I have been so proud of the whole of the class this week. They have shown great resilience and determination, and I can assure you, the hard-work IS paying off!

In Maths, we have been converting between miles and kilometres. As miles are not metric measurements, this has proved to be a little trickier than the conversions we were doing last week. We used the fact 5 miles=8 kilometres, to explore what other facts we know, e.g 10 miles must be equal to 16km. This then halp us to solve problems that involved converting between the two. We will revisit this in out Morning Maths!

In English, we have all become budding poets! I have been blown away by the poems, written in free verse, that the class have produced all about the cyclone from the opening of The Wizard of Oz. They have all used figurative language, and carefully selected vocabulary to produce stunning pieces of written work! When fully completed, we will put these on display to be shared with everyone in school.

In Science, we have been looking at Inheritance and Variation. We have compared inherited characteristics with acquired characteristic, and then explored what biological features we have inherited from our parents-it’s surprising how many children don’t know their parents’ eye colour!!!

In our Sport4Champions lesson this week, we got to hold the ACTUAL Olympic silver Medal that Shelly Woods won in the 2012 London Olympics!! Not only have we had the privilege of meeting the star athlete, we got to touch a real Olympic medal-how lucky are we?! We also plated a variety of team sports in our lesson. Don’t forget to keep up with your daily physical activities and eating as many fruit and veg a day as possible-it’s all being recorded in their Sports4Champions booklets, with the opportunity to win some great prizes!


This week’s Golden Award went to Olivia for her sheer determination and resilience!

This week’s Writing Award was a tricky one to pick, as I loved so many of the poems. However, I did choose Luke, as he has chosen such powerful language to really paint the image of the cyclone in the Reader’s head!

Have a great weekend all!

Miss Slater, Mirs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater