In light of the current situation regarding school closure, we have sent home learning packs to support home study. Below is a list of additional useful resources/websites to further enhance their learning. Our blogs will be updated in due course with additional information and support. Under the difficult circumstances of this week’s announcements, we have been very proud of how the children have shown resilience and maturity.

Thank you for your continued support,

KS2 team

Home learning activities


Read as much as you can at home-there’s nothing better than getting engrossed in a good book!


In your home pack you have been given a yellow notebook. The children could keep a diary of the things they do at home or encourage them to write short stories.

Websites we already use and your child has a login for:


Bedrock can be accessed and a lesson completed every 48 hours. The username and password has been sent home with your child again.

Discovery Education : Espresso 

We have a whole school subscription for Espresso which is part of Discovery Education. There are loads of resources and games that you can access that link to the National Curriculum.

Username password has been sent home in the pack.


Free access has been granted for all resources on Sumdog during school closures. User name and password has been sent home in the pack.


Year 6 can continue to access IXL from home, covering key areas of their Maths and English (GPS). Usernames and passwords have been sent home in the pack.

Other websites that are offering home learning resources are:

 Education City

Children will be coming home today with usernames and passwords for Education City. This is a new website for the children with access to English, Maths, Science and Computing resources.

Classroom secrets home learning:

The pack we have sent home, comes from this website but they have many more resources on offer for children to use:


Twinkl is also a resource that we use in school and has many resources that can be used at home.

Oxford Owl

Maths and English resources

Third Space

Please see letter regarding access to Third Space maths.

Physical Exercise Links

Young Champions has been created by sports coaches, movement specialists and sports scientists to provide young children with home practice sessions to develop fitness, motor and sports skills. It will help children of all ages and abilities to play sport to the best of their ability and keep them active and healthy. Parents can sign up here:

An alternative one is The Body coach TV 9am Monday to Friday with Joe Wickes.

AuthorKay McVey

Just to start by saying a huge thank-you to all for the massive effort you put into World Book Day. Your costumes looked amazing! I love it when this time of year comes around as it it a great chance to talk about the books that we love and would recommend….not something we do often enough!

This year, Year 6 partnered up with their Year 1 buddies, to ‘Share a Story’ (this was the theme this year!). Mrs Hollinghurst and I were almost in tears by how beautiful this was. Watching the older children engaging with the younger ones; reading the Year 1’ s their favourite stories and discussing their own favourite books, was so heart-warming. There are some pictures on the Year 1 ‘News page’, and here are the other half….

We also had the privilege of working with Dan Worsely again! We will be writing our own version of Dan’s story using the plans we made in the lesson. Hopefully, some of us will be sharing these stories with Dan next time he comes in.


The Golden Award went to Amelia for her sheer determination and perseverance this week!

The Writing Award went to Scarlett for also for her determination, and growth mindset!

Enjoy the weekend!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

This week was very special as, on Wednesday, it marked the beginning of Lent. We all went over to Mass and received ashes on our forehead to remind us who/what this important time of the year is about, as we lead up to Easter. In class, we have all made our own Lenten promises; however, just like Fr Jim spoke about during his homily, we are not going around telling everybody our promise. This is a personal thing for each of us to try to fulfill on our Lenten journey.

This week…..

In Maths, we have had a big focus on Arithmetic. We have been answering lots of questions and exploring the different methods we can use to work each question out. It has been great to see the children sharing their methods with each as well!

In English, we have been doing our Classic Fiction ‘big write’. I am SO impressed with the standard of the writing the class are producing! Some of us need to be more consistent with punctuation and spelling; however, all of the class have been trying their very hardest!

In Science, we are researching Charles Darwin, in preparation to write a mini-biography on him.


This week’s Golden Award went to Jimmy, as he is such a caring and considerate member of the class.

This week’s Writing Award went to Bethany for her great choice of language in her Classic Fiction write.

