Let’s see what we’ve been up to this week:

In Maths, we have been using the long and short written method of multiplication when solving problems. We’re all becoming more and more confident with this by the day!

In English, we have started our new unit on Biographies. We have looked at many different biographies this week, each one with a different reading focus in mind. We have summarised, identified and explored key vocabulary, scanned texts for key information and identified cohesive devices! So may different skills that we are developing!

This week we have also had the opportunity to paint our spitfires (pictures to follow!)-and what fun we had doing this! We are going to display them in a communal area in school so that other classes can see our masterpieces. It is also a nice way for us to commemorate Armistice Day on Monday. We will also be leading an Armistice Day assembly on Monday, to the rest of the school!


This week’s Golden Award went to Jessica. Jessica is a shining star that makes me proud EVERY day!

This week’s writing award went to Holly for her consistent punctuation across ALL her written work!

This week’s Maths Award went to Luke for his amazing work on written multiplication!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Slater, Mrs Murray & Miss Evans

AuthorCatherine Slater