With just one week to go before we break up, we have certainly not yet put our foot on the break! This week we have managed to cover so much and the class have been so focused (which I know can be hard with Christmas in sight!). We also had Christmas jumper day today (see pic above!) and they all looked great. Thank you for your kind donations to charity.
In Maths this week we have been learning some of the basics with algebra. I am so pleased with their response to this….they love algebra! We started by finding just one missing value, which was replaced with a letter, and then went on to finding two missing values.
In English, we have been creating some vital tool kits. We will be using these tool kits when we do our guided class write and our independent writes (after Christmas). One of the toolkits was for classic fiction openings and one was for the introduction of new characters. These toolkits are our ready made success criteria!
In Science, we have continued with our classification keys and we have now got our heads around how to create a successful one. We tested them out on each other to check we had done them correctly. We have also continued with our observations for our mould investigation. Next week we will be writing up our findings.
In RE, we continued our work on Jesus, The Bread of Life. We have reflected on ways that our relationship with Jesus can help to nourish our souls, and help us is His mission to spread the Good News.
This week the Golden Award went to Tom for having such beautiful manners-he is such a polite young man!
The Writing Award went to Theo for trying so hard with his written work, and helping those around him.
The Maths Award went to Naomi for her great work on algebra.
I hope you all have a lovely week. I look forward to our last week together before we break for Christmas. We have so much to fit in next week!
Take care,
Miss Slater