Enjoy your weekend!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

Well, we are now officially half way through our year 6 journey. We have got a lot of preparation when we come back after half term, as there is a lot coming up. It is so important that we continue to put all our focus in to our learning and try our hardest-I cannot ask for any more than this! (EFFORT=SUCCESS)

This week we have been looking at shapes and angles in Maths. We have completed a guided write in English, ready to do our independent write when we come back. In Science we have been exploring evidence for evolution, in Geography we have been looking at the landscape around us and how it affects the way we live and in computing we finally presented our Bletchley Park PowerPoints to the rest of the class-they were amazing!

It was also Safer Internet Day this week, with a focus on ‘Online Identity’. We talked about how it is important to ‘feel free to be me’ when we are online, however there is a limit to ‘freedom of expression’ if this involves unkind or hurtful actions/comments online, that could cause upset to others. We also looked at our own online identity, ensuring that we are responsible when we are online, and what to do if others are not.


This week’s Golden Award went to Layla for her amazing attitude towards her learning.

The Writing Award went to Ellie for her effective use of metaphor in her descriptive work.

I hope you all have a lovely week off!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

Well, where has the time gone?! Can you believe that next week we will be half way through the school year? We have had a great year so far, and I am looking forward to what the other half will bring (a lot of challenges, that is for sure!).

This week…

In Maths, we have been interpreting and drawing pie charts. This sounds a lot easier that it is, as when drawing pie charts we have to work out percentages, fractions and precise angles!

In English, we completed our formal letters and now we are gathering content, ready for our guided write next week. We will be using the story of The Wizard of Oz but changing key details, to make it our own. We have already create a classic fiction opening toolkit and an introduction to new characters toolkit, which will help us to do this.

In Science, we have continued looking at animal adaptations, and contemplating the question ‘How could animal/plant adaptations lead to the evolution of a species?’

In computing, we have been making power point presentations on Bletchley Park. These are nearly ready for us to present in out next lesson.

In Our Sports4Champions lesson, we tried out many sports-some for the first time ever! These included archery, boccia, curling and volleyball.


This week’s Golden Award went to Matthew for being such an eager and enthusiastic learner.

The Writing Award went to Jimmy for his great choice of vocabulary. Jimmy’s written work is also ALWAYS presented beautifully.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater

In our Sports4Champions this week, we have been sampling different fruits. These included strawberries, mango, grapes, pineapple, kiwi and melon. For some of us this was the first time we had tried them…we rated each fruit, in terms of taste, and thought of a word to describe each one. Hopefully this activity will help towards us achieving our 5-a-day, having discovered a new or (renewed)love for a variety of fruits.

In Maths, we have been finding the mean (average) and range from a set of data. We also started to read and interpret line graphs.

In English, we have been writing letters to the Wizard of Oz, in role of Scarecrow, requesting a brain. We had to ensure our letters were written in a formal manner.

In Science, we have been focusing on how animals adapted to different environments and how this, over a long period of time, can lead to the evolution of a species.

In Geography, we have continued to looked at human and physical features across the UK.

In Art, we have continued with our pencils sketches of characters from The Wizard of Oz.

We have not had Golden Assembly this week, therefore I will add the Award Winners to the blog on Monday.

REMINDER: Mrs McVey has requested that anyone that would like to submit a design for the front cover of the Taming of the Shrew programme, which will be given out at the Grand Theatre, hands their entry in by Monday. This design must be portrait A4 and it must not have any text on at all, just pictures. The winning design will be printed on the programme.

I Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray.

AuthorCatherine Slater

I have been so proud of the whole of the class this week. They have shown great resilience and determination, and I can assure you, the hard-work IS paying off!

In Maths, we have been converting between miles and kilometres. As miles are not metric measurements, this has proved to be a little trickier than the conversions we were doing last week. We used the fact 5 miles=8 kilometres, to explore what other facts we know, e.g 10 miles must be equal to 16km. This then halp us to solve problems that involved converting between the two. We will revisit this in out Morning Maths!

In English, we have all become budding poets! I have been blown away by the poems, written in free verse, that the class have produced all about the cyclone from the opening of The Wizard of Oz. They have all used figurative language, and carefully selected vocabulary to produce stunning pieces of written work! When fully completed, we will put these on display to be shared with everyone in school.

In Science, we have been looking at Inheritance and Variation. We have compared inherited characteristics with acquired characteristic, and then explored what biological features we have inherited from our parents-it’s surprising how many children don’t know their parents’ eye colour!!!

In our Sport4Champions lesson this week, we got to hold the ACTUAL Olympic silver Medal that Shelly Woods won in the 2012 London Olympics!! Not only have we had the privilege of meeting the star athlete, we got to touch a real Olympic medal-how lucky are we?! We also plated a variety of team sports in our lesson. Don’t forget to keep up with your daily physical activities and eating as many fruit and veg a day as possible-it’s all being recorded in their Sports4Champions booklets, with the opportunity to win some great prizes!


This week’s Golden Award went to Olivia for her sheer determination and resilience!

This week’s Writing Award was a tricky one to pick, as I loved so many of the poems. However, I did choose Luke, as he has chosen such powerful language to really paint the image of the cyclone in the Reader’s head!

Have a great weekend all!

Miss Slater, Mirs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater

As one of our virtues this half term is to be curious,  we have been trying our best to put this into action! We have discussed the importance of asking questions, as being inquisitive helps us to learn even more. In all areas of our learning this week, I have been encouraging the children to be active in their own learning by asking questions, particularly if they’re not sure about something or if they just want to dig a little deeper. Just accepting what someone says as truth, even when we don’t understand it ourselves, hinders us from gaining a more in-depth understanding of a concept. So please, year 6, ask away!!

Now let’s take a look at the amazing learning that has been taking place this week….

In Maths we have been converting measurements, with a particular focus on grams and kilograms. We looked at the reason we multiply or divide by 1000 to covert between the two….because there are 1000g in 1kg. We then made links with converting other measurements….we multiply cm by 10 to get mm because there are 10mm in 1cm, for example.

In English, we have been focusing on chapter 1 of The Wizard of Oz. We have watched a film clip of the cyclone and answered questions on camera angles and we highlighted any words/phrases/sentences to describe the cyclone, from our Descriptosaurus (this is an amzing book!). We then re-read the chapter to magpie any more descriptive words/phrases about the cyclone. This will help us next week when we write a descriptive piece of writing!

In Geography, we were looking at a map of the UK. At the beginning of the lesson, we had a go at labeling where we thought the boundaries, countries and capital cities were, and any other towns/cities we may know. Following this, we got our atlases out, and used this to label another map of the UK. We compared our two maps to see where we were right and where our misconceptions were…

In Computing, we have been looking at what makes a website secure. This linked in with keeping our private information, private, and what we should do if we are unsure about a website we are on. We looked at signs that tell us a website is secure as well as where to find the ‘privacy policy’ on a website, so we can read up on exactly what that website does with our personal information…


This week’s Golden Award went to Riley W for his consistent hard work this week!

This week’s Writing Award went to Kacey-Reece for the high quality of his written work this week!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater

I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year…I hope 2020 is just as good, if not better, than last year!!

This week Year 6 have truly shown me that 2020 is going to be a good year, as they have come back eager to learn and determined to succeed! This half term, we are aiming to be more curious and active, which reflects two of the virtues from our Jesuit tree. It is so important to be inquisitive and ask questions in order to learn more and reflect deeply on these ideas. We will also be taking active approaches academically, socially and emotionally, ensuring we do all we can to help ourselves and those around us.

Let’s take a look at what we’ve been up to this week…..

In Maths we have been multiplying and dividing fractions by a whole number (integer). We have also been doing a lot of reasoning questions together, focusing on HOW we can solve the problems-what do we know and what do we need to find out?

In English, we have started our new unit on Classic Fiction. We started off by having an open debate about what we would say classic fiction is. Is it just literature that has stood the test of time, and has been passed on from generation to generation, or could we consider modern literature to be classic too?? I think we were all in agreeance that older and modern novels can BOTH be classic!

In Science, we have observed changes over time and reported on our findings. We left three slices of bread in three different conditions over the Christmas break to observe mould growth. We could clearly see that some slices had grown much more mould than others…but why?? Ask us, we know!!

