‘I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.’- Philippians 3:14
Well Year 6, I hardly know where to begin. I cannot believe we are here, about to enter our last week of the school year. And of course, for you, this marks the last week of your primary school journey. I find it difficult to even put into words how incredibly proud I am of each and every one of you, and even as I type this, I am overcome with emotion. No one could have ever foreseen you (or anyone!) spending the last few months out of school, trying your hardest to learn from the comfort of your own home. I know many of your bedrooms and living rooms have become your new makeshift classrooms, and your gardens have been your playground. The way you have all adapted to this and shown such strength and resilience, is admirable. In unprecedented times like these, we have all had to adjust to a new way of living, and what used to be our ‘normal’, has had to change so suddenly. I know this is not how you, nor I, would have liked to spend the last few months together, but I could not have asked for a better class to go through this with. You have kept my spirits up with the amazing work you have shared and the pictures you have sent. We both started school at Our Lady’s at the same time-my first year teaching here, was your first year in Reception! I am honoured to be the teacher that you have spent your last year with. I will forever hold a special place in my heart for my Year 6 Lockdown Class of 2020!
To all you parents, I have to say a huge THANK YOU for all you have done, throughout this year. I have been humbled by your strength and overwhelmed by your support. For many of you, this will have been the third year I have taught your child, and year-on-year I have experienced such kindness and support from all of you. This year, in particular, has been very testing, for obvious reasons. And yet, this has not stopped you from being that pillar of strength for both your children and for the school. l will be eternally grateful for this.
I am aware that the majority of the class will be in school next week. However, we wanted to arrange a little ‘something’ as a last farewell to the class, and invite those who are not in school for the week, to maybe pop by, even if it is just for an hour or two. With this is mind, we have arranged to have a socially distanced lunch on the field, on Friday 17th July from 12pm-2pm. Food (pizza) and drink will be prepared by the amazing kitchen staff at Our Lady’s, so the children do not need to bring any lunch with them. It will be a nice way for the class to spend their last meal together, in primary school. Of course, the safety of the children is paramount, so there will be measures in place to ensure this. Each child will be provided with masks and gloves and the mats on the field will be at least 1 metre apart. If your child is one of those who is not in school, please email me and let me know whether you would like to send your child in from 12pm-2pm (just so we know numbers for food and seating etc). On Friday, the school day will end at the earlier time of 2pm for ALL of Year 6.
Here are the learning expectations for those still accessing the learning from home. As I mentioned in last week’s blog, we will be covering the same learning with those in school.
Suggested Timetable- please click here to view a suggested timetable for this week’s learning. It has been amended slightly this week, to match the timetable we will be using in school.
Week 14’s learning expectations…
Expected work:
At least 2 Bedrock Lesson (you can access a Bedrock lesson daily, so feel free to do more!)
Education City-English Focus (Complex punctuation) (https://www.educationcity.com/)
IXL English Focus (https://uk.ixl.com/)
Comprehension on Espresso Learning - https://www.discoveryeducation.co.uk/what-we-offer/discovery-education-espresso
To access a KS2 comprehension, you need to click on KS2-> English -> Comprehension (upper). You can pick any text to read, and then you will need to answer questions on this text.
Oxford Owl-Spelling (https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/) Click onto the Spelling activities and choose ‘Year 6’ from the drop-down box. I would like you to complete the activities on ‘Sounds the Same’ and ‘Swap, Double or Drop?’-they are on the first page
Romeo and Juliet Lesson 11
Please click here for lesson 11 on Romeo & Juliet. For the final ‘Big Write’, you will be planning and writing a discussion text, based on the question ‘Is Friar Lawrence to blame for Romeo & Juliet’s death?’. You will be writing a blanaced argument, using evidence from the play. I have put links below to two versions of the play, as well as a plan template. You can either write or type up your final piece of work.
Romeo & Juliet Abridged Version Romeo & Juliet Narrative version
To access these activities login (details on suggested timetable), and then click on KS2-> Science -> Light & Shadows. Feel free to have a go at any of the science activities on this website!
Transition Project 13th July
Below is a link to this week’s transition project-the theme this week is ‘Valuing your Achievements’. It is a chance for you to shine a light on all of your achievements from primary school, and start to think about what you would like to achieve in high school.
Year 6 Transition Project 13.07.20
Here are all the templates required for this week’s transition project:
Monday - Jigsaw template
Tuesday- Comic strip template 1 Comic Strip Template 2
Wednesday- Wheel of Achievement
Thursday- Bucket list
Romeo & Juliet Comic Strips:
Here are some additional (non-compulsory) resources you may want to use with your child, over the Summer Holidays, before they start high school. It might just be a way to top up their revision, having spent so much time out of school.
Past SATs paper (if you want to monitor Reading, Maths and Spelling skills) Oak National Academy BBC Bitesize Lessons
BUBBLE 4 (based in Year 6 Classroom):
Drop off at 9.15am. Children will enter through the pedestrian/front gate and wait on the ‘footprints’ at the green gate to the KS2 playground with 1 parent only where you will be greeted by a member of school staff who will walk your child to their class entrance. Please ensure your child is on time, as other bubbles will be arriving before and after this time.
Pick up at 3.15pm from the same place they were dropped off.
BUBBLE 5 (based in Year 5 Classroom):
Drop off at 9.30am. Children will enter through the pedestrian gate and wait on the ‘footprints’ on the driveway up to and including the office entrance with 1 parent only where you will be greeted by a member of school staff at the office entrance to bring your child to their bubble.
Pick up at 3.30pm. Children will be picked up from the gates on Thornhill Close, that lead on to the KS1 playground. This is where you used to pick your children up, pre-lockdown.
Congratulations to those of you who took part in our virtual sports day. I’ve loved seeing all your sporty photos and seeing your amazing scores. Please check the School Website PE page for details on the results and winners. These will probably be published some time next week. Congratulations if your team won.
I hope you all have a great weekend, and I look forward to seeing many of your faces next week!! For those learning from home, I cannot wait to hear from you and to see the work you have been doing, so please do still email me your work. As I will be in school full-time, it will take me a little longer to respond to emails, however.
I will be putting one last little update on this blog, later next week, as I would like to share a little something I have been putting together. I will text parents to let you know when the blog has been updated. So watch this space!
Take care!
Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray x