Year 1 Phonics Screening will take the week of MONDAY 6th JUNE - this is the first week back after the two weeks half term break. PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CHILD IS IN SCHOOL THIS WEEK. The screening will take place over the course of the week, with me taking each child out individually to complete the assessment. I have just this one week to complete the assessments - they CANNOT be completed BEFORE or AFTER these dates. I will judge when to take each child, whether at the start of the week, the middle or the end, depending on how they come through the door in the morning - hence the reason why they must be in school all week - obviously if they are ill we will complete the assessment when they return, as long as it is within that first week. As I will be taking children out of class each morning, I will not be in class during the mornings this week - Mrs Veasey will remain in class with another TA to support.
Each child will have now brought home an information pack with more information about this screening and a few practice words for you to do at home. The children are very familiar with alien words and real words as we talk about them each RWI lesson in class. We have been doing a little extra practice to get the children ready - but all they actually have to do is look for the ‘special friends’ and read the word - it is simply a reading activity. The assessment consists of 40 words and the pass rate is 32. You will be informed of your child’s result in their end of year report.
In the information pack I have put another copy of the Set 1, 2 and 3 sounds and it would be really helpful if you could ensure your child is confident with each of these sounds and how to find them in a word. We will continue with this daily practice in class. Once you have had chance to read the information, if you have any questions, please just ask. I have added a couple of the letters below, but you will find it all in your information pack. Many thanks.
I have added a little explanation video to give further details about Phonics Screening, if you have not had a child go through this process before you may find this useful. (THIS VIDEO IS FROM 2019 SO THE DATES OF THE SCREENING ARE DIFFERENT - OURS IS THE WEEK OF THE 6TH JUNE, THE FIRST WEEK BACK AFTER HALF TERM.)