In Geography, we will be looking at the UK and investigating who we are as a nation. We will be looking at what life is like currently, linking in with current affairs, as well as comparing ourselves with other countries. We will be looking at maps, human and physical features and much more.

In RE, we were reflecting on what gifts we could offer baby Jesus, just like the Three Wise Men offered up gifts on the feast of The Epiphany.


This week’s Golden Award went to Kyle for his growth mindset. Even in the face of a challenge, Kyle always gives it all!

This week’s Writing Award went to Cameron for his great exploration of vocabulary.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

Well, I cannot believe we have reached Christmas time already! They do say time flies when you’re having fun…

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of year 6 for their hard work and efforts thus far. I am incredibly proud to see how far they have all come since September, and I am exited for what the new year will bring! This term has not been without its challenges, but these have proved to make us even more resilient and determined to succeed.

Next year, we have a LOT coming up, and is more important than ever that we are all prepared to continue to put in the hard work to achieve our goals…EFFORT = SUCCESS!!

I would also like to say a huge thank you to all parents/guardians for your continued support! I really appreciate all that you do to help your child on their learning journey, particularly as this journey is nearing its end!


Although I have not set any book homework, I have sent each child home with a Classic Fiction Film Bingo Card. As our next English unit is Classic fiction, I thought it would be a fun way to get them to watch as many as they can during the festive period….what makes a ‘Classic’ a classic??

Can I please ask that all of year 6 continue to read as regularly as possible at home as well!


This week’s Golden Award went to Fayth for her exemplary behaviour and attitude towards school life!

The Writing Award went to Layla for her brilliant independent Biography.

The Maths Award went to Jimmy to acknowledge how well he has been doing with his maths this term!

I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!! Enjoy the festive period!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

As Christmas draws near, we have been thinking of how we can prepare for the arrival of Christ. Advent is also a time to be hopeful, faithful, joyful and peaceful. We have all made our Advent promises, which we will make a special effort to fulfill, whether that is being more forgiving, helping those in need or being more faith filled, for example.

We have also been preparing ourselves in other ways this week….

In Maths, we have been preparing ourselves for percentages by looking in more depth as fractions. We will be delving into percentages next week and making connections between the two.

In English, we are preparing ourselves for our biography independent write. This week we have been working together to model what a really good biography looks like, through our guided writes, and they have been having a go at magpie-ing ideas to create their own paragraphs.

In Science, we have been using classification keys to group animals, using questions that will separate our chosen animals into groups. This is in preparation for next week when we will be exploring and classifying broader groups of animals, including microorganisms.

Over the next couple of weeks, we will also be preparing ourselves for the KS2 Carol Service. The Carol Service will be held at Our Lady’s Church, 18th December @ 2.30pm.


It has come to my attention that I have (too) many children that are not reading regularly at home-some have not read in months! I cannot stress how important it is for the children to keep up with regular reading. This lack of reading at home is resulting in some children not taking many quizzes, which makes it hard for me to see their progress and/or areas for development. This is my plea for parents/guardians at home to encourage or remind your child that reading at home is SO important and must be done on a regular basis. Hopefully, we can work together to boost the confidence of the readers in this class, and increase the number of quizzes being taken and the number of reading bookmarks being completed. Thank you for your support in this matter.


This week’s Golden Award went to Bethany. Bethany is an absolute superstar who ALWAYS shines her light!

This week’s Writing Award went to Joshua for his language choice. Joshua carefully magpied vocab that he really liked from our guided writes but also added in his own choice of vocabulary, that made his writing even better!

Thank you once again for all of your continued support!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

Let’s see what we’ve been up to this week, now that we’ve recovered from the action-packed week at Water Park….

We have been so lucky this week, as Dan Worsley (!!) has been in our class, delivering an amazing writing workshop. We have already done some planning, ready to re-write the introduction to one of Dan’s ‘Impossible Tales’. We have been ‘magpie-ing’ some great vocabulary and phrases from the original text, and adding our own ideas to the original too…

As well as doing amazing work with fractions, in Maths, and retrieving and inferring information from our biographies, in English, we have created some fantastic pieces of WW2 related art work. The pictures speak for themselves….

