Thank you!
Well, we have made it through our first half term of remote learning! Well done! I think it is fair to say we have all faced our challenges and set-backs, but what shines through it all is the strength and sheer determination from you all. I cannot thank my parents enough for the support you have given me over the past 6 weeks, sending me your child’s work and giving them the support and encouragement they have needed to make it through these past weeks. I am so proud of all that my class have achieved academically, emotionally and mentally over this half term-you are all super stars! I am not setting any work over this half term as you all (parents included!!) need a well-deserved break. I have, however, put a few optional activities below, linked with Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of our Lenten journey. I will put the home learning for the week we come back, on the Home Learning Page, next Friday, so you have everything ready for Monday 22nd.
Ash Wednesday 17th February 2021-The Beginning of our Lenten Journey
Next Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a very special time of reflection, leading up to the death and resurrection of Christ. As we are on half term next week, I have just attached a few activities that you may wish to do to mark the beginning of this special period of time. If we were in school, we would be writing our Lenten Promises on this day, so I have also attached the template for this and it would be lovely if you do manage to still write yours. Our promise is a time to reflect on what we could do differently or maybe more of/less of during this time. Perhaps we could be more compassionate towards others, or take more time out for peaceful prayer? Or maybe you feel you need to be more forgiving to others, just as Jesus was. Have a careful think about what your promise could be.
Why is Lent a time to change?- Activity Sheet
Why did Jesus spend 40 days in the Desert?- Activity Sheet
Why do we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday?-Activity Sheet
My Lenten Promise-Candle Template
Some work from this week……
Below are some of the amazing pieces of work from our Romeo & Juliet lesson, advertising your own special potion that could have been used on one of the characters from the play.
World Book Day 4th March-Date for the Diary
Thursday 4th March is World Book Day. Obviously this will be different than other years with school being closed to some children but we will be organising an activity for this day. There will hopefully be a story reading by class teachers as well as a competition. Whether at home or at school, it would also be lovely for the children to dress as a book character (however if in school, please limit to a simple costume with as few ‘loose’ items as possible).
Feedback for this week’s work
Please can I ask that any outstanding work from this week is sent to me by 1.30pm today, so I can ensure feedback is given before the end of the school day. From the end of the school day today, I will not be accessing my emails, as I hope you will appreciate that next week is also a time for teachers to have rest too ( I cannot wait to read the pile of books I have waiting for me! ) I will be accessing my emails again on Monday 22nd February. Thank you for your support and understanding with this.
I hope you all have a wonderful week off, and manage to make the most of your family-time, despite the restrictions in place.
Take care,
Miss Slater & Mrs Murray x