The quote above is really poignant and it was quoted by a lady we have been studying in our RE lessons-Mother Teresa. We have been looking at her life in detail, and discussing the ways that she fulfilled the words of the scripture through her actions and because of her beliefs. Not only was Mother Teresa eloquent and truthful (our Jesuit profile values for this half term), she was extremely humble. We have been discussing ways that we can learn from Mother Teresa’s humility, and this quote sums it up. It is not about measuring how much we do, but putting love into those things we do do, no matter how small these deeds may be.
Here is what we have been up to in our other subjects this week….
In Maths, we have been finding fractions and percentages of amounts. This class LOVE percentages! They cheered when I announced our objective was on percentages, and I know why they love them so much-they are really good at them! Once they knew how to find 1%, 10%, 25%, 50% and 25%, the rest came naturally!
In English, we have continued with our Classic Fiction unit. This week we have been discussing cinematic choices for sounds, from the opening clip of The Wizard of Oz, and then we have used this video of the cyclone to start collecting appropriate vocabulary to describe the cyclone. With the help of our Discriptosaurus (my favourite book ever!!) , we have collect our favourite words, phrases and sentences. We are now writing a descriptive poem about the Cyclone, in free verse. For added effect, we are writing in first person-personifying the cyclone! I have been blown away with the drafts of their poems so far!!
In Science, we have explored and categorised different microorganisms, and yesterday we planned and set up an investigation on mould (which is a type of fungus). We have 4 slices of bread in school, kept in different temperatures-one in the fridge, one in the freezer, one in the boiler room and one in the class room. We are going to observe changes over the next couple of week, to see how temperature affects the rate of mould growth.
In History, we have been looking at what primary and secondary sources of information are. We then had a think about which sources of information are more reliable.
This weeks Golden Award went to Liliana for her hard work and superb focus this week.
The Maths award went to Samuel for his fantastic work on percentages!
The Writing Award went to Audrey for powerful use of vocabulary in her poetry.
In line with the Covid-19 health and safety guidance in school, we are required to keep windows open in the classroom, to ensure the room is ventilated. As the weather is getting colder, this does result in the classroom being colder than usual. With this in mind, I have mentioned to the class, on Miss Haggerty’s authority, that they may wear an extra layer of clothing (like a T shirt) under their white polo shirts, as extra insulation. Can I also advise that boys wear full length trousers and girls wear tights, when possible. Thank you.
Coming up…
Next Friday (27th November) is Silly Sock day. Children will need to bring £1 donation for the PTFA
Christmas jumper day 11 the December. More details to follow.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Miss Slater & Mrs Murray