This week’s GOLDEN AWARD winner was Freya. I gave Freya the award this week as she is always so focused, ready to learn, and puts all her efforts into the work she produces!


When we return to school on Monday, it will mark the beginning of Advent. Advent is a really important period of the liturgical year, as we are preparing ourselves for the birth of Christ. Be thinking over the weekend what your Advent Promise will be this year-how can you show that you are preparing for the birth of Jesus, our Saviour?!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater

We are half way through our week here at Waterpark and we have had another busy day…

Swirlhow: today we have had our journey day and we went in a canoe. we rode it to an island which was about 1 mile away and we played a game and then we went to another island were we met the Whetherlam group. Riley J

Whetherlam: today our group went canoeing to peel island and explored the island and then we played sardines. We went back at Waterpark we went on waterpark’s high ‘n’ low ropes. After that, when we had returned to waterpark, we did indoor ourinteering with our leader Eddie. Riley W & Matthew

Brown Pike: Today we went in the indoor climbing wall, we played lots of games and many of us reached the top! Then we had lunch and went straight out sailing, which was a very very long journey! Although it was not very windy, we persevered and tried our hardest. Mitchell

Conniston: Today was a really fun day. It was sort of scary at the same time because we went into a cave. At first, it was a really tight squeeze and then there was this really big bit. There were 2 paths, one leading into a gate where we went first. Inside there was a really big space and there was some yellow paint on the walls. Then there were massive stone walls and we saw a man abseiling down it. We climbed down a hole which was really fun. We then met another class. Then we went in a dark bit which was really long and lots of movies were made in there. Luke

The children played Aliens tonight and have been sharing their Christmas stories. We are looking forward to a restful sleep so we can enjoy our last full day tomorrow!

Year Six

AuthorLeanne Dixon

We are half way through our week here at Waterpark and we have been very busy…


AuthorLeanne Dixon

Our first full day has been jam packed, I will let our stars of the day fill you in on all of the action!

Whetherlam have been canoeing this morning on the lakes. We had to travel to many different points and played different games. After this, we went orienting to find numbers around Water Parks. We had a fantastic day!-Beth

Conniston - First we did indoor rock climbing which was very fun and someone people did there climbing blindfolded . Then we did cannoning in the lake where we had to race each other and go on islands where we played lots of fun games .-Layla

Brown pike have been orienteering all around waterpark. Then we went on a hike to the caves and it was awsome! we had to go in a dark cave and use candles to find our way.Next we went out side to climb to the top of the outside of the cave. It was really high! We also Had our lunch out side on the rocks. we played lots of games and had a lot of fun!-Fayth

Swirl How went gill walking and it was very fun for me and I even got to push some people in the gill! Some of us got very wet and filled our well boots to the brim with water. We also did orienteering in the morning which kept us very busy. We had to really put our map-reading skills to the test.- Kyle

Here are pictures of our day 2 antics….

AuthorLeanne Dixon

We have arrived safely at Waterpark and we were straight into the action…

Whetherlam started to cilmb up the river, it was cold but we got there in the end. We had competitions to swim in the deep part of the river and fall (jump) into it aswell! - Scarlett

Conniston went ghyll climbing, which is where we climbed along the rocks, through the stream. Then we had different challenges, like holding a pebble in your hand whilst scrambling. Then we jumped in at the end! - Jessica

Brown Pike went kayaking, every single one of us was determined to not fall in. We were wobbly at times but kept going. We played games to keep us warm because it felt like we were in Antarctica! We will keep it up for the rest of the week. - Natalie

Swirlhow went canoeing, where we had four boats, two tied together and another pair tied together. Then we went down the lake to Octopus Lagoon, after that we went back to the lake. We played football to the shore. Even though most of our hands felt like were going to freeze completely! - Suzanna

Our evening activity tonight was manhunt. The children loved using their torches and working in groups to find their friends. There was a bonus round for the children, to find the teachers! They did not manage to do that tonight, better luck next time Year 6!

