See what we have been up to…..
Take a look at what we have been up to…..
Take a look at our week….
Take a look at our week….
Take a look at our week…..
Take a look at our week…
This week we have continued to think of ourselves as Easter People as we are still in Easteride and have heard many of the stories of when Jesus appeared to his disciples. In this story we are reminded of the need to have faith in the Lord and know that He will provide.
This week we have been learning……
English - our focus has been our RWI lessons where we concentrate on phonics, spelling, reading and writing. In class we continue to work hard on our pre-cursive handwriting, spelling of the common exception words and our independent sentence construction.
Maths - this week we have focusing in on fact families and the three numbers from a part part whole model that total 20. We have used these numbers to write two addition and two subtraction facts, along with changing the order of the calculation. for example 14+6=20 as does 6+14=20, as does 20=16+4 and 20=4+16. This can also be done for subtraction.
RE - this half term our focus topic is The Resurrection’ - this week we looked at how the disciples reacted when they stated to see Jesus again for the first time and the questions that they would have asked Him.
Science - we have continued our new Plants topic by planting our own seed potatoes and looking at the different stages of growth f our sunflowers and what is happening at each stage.
Topic - we have continued our UK study on London, this week focusing in on the physical and human features of the landscape., along with the Geography of the city.
Art - this week’s work was inspired by the work of Patrick Heron and his hot and cold series. This was all about using similar colours to show either hot and cold and layering the papers.
Well done to our certificate winners this week…..
Golden Award - Elsie for a super piece of art work inspired by Patrick Heron’s Hot and Cold series.
Writing Award - Matilda for beautiful handwriting - your work always makes me smile.
Maths Award - Austin for great fact family work this week - super subtraction work!
As I mentioned last week…..
Year 1 Phonics Screening will take the week of MONDAY 6th JUNE - this is the first week back after the two weeks half term break. PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CHILD IS IN SCHOOL THIS WEEK. The screening will take place over the course of the week, with me taking each child out individually to complete the assessment. I have just this one week to complete the assessments - they CANNOT be completed BEFORE or AFTER these dates. I will judge when to take each child, whether at the start of the week, the middle or the end, depending on how they come through the door in the morning - hence the reason why they must be in school all week - obviously if they are ill we will complete the assessment when they return, as long as it is within that first week. As I will be taking children out of class each morning, I will not be in class during the mornings this week - Mrs Veasey will remain in class with another TA to support.
Each child will have brought home an information pack today with more information about this screening and a few practice words for you to do at home. The children are very familiar with alien words and real words as we talk about them each RWI lesson in class. We have been doing a little extra practice to get the children ready - but all they actually have to do is look for the ‘special friends’ and read the word - it is simply a reading activity. The assessment consists of 40 words and the pass rate is 32. You will be informed of your child’s result in their end of year report.
In the information pack I have put another copy of the Set 1, 2 and 3 sounds and it would be really helpful if you could ensure your child is confident with each of these sounds and how to find them in a word. We will continue with this daily practice in class. Once you have had chance to read the information, if you have any questions, please just ask. I have added a couple of the letters below, but you will find it all in your information pack. Many thanks.
Key Stage 1 will be holding a Teddy Bears’ Picnic on FRIDAY 20TH MAY 2022 to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. On this day the children will be asked to wear red, white and blue clothes for the day and bring in their own teddy for our Teddy Bears’ picnic lunch which will be held with the rest of KS1 on the field that day. As Yr 1 all receive a free school lunch, their lunch for that day will be a picnic lunch box to enjoy outside with their friends. We are asking parents for a contribution to PFTA funds of £1 for each child. The rest of the afternoon will be spent engaged in playground games, craft and fun activities all relating the the Platinum Jubilee. Please keep your fingers crossed for lovely weather and keep an eye out for the PFTA letter which will be sent home soon with further details! Many thanks.
Date for your diary………
KS1 Sports Day will be held on the AFTERNOON of TUESDAY 28th JUNE. Further details to follow. Parents will be invited to watch their child take part in our activities and races - this date is subject to the weather - but again look our for further details. Just wanted to give you advanced notice!
Despite the legal rules on Covid changing, we still ask parents NOT to send their child to school if they suspect they have covid or have any covid symptoms. We know that children are mildly affected by this virus, but that is not always the case for the adults who teach them and the virus remains highly contagious. We have a number of covid cases throughout school at present - so PLEASE do a test if you are not sure and keep your child at home. Many thanks
We ask you to remain mindful of this when considering whether your child is well enough for school. We must still do all we can to keep each other safe. Mrs Veasey and I will continue to wear visors in class and masks in shared spaces to do all we can to keep each other and your children safe - we ask that you do all you can to keep our class a safe space for everyone. Many thanks for your continued support with this matter.
WE ASK THAT PARENTS INFORM THE OFFICE IF THEIR CHILD, OR ANYONE WITHIN THE HOUSEHOLD HAS TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID - PLEASE INFORM THE OFFICE AND NOT JUST THE CLASS TEACHER. It matters to how your child’s absence is recorded and also allows us in school to keep an eye out for symptoms in your child, or inform other parents that there has been a positive case within the class.
If your child is isolating from school due to Covid 19, or any other illness and they are well enough to work, you can find their work on the HOME LEARNING page of the Year 1 section of the website. I have been using Oak Academy units as they all contain a little video and a task for the children to complete that does not require you to print anything - your child just needs a piece of paper and a pencil!! And maybe some colours for the art activities!
Please DO NOT send the work into school with your child on their return, but send photos of it through Class Dojo and add work to your child’s profile. You will each get an invite to this through the email you gave to school when your child was in Reception.
If your child is off school, please inform the office and NOT the Year 1 email or Class Dojo. Many thanks
Any questions or queries either catch me or Mrs Veasey at the gate or email using
Things to note…
Children should have their water bottles each day. Water bottles must be taken home and washed daily. Children can only have plain water in their bottles, not juice or flavoured water.
PE is Monday and Friday
Earrings cannot be worn for PE
Nail varnish cannot be worn for school.
Earrings should only be small, plain, gold or silver studs
Children should have long hair tied back for school
School bags should just be the red book bags you were given in Reception
Please keep reading folders in the children’s school bags so that they have them on the right day - many thanks.
Homework Expectations for Year 1 can be found on the Homework page.
Please take a look at the attached letter about the achievements of the Shakespeare Programme within school and the award we have received! Many congratulations to all those involved. Award Letter
And finally…have a lovely weekend and stay safe…..Mrs Hollinghurst and Mrs Veasey
Take a look at a few photographs of our week…..
And finally…..thank-you for your support of our International Day of Dance last week, the children had a great time! Have a lovely weekend; stay safe……Mrs Hollinghurst and Mrs Veasey.
A few photos of our week……
Take a look at our week……
Take a look at what we have been up to…..