As we enter the last half term (where has the time gone?!), we are using this time wisely to do plenty of revision to consolidate our Maths and English learning. This half term we are also using our time to rehearse for our production, which we will be recording during the week beginning 5th July. The class have made such a great start with this, with many of them already know all the words to their songs and their lines!
In Maths this week, we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Specifically, we have been looking at angles in regular polygons (ask us what a regular polygon is!) and nets of 3D shapes. We have also been continuing to consolidate our arithmetic with our usual morning Maths! Next week, we will be looking at time!
In English, our main focus has been spelling and reading comprehension. Every day this week we have completed an independent comprehension, which we have then marked together. In spelling we have been revising our Read, Write, Inc spelling units, that we have completed over the year, and giving our partners mini spelling tests. Next week, we will begin our transition writing unit!
Much of our afternoons this week have been spent familairising ourselves with the production songs and scripts. Here are the words to the lyrics so the class can be practising at home too, and here is the presenter’s script. Below is a Google Drive link, which contains most of the audios for the songs too. The audio for ‘These Day's’ would not upload in the folder so I have put a separate link for this below. Any songs which will need to be sung with just a backing track, I have uploaded the ‘karaoke’ version, for the class to get used to practising without the singing in the background.
This week’s Golden Award went to Reece for taking on much responsibility this week and really stepping up to the mark !
The Maths Award went to Audrey for her superb Maths work, particularly when working out what amount we started with, when solving fractions of amounts.
School finishes at 1.05pm on Fridays and at 3.15pm every other day
Next Friday 18th June is own clothes day, with the theme ‘Dress like a rainbow’. We ask for a £1 donation from each child, which will go towards gardening tools and equipment
Within the next couple of weeks, please can each child bring in a ‘bag for life’ (as they will hold more weight) with their name on it, in preparation for sending work home by the end of this term
As mentioned in previous blogs, the recording of our production will take place over one or two days during the week beginning 5th July. When the video has been fully put together I will send it to all parents for you to watch from home
We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Slater & Mrs Murray x