As we enter the last half term (where has the time gone?!), we are using this time wisely to do plenty of revision to consolidate our Maths and English learning. This half term we are also using our time to rehearse for our production, which we will be recording during the week beginning 5th July. The class have made such a great start with this, with many of them already know all the words to their songs and their lines!

In Maths this week, we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Specifically, we have been looking at angles in regular polygons (ask us what a regular polygon is!) and nets of 3D shapes. We have also been continuing to consolidate our arithmetic with our usual morning Maths! Next week, we will be looking at time!

In English, our main focus has been spelling and reading comprehension. Every day this week we have completed an independent comprehension, which we have then marked together. In spelling we have been revising our Read, Write, Inc spelling units, that we have completed over the year, and giving our partners mini spelling tests. Next week, we will begin our transition writing unit!

Much of our afternoons this week have been spent familairising ourselves with the production songs and scripts. Here are the words to the lyrics so the class can be practising at home too, and here is the presenter’s script. Below is a Google Drive link, which contains most of the audios for the songs too. The audio for ‘These Day's’ would not upload in the folder so I have put a separate link for this below. Any songs which will need to be sung with just a backing track, I have uploaded the ‘karaoke’ version, for the class to get used to practising without the singing in the background.

These Days


This week’s Golden Award went to Reece for taking on much responsibility this week and really stepping up to the mark !

The Maths Award went to Audrey for her superb Maths work, particularly when working out what amount we started with, when solving fractions of amounts.


  • School finishes at 1.05pm on Fridays and at 3.15pm every other day

  • Next Friday 18th June is own clothes day, with the theme ‘Dress like a rainbow’. We ask for a £1 donation from each child, which will go towards gardening tools and equipment

  • Within the next couple of weeks, please can each child bring in a ‘bag for life’ (as they will hold more weight) with their name on it, in preparation for sending work home by the end of this term

  • As mentioned in previous blogs, the recording of our production will take place over one or two days during the week beginning 5th July. When the video has been fully put together I will send it to all parents for you to watch from home

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray x

AuthorCatherine Slater

I hope you all managed to have a wonderful Easter. I can hardly believe we have now entered into our last term of the school year, and, of course, the last term of Primary School for Year 6. They have certainly hit the ground running this week, and we have managed to cover so much! I am so proud of how hard they are all working, and I can tell they are ready to give this last term their all, in preparation for High School.

Here is what we have been up to this week…

In Maths, we started the week looking at ratio and ended the week calculating the volume of cuboids. Their work on ratio really impressed me, especially as this was a brand new concept for them. All of the class now understand what ratio is, and how to represent ratio. We are developing our calculation of ratio, which proved to be trickier for some. We will look at lots of problems involving ratio, over the coming weeks. They were all superb at finding the volume of cuboids, and used the formula, volume= l x w x h, to solve many problems.

In English, we have had a huge reading focus! We have looked over a reading paper that we did before we broke up, and really focused on those questions we found tricky-especially P.E.E questions! Point, Evidence, Explanation! We will do plenty more of these questions, to ensure we know how to answer them in depth.

In RE, we have been showing an understanding of Jesus being the source and summit of life, for Christians. This was why I found the quote from St. John Paul II so fitting this week. It is not the easiest thing to explain so we spent a lot of time discussing what it meant when we refer to Jesus and the Eucharist as the source of life. We compared Jesus to electricity, which powers electrical appliances…in the same way Jesus is our source of spiritual strength, and He empowers us to live out the values of the Kingdom of God.

In PE, we have been developing our throwing and catching skills, through a series of small group games. Next week, we will be applying these skills to teams games.

In Science, we started a new topic on Light. We looked at different light sources, and then identified which were natural sources of light. We had an interesting discussion about the moon being a source of light…ask us at home what our opinion is on this! We then looked at home light travels, to enable us to see things. We now know that light travels in a straight line to an object and the light reflects (or bounces off) the object, and travels in a straight line to our eyes. Ta dah! That’s how we can see the object! Here are our representations of this concept…..


The Golden Award went to Grace B for working so incredibly hard in class-I am very proud!

The Writing Award went to Mya for her beautifully written piece of RE work.

The Maths Award was given to Angelo for his superb work on volume of cuboids.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe!

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

Children’s Mental Health Week

As we have marked Children’s Mental Health Week, this week, I found the quote above to perfectly sum up my sentiment on this matter. I think that now, more than ever, mental health is so important for us all. I know this is not an easy time for any of us, and our emotions are, for use of a better phrase, ‘all over the place’. Your children make me so proud with how resilient they have been over these past 6 weeks, but I know this cannot have been an easy time for them. The theme for Mental Health Week was express yourself, and I hope you managed to access some of the resources I posted on the blog last week or even just had a discussion about mental health with your child. Talking about your emotions and feelings with others can be a great way for children to express themselves, but I am also aware that, for some children, this is not the easiest thing to do. So being able to express themselves in other ways, whether it be through music, art, dance, writing etc, can be an alternative outlet for them to express their feelings and emotions!

Safer Internet Day

Next Tuesday marks Safer Internet Day-another very relevant and important topic at the moment. On Tuesday, there is an audio lesson and activities for the children to complete on this year’s theme, ‘An internet we can trust.’

Next Tuesday marks Safer Internet Day-another very relevant and important topic at the moment. On Tuesday, there is an audio lesson and activities for the children to complete on this year’s theme, ‘An internet we can trust.’

Some work from this week…

Letters from Juliet to Romeo:

One week to go….

With just one week to go of remote learning, before a well-earned break, I must commend my class once again for their sheer determination and perseverance over these weeks. As hard as it has been, trying to teach you and give you feedback remotely, I have sought so much comfort in the knowledge that you are all trying your hardest…what more can I ask for?! Thank you.

Please see the Home Learning page for details of our Google Meet ‘catch up’, next Friday 12th.

I hope you all have a restful weekend, and I look forward to seeing more of your work from our last week of remote learning, before we break up.

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

I must begin by expressing my gratitude to my class and parents, alike. Your support is truly appreciated, and I am so pleased to see that you have all established new routines, and have adjusted to your new ‘classrooms’. I have been so impressed with the work I have been sent this week and the work produced by those in school. I have shared some of the Romeo & Juliet work at the bottom of this page. I am hoping we have all now mastered angles on a straight line and around a point, as next week our focus is angles in triangles! I hope you have found the audio lessons useful as well, I will continue to provide these for all Romeo & Juliet lessons and most of the foundation subject lessons too.

From now on, Miss Benson will be providing music tasks for the class to complete, every Friday, on YUMU. I have sent login detail, via email, to all parents with each child’s login details.

As mentioned on the Home Learning page, it is a requirement that we have regular contact with parents/children with regards to work being completed at home. I can only begin to imagine how challenging it has been for so many (if not all!) of you parents trying establish your own routines, now you have your child(ren) learning from home. With this in mind, I am very flexible in terms of when their work is sent. It is, however, important that I have communication with you at least weekly. As always, thank you for your support with this.

Please click here to access the Home Learning page, which has been updated with next week’s learning.

Here are some pictures of the ‘S’ plans from R & J lesson 1 (click on the image to see in full)….

Here are some of the Act 1 Scene 1 Pieces of Writing (Click on the image to see it in full!)..

Year 6, you are making me incredibly proud. Every piece of work I receive or ‘catch up’ email I get from your parents/carers, brings a huge smile to my face. Hopefully it will not be too much longer before I have you all back in the classroom, but until then keep working hard and be good for your parents….help around the house!

Have a lovely weekend….take care and be safe!

Miss Slater & Mrs Murray x

AuthorCatherine Slater