The four children who have written a section of the blog tonight were the stars of their group today, welldone!

We look forward to blogging our activities after a busy day tomorrow and pictures will follow shortly!

Year Six

AuthorLeanne Dixon

In Maths, we have been continuing looking at written method for multiplication. Most of us have mastered multiplying as 4 digit number by a 1 digit number, however, when we multiply them by a TWO digit number, this is where we have found it slightly trickier, Regardless of this, and due to our growth mindsets, we are doing a great job at getting our heads around it. This week we also did a short arithmetic test and I was so pleased with the overall scores from the class!

In English, we have used Walt Disney’s biography to draft a letter of application in response to a job advert from PIXAR. We have had great fun jumping into Disney’s shoes and wooing the head of PIXAR, trying to persuade them to employ us (or should I say Disney!) for the role. We had to pick apart formal letters before we could do any of this, and we used evidence from Disney’s biography to support each bullet point from the person specification.

In History, we have been looking in more depth at the events of ‘The Blitz’. We have used our knowledge to argue for/against the questions ‘Was there a Blitz Spirit?’

This week we have also been drafting Christmas stories, ready to share one cosy evening next week. I think I speak on behalf of the whole class when I say we are all really excited for our residential!


We will be updating this blog daily, along with pictures, next week so please make sure you check regularly to see what we’ve been up to!


This week’s Golden Award went to Mitchell for his continued efforts in year 6.

This week’s Writing Award went to Alana for making a great start to her formal letter.

Have a lovely weekend and make sure you are all well-rested, ready for a very active week ahead!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

Let’s see what we’ve been up to this week:

In Maths, we have been using the long and short written method of multiplication when solving problems. We’re all becoming more and more confident with this by the day!

In English, we have started our new unit on Biographies. We have looked at many different biographies this week, each one with a different reading focus in mind. We have summarised, identified and explored key vocabulary, scanned texts for key information and identified cohesive devices! So may different skills that we are developing!

This week we have also had the opportunity to paint our spitfires (pictures to follow!)-and what fun we had doing this! We are going to display them in a communal area in school so that other classes can see our masterpieces. It is also a nice way for us to commemorate Armistice Day on Monday. We will also be leading an Armistice Day assembly on Monday, to the rest of the school!


This week’s Golden Award went to Jessica. Jessica is a shining star that makes me proud EVERY day!

This week’s writing award went to Holly for her consistent punctuation across ALL her written work!

This week’s Maths Award went to Luke for his amazing work on written multiplication!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater

This week we celebrated WORLD MATHS DAY! We had lots of fun playing games AND making games. I was so impressed by the efforts everyone in the class went to…they all looked fab! Here are some pictures of our day…

This week we have also had great fun making model Spitfires and Messerschmitts (German aircrafts!), from clay. Next week we will be painting them too!

It has been a jam packed week, and we sure have started the half term by hitting the ground running!

We also celebrated All Saints Day today, and as a whole school, we went over to Mass. See if you can find out what Saint you share your first or middle name with! You can share what you’ve found out about your Saint in class next week!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater

Well I cannot believe that we are already 1/6 of the way through Year 6….and what a great half term it has been!

I have been so pleased with the work ethos of all of the class-I am very lucky to have a team of hard-workers!

Already, in such a short space of time, I have seen so much progression in Maths and English! Every morning, we do our ‘fluent in 5’ Maths questions, and it has made me so proud to see the whole class become more and more confident with their written and mental methods with arithmetic!

In English, I have been so pleased to see how everyone has tried their very hardest to ensure that their independent Big Writes reflect all the work we have done building up to it, including our GPS focuses!

I have really high expectations for ALL the children in this class, and it has made me so proud to see that they all have high expectations for themselves too-this is a recipe for success!!


Maths Day is on 31st October (first Thursday back!) On this day we encourage the children to come dressed in a Maths themed outfit! It’s going to be a great day!

I hope you all have a well-earned week off, and come back ready for what I am sure will be another fantastic half term. It will be Christmas before we know it!!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater