Well, I cannot believe we have reached Christmas time already! They do say time flies when you’re having fun…
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of year 6 for their hard work and efforts thus far. I am incredibly proud to see how far they have all come since September, and I am exited for what the new year will bring! This term has not been without its challenges, but these have proved to make us even more resilient and determined to succeed.
Next year, we have a LOT coming up, and is more important than ever that we are all prepared to continue to put in the hard work to achieve our goals…EFFORT = SUCCESS!!
I would also like to say a huge thank you to all parents/guardians for your continued support! I really appreciate all that you do to help your child on their learning journey, particularly as this journey is nearing its end!
Although I have not set any book homework, I have sent each child home with a Classic Fiction Film Bingo Card. As our next English unit is Classic fiction, I thought it would be a fun way to get them to watch as many as they can during the festive period….what makes a ‘Classic’ a classic??
Can I please ask that all of year 6 continue to read as regularly as possible at home as well!
This week’s Golden Award went to Fayth for her exemplary behaviour and attitude towards school life!
The Writing Award went to Layla for her brilliant independent Biography.
The Maths Award went to Jimmy to acknowledge how well he has been doing with his maths this term!
I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!! Enjoy the festive period!
Miss Slater, Miss Evans & Mrs Murray