On Thursday 13th May, we celebrate the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension. The ascension of Jesus was when he ascended back to heaven to be with His Father, leaving his disciples with an extremely important mission. In RE this week, we have planned out and started to write a diary entry, from the point of view of one of the disciples. They were writing their entries, immediately after they had witnessed the ascension of their Lord, Jesus, reflecting on the mission Jesus has bestowed upon them. I am so proud of how well the class have shown an understanding of the events of the ascension, as well as drawing upon the emotions and feelings of the disciples. We will finish these diary entries off next week.
Here’s what else we have been learning this week….
In Maths, it has been all about pie charts!! We have been interpreting them, linking them with fractions and percentages and even drawing them!
In English, we have been focusing on subordinating conjunctions, subordinate clauses and word classes. We have been practising a lot in our GPS books, plugging any of those gaps in our GPS learning!!
In Science, we made periscopes! We then explained the science behind the function of periscopes, and had fun ‘spying’ on people in the classroom…
This week’s Golden Award went to Tia for working so hard and contributing to class discussion.
The Maths Award went to Liliana for her superb work in Maths, this week.
The Writing Award went to Analiese for her well-written diary entry, in RE.
Other notices:
School finishes at 1.05pm on Fridays
‘Auditions’ for solo parts in our end of year performance can be done virtually. Please send a recording of your child singing their chosen audition song to the year6@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk email address, before Thursday 21st May. The earlier they are sent in, the better
I have had a few parents ask me about the end of year performance and when this will be taking place. As it stands, the class will not be able to perform to a live audience in school, due to Covid-19. The plan is to record the performance and send to all parents to watch from home. If anything changes, I will be sure to let you know
In light of the conversations I have had with the class this week about using appropriate language and being respectful online, Miss Haggerty will be updating the general ‘News’ page with more information about online safety. You can access this blog from here
We break up from school on Friday 22nd May, at normal finishing time, 1.05pm
Thank you, as always, for your continued support-this is much appreciated. Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Slater & Mrs Murray