As one of our virtues this half term is to be curious,  we have been trying our best to put this into action! We have discussed the importance of asking questions, as being inquisitive helps us to learn even more. In all areas of our learning this week, I have been encouraging the children to be active in their own learning by asking questions, particularly if they’re not sure about something or if they just want to dig a little deeper. Just accepting what someone says as truth, even when we don’t understand it ourselves, hinders us from gaining a more in-depth understanding of a concept. So please, year 6, ask away!!

Now let’s take a look at the amazing learning that has been taking place this week….

In Maths we have been converting measurements, with a particular focus on grams and kilograms. We looked at the reason we multiply or divide by 1000 to covert between the two….because there are 1000g in 1kg. We then made links with converting other measurements….we multiply cm by 10 to get mm because there are 10mm in 1cm, for example.

In English, we have been focusing on chapter 1 of The Wizard of Oz. We have watched a film clip of the cyclone and answered questions on camera angles and we highlighted any words/phrases/sentences to describe the cyclone, from our Descriptosaurus (this is an amzing book!). We then re-read the chapter to magpie any more descriptive words/phrases about the cyclone. This will help us next week when we write a descriptive piece of writing!

In Geography, we were looking at a map of the UK. At the beginning of the lesson, we had a go at labeling where we thought the boundaries, countries and capital cities were, and any other towns/cities we may know. Following this, we got our atlases out, and used this to label another map of the UK. We compared our two maps to see where we were right and where our misconceptions were…

In Computing, we have been looking at what makes a website secure. This linked in with keeping our private information, private, and what we should do if we are unsure about a website we are on. We looked at signs that tell us a website is secure as well as where to find the ‘privacy policy’ on a website, so we can read up on exactly what that website does with our personal information…


This week’s Golden Award went to Riley W for his consistent hard work this week!

This week’s Writing Award went to Kacey-Reece for the high quality of his written work this week!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater