected work:

I hope you all have a great week, and I am looking forward to receiving pictures/updates throughout the week. I always try my very best to give you feedback and respond to emails as quick as I can, so please do keep them coming! year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk

Take care-as always, we are missing you all!!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray x

AuthorCatherine Slater

Good Morning to you all. Today is a new day and indeed with this does come new strength! Throughout this difficult period of time, particularly last week, when I know many of us felt more uncertain about things than ever, I have been humbled by the strength of all of you parents. I cannot thank you all enough for the support and kinds words you have offered over these weeks. For this, I am truly grateful. And of course I am so lucky to be part of a strong support network with my dear friends and colleagues, the amazing Our Lady’s staff. At Our Lady’s, we are a family and we have never needed each other as much as we do right now. To see us all, teachers, parents and children alike, unite in love and faith to achieve the same goal, is heart-warming. To paraphrase the famous quote, strength truly does come in numbers, so I hope you all feel reassured and comforted in the knowledge that we are here to support you and your families, just as you have supported us…we’re in this together!

Suggested Timetable- please click here to view a suggested timetable for this week’s learning. Feel free to use/adapt it.

Here is what week 8 has in store for you…..

Expected work:

Please do keep the updates coming and any pictures you would like to send of your child’s work.

To my Year 6 class-I am SO proud of you all, so keep going! You are all doing such an amazing job and I know this would not be possible without the support and encouragement from your parents. So please make sure you say thank you and let them know how much you appreciate them. Oh and make sure you’re helping around the house too-wash up after yourself, keep your bedroom tidy, be kind to one another!

Any questions, updates, queries etc, please email me on year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk.

Look after yourselves! We are missing you all!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans x

AuthorCatherine Slater

Pope Francis’ words really do resonate deeply with me; ‘Prayer leads us forward in hope.’ During these uncertain times, I am hopeful for the future that lies ahead, and prayer has truly helped me to remain hopeful. I hope (for use of a better word) these words also provide you with comfort and reassurance that we are moving forward positively and we must remain hope-filled and use prayer to help us to see the bright future that lies ahead. Miss Haggerty has been putting daily prayers on the ‘News’ page on this website, so please do refer to these to help you in prayer. Fr Jim is also still streaming the Sunday Mass from the church website, so you can join him and many others in shared worship, every week.

As we enter the seventh week of Home Learning, this also had me reflecting on the year we have had together. Today should have been the first day of our SATs, and it has made me reflect on how proud I am of my class and all of the hard work and effort each of you put into preparations for this week. I could have cried with pride watching the progress you all made with the mock assessments you did, and seeing how much you all cared. So even though you will not be sitting your SATs this week, I would like you all to know that I am so proud of each and every one of you, and how much you have achieved, so far, during your time in Year 6-please keep up that hard work!

Suggested Timetable- please click here to view a suggested timetable for this week’s learning. I know some of you have already benefited from using a timetable so I thought I would share it with all of you, should you wish to use/adapt it.

If you have any CPG Mock SATs score yet to send me, please email them to year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk ASAP. I still have gaps on my score record for the class.

Expected work:

Any questions, updates, queries etc, please email me on year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk.

Take care and stay safe-as always, we are missing you all!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans x

AuthorCatherine Slater

Good Morning, I hope you are all well! I hope you also appreciated a bit of rain last week, it was only a matter of time before our run of sun came to an end! Having said this, this week is looking to be a relatively sunny and bright one!

I can hardly believe we are into week 6 of home learning, and what an amazing job you are all doing under these circumstance as well. It is so important that during these difficult time, we focus on the positives and look forward to the bright future;

‘The Greater the Storm, the Brighter the Rainbow.’

So keep smiling, keep shining and keep the hope and love of Christ in your hearts-your faith is strong enough to conquer even the harshest of storms!

This week’s learning…..

Expected work:

  • at least 2 Bedrock lessons

  • IXL at least 3 times a week

  • Regular home reading

  • SumDog-I have set 15 new spellings, Timestables and a grammar focus. I have not set a maths focus as I have set White Rose Maths lessons for this week (see below)

  • White Rose Maths (Angles)-click on the link below and I would like you to complete as many of the lessons as possible on: Summer Term – Week 1 (w/c 20 April)

    (you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page to see these lessons)


    Each lesson has a video and an activity sheet, there are 5 lessons so 1 a day would be the best way to timetable them.

