Children’s Mental Health Week
As we have marked Children’s Mental Health Week, this week, I found the quote above to perfectly sum up my sentiment on this matter. I think that now, more than ever, mental health is so important for us all. I know this is not an easy time for any of us, and our emotions are, for use of a better phrase, ‘all over the place’. Your children make me so proud with how resilient they have been over these past 6 weeks, but I know this cannot have been an easy time for them. The theme for Mental Health Week was express yourself, and I hope you managed to access some of the resources I posted on the blog last week or even just had a discussion about mental health with your child. Talking about your emotions and feelings with others can be a great way for children to express themselves, but I am also aware that, for some children, this is not the easiest thing to do. So being able to express themselves in other ways, whether it be through music, art, dance, writing etc, can be an alternative outlet for them to express their feelings and emotions!
Safer Internet Day
Some work from this week…
Letters from Juliet to Romeo:
One week to go….
With just one week to go of remote learning, before a well-earned break, I must commend my class once again for their sheer determination and perseverance over these weeks. As hard as it has been, trying to teach you and give you feedback remotely, I have sought so much comfort in the knowledge that you are all trying your hardest…what more can I ask for?! Thank you.
Please see the Home Learning page for details of our Google Meet ‘catch up’, next Friday 12th.
I hope you all have a restful weekend, and I look forward to seeing more of your work from our last week of remote learning, before we break up.
Miss Slater & Mrs Murray