This week, during our shared worship, we have continued to pray a decade of the Rosary. The theme for this week’s Rosary was ‘Glorious Mysteries’, including The Resurrection, The Assumption and The Ascension. I find it so beautiful how reflective this class are. Each day, they are welcomed to dedicate their decade of the Rosary to their own intentions as well as praying, as a whole class, for our environment. The class really embrace their worship time, and show such respect during this time.
This week has been a jam-packed week in terms of learning as well. We have managed to get through so much, as their work ethos has been superb. I can hardly believe we are nearing the end of our first Half Term-time flies when you’re having fun! Let’s take a look at what we have been up to….
In Maths, we have had two major focuses this week: negative numbers and comparing fractions. I am so impressed at how quick the class got their head around negative numbers, particularly in the context of temperature. They know how to add and subtract a positive and negative number, and they can confidently find the difference between two temperatures. Later on in the week, we started comparing fractions, using a fraction wall and by also writing both fractions with the same denominator-we will continue this work next week.
In English, the class have now planned and have started to write their independent biography. I am so impressed with the start they have made and cannot wait to see the finished product!
In Science, we have been looking at the different aspects of our lives that can affect the way our bodies function. These include; diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle choices. They have started to make an information leaflet on how to live a healthy lifestyle-most of which is to do with balance!
In History, we have been watching video clips and taking notes, on the Battle of Britain. This is in preparation for next week’s History lesson, when we will be writing a letter, from the point of view of an RAF pilot (making sure we use historical facts and language!) The class are very excited about this.
In RE, we have been looking at different parables of Jesus’ that support the religious belief the Kingdom of God is for EVERYONE! We have also discussed our beliefs about this, drawing in on the fact that God loves us all equally and does not discriminate-all are welcome in His Kingdom!
In Sports4Champions we completed a series of athletic events, and recorded our best results. This was to replace what would usually have been the indoor Athletics event, that usually takes place at The Sports Centre-we all got to take part this year, rather than just a group of us! We will have our last Sports4Champions lesson next week (although NO after school sports club), and James will be taking in our Sports4Champions books to add up our points!
This week’s Golden Award went to Mya for being such a selfless member of our class. She is a very caring and considerate young lady, whose light is always shining!
This week’s Writing Award went to Lily for her accurate and varied use of punctuation.
The Maths Award went to Grace K for the amazing progress she has made in Maths so far, in Year 6-I can only begin to imagine how far she will have come by the end of the year!
Other Notices:
EMAIL ADDRESSES: I know I have the majority of your email addresses already, either through messages you have sent this year, or from the transition work you sent me last academic year. For those of you who have not emailed me at all, please can you send me a courtesy email, so I have an email contact for you. You child’s half term report will be sent via email, next Friday, so it is important that I have an email contact for all of you. Thank you.
Information about High Schools:
Applications for a high school place should be made to the Local Authority online at: ~ Blackpool residents
Paper application forms and information booklets are available from ~ on the home page follow the link 'Apply for a school place' ~ Lancashire residents.
The national closing date for applications is 31 October 2020.
St Mary's Catholic Academy Open Evening will be an online event this year. and can be viewed on their website
They are also arranging private tours of the Academy ~ please call 01253 396286 to book your place.
St Bede's Catholic High School website has an important notice for parents ~ a digital welcome & introduction to St Bede's ~ and a link to Admissions 2021, that pops up when you access their website. Their downloadable Admission Form should be completed and returned direct to St Bede's if named as one of your preferences. This is In addition to your high school online application form.
Have a lovely week and stay safe,
Miss Slater & Mrs Murray