  • English-Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 1

    Last week, you read and watched the opening scene from R & J and I asked you to note any Shakespearean language that stood out to you and then write some complex sentences about the scene.

    This week, using the sentences you created last week, you are going to write the opening scene as a narrative blending action, dialogue and description. Remember all of those toolkits we created when we wrote The Wizard of Oz…I want to see if you have remembered them in this piece of writing. Use the Shakespearean language as your dialogue within your story. You are writing the opening of the play as a story. You can choose where the story ends. You could leave it on a cliffhanger. Think about how you are going to start and what atmosphere you are going to create for the reader. We are writing the original play, using all of the stimulus from the texts and films to support you. I have attached the two versions of the play below for reference:

    Romeo & Juliet Abridged Play

    Romeo & Juliet Story Adaptation

    I would love to see your written work, and give you feedback, so please do email me copies of your writing!

    Additional resources:

  • Week 6 Learning Project

  • Pie Corbett Talk for Writing Pack (see previous post)

  • I have set Maths, English & Science work on Education City- https://www.educationcity.com/ Please prioritise the Science work I set on Education City. Although I have not set it as expected work, it is the only Science work I do specifically set so it would be great if this is completed

  • TT Rockstars- https://ttrockstars.com/

  • Espresso Learning- https://www.discoveryeducation.co.uk/what-we-offer/discovery-education-espresso

  • Oddizzi (Geography)-https://www.oddizzi.com/schools/login/

    Click here for an Oddizzi activity pack on Weather and Climate.

Any questions, updates, queries etc, please email me on year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk.

Have a wonderful week and stay safe!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans x

AuthorCatherine Slater

Good Morning!

Another great week last week. I know I mention this every week, but I really am so proud with how you are all (parents and children alike!) managing with your home learning. I am missing all my class so dearly, and it really does make me feel so much closer and connected to you all when I see all the amazing work you are doing from home. I hope you are all managing to take advantage of the beautiful weather we have been blessed with these past few weeks too….I can imagine paddling pools and water pistols may be a popular scene in many of your back gardens!

I have been really pleased with your engagement with our work on Romeo & Juliet and again I have been impressed with the Reasoning 2 Maths scores I have had back so far! This week I will be setting the Reasoning 3 paper, which will be the last of the papers I sent home in the pack. Can I please ask that you send me any results from the papers completed at home. By the end of next week, I’d be hoping that all the class will have completed all the papers and I should have all of their results. Not to worry if your child is a bit behind with their papers, but please get those scores to me as soon as they manage to complete them.

This week’s expected work:

As you are watching and reading, collect the Shakespearean language that stands out to you.

Can you write at least 6 complex sentences (click here to recap complex sentences) about the scene. You will be using these sentences in a piece of writing next week.

Example: It was a peaceful day in the city of Verona when a fight broke out between Montague and Capulet servants.

RE Resources:

Below I am attaching a document that has many RE activities that the children can do from home. They range from Reception up to Year 6. Please have a look at the links to the Year 5 and 6 activities!

RE Home Activities

Can also remind you that Fr Jim has set up a Chidren’s page on the Church Website:


Just like the ‘Ask Fr Jim’ book we have in school, Fr Jim is asking you to email (oladyblackpool@gmail.com) him any questions that the children want to ask him, along with their name and year group. Fr Jim then responds to these questions and put the video response on the children’s page. It’s a lovely way to keep the children connected to the church and to Fr Jim, who also misses all the children dearly!

Additional resources:

I hope you have a lovely week! You are all always in our thoughts and prayers!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans x

AuthorCatherine Slater

I have found a BRILLANT resource that I simply had to share with you!

Pie Corbett has released Talk for Writing home learning packs for each year group and they are just fantastic.

This pack provide about two weeks worth of work which can be printed off if you can, or just use from the screen with a note book if not. The packs I will attach below are specifically for Year 6 and will hopefully support the children in moving them forward in their writing. They are so engaging and really capture the imagination!

I am putting these up as an additional resource as I know we are continuing with our Romeo & Juliet unit in English, so the children can dip into this pack whenever they like. I can already think of many children from the class that will just love these activities and I know some amazing pieces of writing will be produced!

Pie has not only produced a Year 6 pack but also a Year 6 Greater Depth pack for all those writers that really want to extend their learning and challenge themselves! I will attach both packs below:

Talk for Writing Year 6 Pack

Talk for Writing Year 6 Greater Depth Pack

Please let me know if any of your children make a start on these, and what they think of them-I always enjoy getting feedback on how useful/enjoyable the children find the activities.

I hope you are all well. We are all missing the class so much!

Keep up the hard work and please keep smiling!!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray x

AuthorCatherine Slater

Good Morning All, I hope you are all well and are staying safe!

Let me start off by saying how incredibly proud I am of my class for the effort you are putting into your home learning! I have been so pleased to see so many of you completing tasks set, both online and written, and sending me pictures of your work too. I am also so pleased with your mock SATs results so far….for all those whose results I have been sent, I have seen huge improvements and progress, so well done! (If you have not yet emailed me any results, please send me the scores when your child has completed a paper- year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk)

Here’s this week’s learning….

Expected work:

  • Bedrock at least 2 times

  • IXL at least 3 times

  • Sumdog-I have set new spellings, times table, maths focus and grammar focus

  • Maths Paper 2- Reasoning (Click here for mark scheme)

  • Regular home reading

  • English- Click here for lesson 2 on Romeo & Juliet. Thank you to all those who managed to complete the ‘S’ plan from lesson 1 and for those who sent me pictures of them too-I was very impressed!

Additional resources:

If you have any questions about any work set or any general questions, please do not hesitate to email me.

Thank you for all your support and positivity during these difficult times-I really appreciate it!

Miss Slater

AuthorCatherine Slater

I want to begin by expressing how thankful I am for the support and resilience you have all shown during this difficult period of time. Adjusting to learning from home cannot be an easy thing to do, and yet you have all done this so well. It has been a joy for me to receive feedback and pictures from many of you via email. Being able to see what you have been up to at home is a way to keep us connected, despite the distance between us, so please do keep the pictures and updates coming! I also want to say a huge thank you to all those key workers out there that are doing everything in their power to keep us safe-we will be eternally grateful for what you are doing for us our and country during these unprecedented times.

Holy Week begins this Sunday with what would normally be our Palm Sunday service in Church. As this also marks the beginning of our Easter Holidays, I will not be setting a Home Learning Project this week but the sites can still be accessed if you wish. Instead, I have attached a pack of Easter home learning resources and some other activities for you to have a go at during the break. Please do not feel that you have to complete the whole pack, pick and choose what you would like.

Easter home learning pack Why do Christians explore Easter? Explore Easter through fun and creative activities. Please send photos of your creations so we can share them here!

Easter Story writing Write up the Easter story and send me a copy to read.

Easter chocolate mystery maths game You are the detective and you have to solve the clues to to eliminate all-but-one of the suspects.

Easter code breaker Find the punch line to the Easter joke.

Easter mosaics Solve the maths problems to reveal the hidden picture. 

Easter coordinates Write the coordinates of the Easter eggs. 

As mentioned before, please do not feel you have to do all of the above. Even picking a couple of activities from the Easter Home Learning Pack would be great. Next week is also a time to reflect and spend quality time with your families-so enjoy each other’s company and keep Christ in your hearts as the week takes us on a journey towards His death and resurrection.

Please note that I will not be accessing my emails next week, during Holy Week. I am sure you will respect that it is also a time for us teacher to take a break. I will be accessing my emails again from Tuesday 14th April.

I wish you all a Happy and Holy Easter-stay safe, stay at home and stay smiling!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray xx

AuthorCatherine Slater

Here are just a few more resources you can access from home should you wish to….

Father Jim has added some lovely resources for the children on the CHILDREN’S PAGE of the Church website. Year 6 can access this through the following link:


Please take a look at the lovely video that Father has made for the children, giving them the opportunity to ‘Ask Father Jim’ questions just like they would normally do in school. There are great resources to keep the children linked with Fr Jim and our Church family.

Year 6 have now been signed up to Oddizzi which is a geography website accessed at: https://www.oddizzi.com/schools/login/ 

Our username is OLAYear6 and I’ll send the password by text.

It has lots of great resources and many articles to read and answer questions on. I have uploaded the children’s names to the site, so any quizzes they take will be recorded in their name. This half term we had been looking at human and physical Geography, so that will be a great starting point to explore.

For reading, you can access e-books at https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/?view=image&query=&type=book&age_group=Age+9-11&level=&level_select=&book_type=&series=#

Also, if you download the kindle app onto a tablet, or have a kindle, you can download some free children’s books to read. See amazon for more details. In addition, if you go to https://stories.audible.com/discovery you can find a range of stories to listen to including the first Harry Potter book.

Another website to look at for those Harry Potter fans among us, is the newly launched “Harry Potter at Home” hub where you can find articles, puzzles and videos https://www.wizardingworld.com/collections/harry-potter-at-home


Miss Slater

AuthorCatherine Slater

Below I have scanned in the mark schemes for the SATs papers that were sent home in Year 6’s home learning packs. This way, the papers can be marked at home, and any results can be emailed to me.

This week, I have asked for the children to complete the Arithmetic and GPS paper (in timed, test conditions). These are the mark schemes:

Arithmetic Paper 1 Mark Scheme

GPS Mark Scheme

Other Mark Schemes:

Reasoning Paper 2 Mark Scheme

Reasoning Paper 3 Mark Scheme

Reading Paper Mark Scheme

Please let me know if you have any problems marking the papers, or would just like a second opinion-I’m more than happy to help. Just email me pictures of any questions to year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk, and I will double check them for you.

Once again, I please ask that you email me the results from the GPS and Arithmetic papers that I set for home learning this week. Thank you to all those who have already emailed me with results!

I appreciate all your support during this extraordinary time. I hope you are all well and are staying safe by staying at home!

Miss Slater

AuthorCatherine Slater

Good Morning! I hope you have had a good week, and are remaining positive!

‘The best view comes after the hardest climb.’

This week, I have set new work on Sumdog and have extended the deadline for completion to the Sunday (5th) rather than the Friday.

I hope you all managed to get through some of the Learning Project from week 1. Below I have attached this week’s Learning Project:

Learning Project Week 2

Just to give some clearer guidance, below I am going to outline what work I expect to be completed throughout the week, and what work/resources are there in addition to this and to support the home learning process.

Work expected to be completed for W/B 30.03.20:

  • Regular home reading

  • Spellings, times tables and Maths and English focus set on Sumdog

  • At least 2 Bedrock lessons

  • IXL Maths and English practice at least 3 times a week

  • CPG Arithmetic and GPS SAT’s practice papers that were sent home in your packs. When you have completed these, in timed, test conditions, I would really appreciate it if you could send your marks to the year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk email address. If you have already completed these, please email me your marks when you can :-)

Additional work/resources:

  • TT Rockstars

  • Espresso Learning

  • Education City

  • Week 2 Learning Project

  • Home Learning work pack send home in folder

Thank you so much for your continued support during these unprecedented times.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Miss Slater

AuthorCatherine Slater

Good Morning, I hope you are all well!

Every Monday I will update the Year 6 News Page with the tasks set for the week.  These will be on Sumdog and will be due in on the Friday of that week.  However, currently Education city is undergoing maintenance, therefore I have been unable to set work for this week.

In addition to this, below is an attachment to the year 6 weekly learning project. There are lots of learning ideas across the curriculum, for the children to have a go at. I will upload a new learning project each week.

Learning Project Week 1

Aside from this, please continue reading at home and completing the home learning packs that came home last week. The recommendation is that children should be doing school work for two hours a day.

We have also set up year group e-mail addresses so that you can contact us with any questions. The year 6 email address is:


Please note I will only check and respond to e-mails weekly and during school hours.

I hope you all have a good week, and are staying safe. I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers during this uncertain, difficult time. You will all be dearly missed over these coming weeks.

Miss Slater

AuthorCatherine Slater